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Generally Speaking Update

Posted: May 28, 2010

Just wanted to let you know that I asked the question below (Would you be comfortable with another woman discussing her marital problems with your husband) because I actually had the unfortunate experience.  A mom on our son's ball team started complaining about her husband to my husband (he coaches).  My husband told me about it as soon as it started, but we really didn't think much of it.  As the season progressed, her complaints progressed and the flirting started.  My husband is naturally flirtatious, so I could see a problem coming.  My husband told me everything she said about her husband as the conversations occurred and I warned him that she might think their friendship could lead to something more.  Then last week he came home from practice and told me he thought I might be right.  He said she initiated a conversation that made him feel uncomfortable.  I asked if he told her that and he said no, that he just had to go.  Here's how the conversation went:

At the previous practice, my son was hanging out with a couple of the other players and their moms (who knows where their dads are) and my husband went up to get our son and the moms were talking about their ex's and their current spouses' ex's.  They asked my husband about ours and he said we didn't have any ex's.  He then went on to JOKE that he looked into divorce but it's cheaper to keep me.  My husband jokes around a lot and most people know that.  Unfortunately, this woman with the husband problems was there when he said it.  Nothing was said at that point and he took our son and came home.

Then at the next practice, this woman comes up to my husband and says she "has a bone to pick about his earlier comment".  My husband had no clue what she was talking about (this was about 2 or 3 days later).  She flirted around with him saying "think about it".  At the end of the practice, she came back up and asked if he had thought about it and he said no and asked what she was talking about.  She said about divorcing your wife and he said that was just a joke.  Then she went on to ask if we were having problems.  He said no -- none (which was true at that point) and then she kind of stammered around and started complaining about her husband and asking if my husband noticed that they weren't standing together at the games, etc.  My husband said no he didn't notice and that he had to go. 

My husband does not like confrontation.  As he was telling me all this, when he got to the part about her coming back the next day to reopen the discussion, the red flags went up.  We discussed it completely that night and he said he honestly didn't realize she was coming on to him.  I told him he would confront her and tell her to stop and I would tell her the same when I saw her.

Turns out I saw her the next day.  I asked if I could speak to her a moment in private and very calmly said "I don't think it's appropriate for you to discuss your marital problems with my husband.  I want it to stop."  She immediately denied it and said they were just friends.  I repeated my request and then she got defensive, saying my husband tells her she's hot (she's not).  I laughed then saying that my husband tells the 80-year-old lady at the bank she's hot.  Seriously, he does.  The older or uglier someone is, the more likely my husband is to flirt with them because they're easy targets.  Then she got mad and said my husband discusses our marital problems with her -- LIE.  My husband and I are best friends.  We have the normal spats, but I'm not blind.  The only problem we had prior to this was our working hours (he's days and I'm nights, but we have weekends together).  I then told her I would ask HER husband how he felt about their "talks" and walked away.  She yelled after me to come back but I kept going.  I had a feeling I would knock her lights out if I stood there another minute.

I immediately called my husband and told him about our confrontation and he said he does not think she's hot, although he admitted he jokes about it (which I knew) and that he most certainly did not discuss our marriage with her.  He went to the game that night and after the game (I was working), he told her he wanted to speak with her.  She brought her husband (who didn't really have a clue what was going on) and my husband told them that he wanted to apologize for any misread intentions.  The woman insisted everything was done in a joking manner and she wouldn't let my husband tell any of the details of the conversation in front of her husband.  She said that I overreacted and made a scene.  She also asked my husband why he would tell me about their conversations and my husband said b/c he has nothing to hide.  Apparently, she did.  Her husband looked surprised (according to my husband) as parts of the story above came out.  She then said that she didn't think they could continue their friendship and my husband said "the feeling's mutual" and that she wasn't worth losing his wife over.

In the end, I think I did the right thing by confronting her.  I'm the type of person who needs to get something off my chest.  I wanted her to know that I knew what was going on and that I wasn't going to stand for it.  I don't think my husband was innocent in all of this but I don't believe his intentions were bad.  I love my husband enough to forgive him of this and have cautioned him on future situations.  I told him no more flirting with anyone other than me.  I also told him no female friendships of any kind.  I have never had any male friendships, either.  At first, I felt guilty laying down these rules, but after reading the posts yesterday, I think I did the right thing.  I know that if he wants to be with someone else, he will be, but I honestly believe he didn't realize what was going on until the "uncomfortable conversation". 

Thanks for the posts below.  I needed the validation.


Good for you... - on so many levels (sm)

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I replied to your original post. My husband and I were in counseling because this very thing between he and another woman got out of hand. Her husband ended up calling me and telling me about it. He had, in fact, discussed some of our marital issues with her, ones that I thought were long resolved, but apparently not in his eyes. We were on the brink of divorce, I had told him to "get out" and take his stuff with him. I was done...then we decided to seek counseling.

