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Missing Kitten

Posted: Nov 20, 2009

Need advice.  My daughter's 7-month old kitten managed to knock loose a corner of a window screen yesterday morning and jumped out!  Needless to say, I was home alone, working in my office, so I figure she had about a 2-hour head start before I realized what had happened.  Been all over the neighborhood, have many neighbors on the lookout, but no luck yet.  We live in an area that has many potential kitty hiding spots (woods, etc.)  I'm at a loss and feel horrible not knowing if she is safe or coming home.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  TIA


put out food - Happy MT Robin

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I had this happen a long time ago with a feral kitten that I had in the house. I put out food and he came back the next night and I was able to get him back inside using a can of Fancy Feast.

If the food doesn't work on its own, you might look into getting a live trap.

Good luck!!!

flyers, call vets in the area, visit animal services... - clunybrown

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I know you've got several neighbors keeping an eye out, but following up with flyers with a picture of the kitten couldn't hurt, posting them around the neighborhood and leaving them in mailboxes. I would also leave these flyers at near-by vets' offices and make a visit to your local animal services. She probably didn't go far. Good luck and keep us posted.

How about an update? - Happy MT Robin

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Any luck on getting the kitten back home?

Lost kitty - sm

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Don't give up. My daughter's kitty disappeared and we did the vet, pound, neighbor routine. No luck. Then about 3 months after that I went to pick up grandchildren, we drove by a house 1 block down from my daughter's house and there she was sitting outside on a porch like she owned it. She was well kept, well fed and had a new collar on. My granddaughter called to Pumpkin, she remembered and came running. She was a gorgeous yellow and white with a huge puffy tail that everyone always commented on. Quite spectacular. I don't know if the people had kept her on purpose or just took her in as a stray, but we sure as heck took her back. I called daughter at work and she broke down in tears. She had given up.

Keep looking and if all else fails hope someone who loves kitties has her in under their care.

Missing Kitten...update - Ditto

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Just a quick update. No sign of Evie, the missing kitty. She's been gone for 4 days now, and though we've tried everything (calling shelters/vets, putting food out, searching the neighborhood)--no luck.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I'll certainly keep searching for her!

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