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Old Lady - Update

Posted: Jun 27, 2013

An update here to a post a couple weeks ago.  I had my meeting, but that day I felt a noticable change in the "climate".  Since that time I honestly feel that the OM and her buddies are ganging up on me.  I am drowning in work that I cannot keep up with.  Our new people are in and I have been assigned to train.  Because of that I cannot perform my daily duties as newbies need constant guidance.  It has been one week, and I got called in and was given a verbal warning!  I explained myself, defended by inability to properly and effectively perform my routine duties with training, no back up help, and the patient volume that we have.  I was told that it was inexcusable.  All of this week OM has basically ignored me, obviously very angry, and I think that's waaaay unprofessional!  

Just as bad, her work buddies are giving me little BS tasks, further putting me behind.

I honestly feel this is a hostile environment (passive agressive type) and that they are trying to drive me out!  The doc has a bit of attitude as well.  It infuriates me!  I AM a darm good and hard worker in an impossible situation at this instance!  I told them that it's not a hard job, I simply CANNOT do it alone, and I am, alone in this. 

One of my newbies even commented "wow... I hope the OM isn't always so grumpy and mean, I left my hometown for this job!"  (she overheard her talking to ME!)

I was eating lunch yesterday in our breakroom, and OM and her buddy came in from picking up take out, looked at me and decided to eat lunch in her office!  w-o-w... 

I promise, nothing about the initial meeting took a personal tone.  I asked for help, she said she'd try to redirect some duties.  I asked for a weekend day, she said no.  (yet for 2 saturdays in a row, buddy of hers gets OT...)  I believe they want me gone.  I have never been fired, given a warning and I'm at my wits end. 

Thanks again for letting me vent.  I know I'm all over the place, but I'm in tears here, bawling like a baby from frustration and anger...  ugh!!


You need to find another job - and leave

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them to figure out their own mess.

Life is too short to have to put up with that kind of treatment.

I hope you can find a new job soon so you can leave that toxic atmosphere behind.

I have to agree. Normally I would try to work it out - but I have been in that same position

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When it gets to the point where the OM can't even sit in the break room with you...things have just deteriorated past the point of no return.

I've been in that situation. Your OM is clearly an immature individual. I've been there and done that, only in my case it was a 57 year old man who acted the same way.

Jobs may not be that easy to find, but you need to get your resume together TONIGHT and start getting them out there. If/when a job offer comes, you accept it immediately and don't worry about giving notice.

Now, for the short term, when you are given another task to do, go to the OM and say, I have tasks A through G to do. Would you please prioritize these for me so I know which ones you want done first? You're putting the ball back in her court that way.

Again, document, document, document. Even if you think something is incidental, note it down. This will come very handy if you have to file for unemployment and they fight it, which you know they will.

I am sending you all the best good wishes that I can. I have been in that kind of toxic atmosphere and ended up suicidal before I was able to extricate myself from it. I know exactly how you are feeling tonight. Stay strong and know that you WILL get through this. This is just a bump in the road.

Agree with this - sm

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Your OM is bullying you. She is recruiting a team of negative supporters. Everyone in the office, including the doc, will side with her to stay on her good side.

It is frustrating and miserable to be in that situation, but realize that it isn't your fault. Understand that the OM is probably a classic serial bully who has done this since childhood. In fact, when you leave, she WILL immediately target someone else. Your new coworker is correct to be worried. Lest you think it will take weeks for her to target a new victim, studies show it only takes them hours to a few days.

She is an evil person. And, what you did to deserve this was to be competent and intelligent. Seriously. That is her problem with you. She sees you as competition for some reason.

I recommend that you look up bullying on the internet. Learn about it so you can understand why it is not your fault and why getting out may be your healthiest option.

Yes, get your resume together and find another job pronto! That job is not worth trying to save. Yes, document everything. You are likely to need it because I can tell from what you said that she IS trying to justify firing you. She is going to do it, too.

Actually, what she really wants is to kill you, but society prevents her from doing that. Look at this with the eyes of a primitive human in a tribe. Dominant female OM sees you as competition for food, shelter, and attention, so she needs to kill you or get other tribe members to do it for her. Once you see it for what it is, you can start seeing why it might just be better to find another tribe. You don't need that one as much as you think you do. They are not necessary for your survival.

Don't take this personally. Calling this a toxic environment is an understatement ... that woman is a minion of the Evil One.

Bless you. Find the strength to get out and get another job.
agree with all posters - you will feel so much
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better about yourself after you are out of that situation. Even making up your mind TO leave, and taking positive steps towards an exit will make you feel better inside and more in control of your own future. Take your power back. Do not give it to her. good luck and many blessings.
Fried brains - Also fried
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I am so sorry but this is just about what I expected. I agree, cut your losses and get out. I've been through some interesting situations myself and I know how people "gang up." On my last MT job, the manager assigned the plum work assignments and easier tasks to the less skilled MTs and a couple of goof-offs "so that he wouldn't have to fire them." Man, was I glad when he moved on. I've garnered favor at my new job, although I'm seeing another person get forced out and it is not fun for anyone. It's a really busy time for us right now and I am wearing a couple of different hats but I got OT when I asked for it. It sounds as if you are in a small office and I think that's always worse for gossip and cliques. Don't let it leak out that you are looking elsewhere, and don't go until you are ready to go, it needs to be your decision. In the meantime, just do your best and try not to let it get you down.

Are you by any chance - masochistic?

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Why even take the pain to describe everything, feel hurt, and still go the place without fail?

what did she give you a warning for? - nm

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