Our counselor explicitly "forbids" male-female friendships on any level. My husband also was a big flirter and joked around with people, unfortunately he learned a very valuable lesson the hard way. He no longer does that, no longer has any conversation whatsoever with females, and keeps our marriage private, even to his male friends.

I'm proud of you for standing up to the homewrecker and to your husband. You have every right to lay down ground rules in your home and marriage. So many things are working against marriage and family these days...without some sort of rules, it just will not work.

I'm also happy that your husband was up front and (mostly) honest with you. It's that character that makes him attractive to women (my husband's the same way...women LOVE him).

Be proud of what you did, you took control of an otherwise out of control (or heading that way) situation and nipped it! Good for you...stick to your ground on this one, too. Don't let even one exception happen. It can get very ugly and very complicated before you know it!

Generally speaking updae - Sick of it

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There are a lot of women out there today that have trouble with boundaries, as in not being able to stay within them. And most men, even the nice ones,like the flattery.

You absolutely did the right thing confronting her.

sick - boundaries

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Its good that you and your husband discussed it together. The only thing I would have done differently, is during the face to face conversation with her, have your husband by your side. that way there is no issue or confusion about her interpretations of their past conversations. A side by side, husband and wife team is a much stronger fortress. By confronting her one on one you run the risk of the conversations turning catty, just like she did, "your husband thinks i'm hot"...

However, I think absolutely you did the right thing. Hope you and miss kitty can stand each other at the kid's baseball games! (I'm sure YOU can)

Reply to teach DH a lesson - OP

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My husband and I joke around a lot. If I'd have been there when he said it, he would have given me a kiss and said he wouldn't have it any other way. Not all relationships are like this, though.

As for starting this, the woman had been confiding in my husband about her marital problems for the last month. I think she was going to make her move regardless. I don't believe my husband is blameless and he knows it.

At our last outing, he was more subdued than normal, but still friendly, and people noticed. He said he was just behaving himself. Lesson learned.

I wished men would stop making "tasteless" and - teach your DH a lesson

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"stupid" jokes, like your husband did with his "looked into divorce but it's cheaper to keep me" joke.

THIS started the whole thing since this "unhappy" woman believed it, and look at the chain reaction the stupid joke of your husband caused.

This are the kinds of "jokes" that people have to apologize for, afterwards, by saying "Sorry, I did not mean it," and there are always people out there who doubt if it was really all a joke or maybe a hint of "reality."

I, actually, blame ONLY your husband, for his stupidity.

I am curious how did you react when hearing his "insulting" joke? Did you join into the laughter? Out of politeness or because you did not want to "embarrass" your husband?

I would allow my husband only ONCE to make a joke of this sort, the next time I would "embarrass" him in front of everybody, right on the spot, to show him that he cannot make stupid jokes at my expense, just to appear "funny."

Good for you! - RubySoho

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I would do the exact same thing if it were my husband and I in the middle of this mess. No bored housewife is going to take MY man, not if I have anything to say or do about it. It's a good thing he came forward to you about what she was up to initially. I hardly think if your husband had anything at all to hide he would have been so up front with you, so I think you're doing the right thing by giving him the benefit of the doubt here. And, let's face it...sometimes guys are just DUMB. They can't see the writing on the wall with a danged magnifying glass, whereas we ladies can because we know how "we" (collective we) operate and can see the red flags.

I'm really glad this worked out for you and just wanted to validate the way you handled it. I've been with my husband for 3 years and pretty much he's evolved not only into my husband, but my best friend, confidante, etc. I've grown so attached to him that another woman would have to drag him out of my dead, cold claws before I'd willingly give him up.

I think you did ALL of us wives proud with the way you handled this, so thank you from this CA wife who would take the same course!

flirting is playing with fire - sm

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My husband and I don't talk to the opposite sex. Its just not appropriate to flirt because it leads to other things. You confronting that woman was very brave. I can imagine how hard it was. A woman was flirting with my husband a couple of times where he got uncomfortable, and I was so violated by her (a family member by marriage). He told me to have a talk with her, but I just couldn't do it. I will in the future if this ever happens again, even though the whole situation sounds pretty embarrassing for everyone involved (as it should be). Great job!

Agreed, and I find the sight of another woman casting her net - Disgusting

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No prude here and if the guy is available, by all means go for it with everything you've got!

But watching a desperate woman cloying and flirting and casting out her charms to try to get another woman's man is just gagworthy, IMO. I understand many women get duped by NOT knowing a guy is married/in a relationship, but these women who knowingly set out to trap another woman's man and watching their behavior is just...well, disgusting, frankly.

If you can't get your won available man, stay away from MY man...If I were the OP, I honestly think if that woman had said one wrong word, I'd have taken her down on the spot and turned it into one of those scenes from "Dynasty" or "Dallas" or something, lol!

OP, on the behalf of married ladies everywhere, thanks for handling it with tact and discretion. I'm not sure I would have had that type of self-control that you demonstrated.


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