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Is Obamacare HIPAA compliant? Watch this

Posted: Apr 25, 2014

short clip regarding a hidden code in the sign up for ACA insurance. Pretty scary stuff when you think about it. Why is it hidden? Why is it there? Why is nobody taking responsibility for it and seemingly nobody knows who wrote it or approved of it being inserted "blindly" into our health insurance contract?


WOW!!! - This is astounding!!

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However, I see that some of the comments are from 5 months ago. I'm wondering if this issue has been fixed by now?

P.S. This was originally posted on the "main" board. There are some comments over there as well.

This was actually back in October - and really, Barton?

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This guy Joe Barton is the one who apologized to BP for bothering them about a little oil spill, remember?

Link is below, pertinent:

"Except that, here’s the dealio:

As Barton says, users don’t actually see that line, so they’re hardly agreeing to it. As for its being “in the source code,” it turns out that even the line Barton highlighted was merely inactive boilerplate copied over from another project and switched off in the code that actually runs on the ACA website. It doesn’t do anything. It is not actually part of the website.

Barton’s “discovery” is a bit like complaining about a typo in a first draft that was deleted before the final version, but that can be found if you use “show changes.” He just didn’t mention that it has the programming equivalent of a line through it."

This was the same hearing where NJ Representative Frank Pallone called it a Monkey Court and he was right.

You aren't signing your rights away to anything, I know you wanted to believe you were, but nah, and HIPAA is certainly not being violated.

Dratt and - double dratt

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another viscous rumor debunked.

I knew this a long time ago. Even posted here - sm

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But the "dratters" decided it was more fun to cut down and ridicule the poster and my source and not address the information.

This information is indeed correct. Thank you for posting. Now people understand why there are so many of us who are not just so open to divulging all of our personal information (to include SSN and bank account info) to anyone or on any site.

Thanks for posting this.

Those on the left seem to have an issue with truth. - OP

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Including the moderator apparently. Seems to have deleted comments and made this a political issue rather than a healthcare insurance issue. Why does everything become political when it comes to the ACA? This is a HIPAA issue. Now watch the left bring up older news and other issues to make it political. LOL.

The moderator didn't delete comments - what happened was

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This message was on a different board. When they moved it to the political board not all the comments came with it. Mine was one of the ones that didn't make it. No big deal, I just posted again.

The moderator of this board does not just delete posts nilly willy as some say "because she doesn't like what someone writes". That is not what a moderator does. I used to be a moderator of a board. We had rules we had to follow too.

Ugh, there is no THERE there - this is not a violation of HIPAA

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It is just some boilerplate the govt puts on everything and since you don't see that when you are signing you aren't signing anything away.

Also, have you done the ACA signup? I have. Unfortunately, I am stuck with crappy MTSO grandfathered thing anyway, but I wanted to see what it was like. There is absolutely no health information on there they are asking you for, that's because preexisting conditions are covered so they don't have to.

Here is a comment from the Wonkette article:

"I write code for the government. That boilerplate pops up everytime I log on to a government-owned computer. What it really means is that if you surf porn sites on their machines, they'll know about it, and it will be your own damn dumb fault when they lower the boom on you. That boilerplate has absolutely nothing to do with the government tracking my personal information..."

Do you really think, since this was 5 months ago, if this truly were an actual issue, the Republicans wouldn't have blown it up bigtime? Just like so much of their rhetoric, it is fearmongering and misinformation.

So I guess the endgame for Fox News and its followers here is to be afraid of the ACA website and that justifies not signing up, not being insured?

If you are falling for that and end up uninsured, is that really wise?

Joe Barton is not bright. He not only apologized to BP for troubling them about the oil spill, he is also the brains behind the wind quote:

"Wind is a finite resource and harnessing it would slow the winds
down, which would cause the temperature to go up."

Please consider the source and ask someone you know who is a programmer and at least somewhat objective?

There is really no there there, and it IS a political issue because there is no proof there either, so how can it be a HIPAA violation if it is not true?

Ugh. Yes it is. Did you even watch the video - Just because

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you don't want it to be true doesn't mean it isn't.

Why have comments been deleted from this post? - OP

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Not only has this post been moved but comments have also been deleted. Where are they and who felt the need to delete comments that were not inflammatory? Honestly, what goes on here is just as bad as the main stream media buffering.

Mine was removed because... - sm

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...I used symbols for the word after Holy. The left will attempt to find a way to defame your post and/or Mr. Barton. They are into using deflection tactics as well. And yes, they have learned about the buffering, etc., from the MSM.

I did not move the OP or delete any posts. - Moderator

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Might have been a glitch in the system or the posts were removed by the posters themselves.

I heard about this months and months ago when (sm) - Abby

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the dirty secrets of this great bill were just starting to come out, but it was only reported on Fox and so that's a definite "ignore" for people who prefer their heads in the sand.

That's because it's not true! - If it was truly a security

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Breach then that would be something everyone would have to sit up and take notice.

Name one time this has been proven, name one person who has had their privacy or security breached.

Of course it's only on Fox, because they know the last thing their viewers care about is the truth, they just want to hear things that reinforce their belief that ACA is bad, Obama bad, etc.

If this was truly a HIPAA infringement there would be a lot of news about it, no matter what the political persuasion, because the truth matters.

This could be why you haven't heard about it. - You decide. :)) Link

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no security built in to the system.
When your credit card or ATM card is breached - that is because of money
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That gets stolen from you.

Why on earth would anyone want the info you provide on the ACA - basically how many people in your family, income, etc., similar to a SS inquiry or a tax refund. I have to imagine they have similar levels of security and nobody cares about that.

This is not medical records, which are the concern of HIPAA - or should be, but we know in our jobs that there are so many possible and actual breaches of the actual records - but simply personal information and not bank accounts or anything, so?

IMHO nothing to see here.
Guess you won't mind having all your medical - information out there
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Yeah - like no one would ever think of using medical conditions or knowledge in a nefarious way? People need to grow up.

Since it is of no matter to know if your medical documents get out there, along with your social security, # of sexual partners, whether or not you are a drug user, have had sexually transmitted diseases, or are an alcoholic, psychiatric counseling for any reason, ALL INFO THAT OBAMA-SCARE does not have to guard, then I hope if there is a breach, it is limited to those holding your opinion.

Yeah - as if none of those things could possibly impact your job, relationships, etc.
Don't people have to put their SSN# info on these exchanges? - Truthhurts
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If so, that's an ideal situation for hackers and identity theft crooks. Once they get the SSN#, the world is their oyster.

With the way this government is so quick to solve problems because of having to report to agencies that have to report to agencies, that have to report to agencies,
on-and-on, it could take 'forever' for the victim to even be notified. It only takes a couple days to wipe out someone's good credit, bank accounts, home ownership, credit card fraud, and so on.
I guess they haven't heard of this either. (sm) - Abby
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Social Security # breach. (link)
Good article. We knew a long time ago - sm
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Because many of us researched this. As an investigator told me once, when someone is trying to hide something that makes the investigator want to keep searching to find out what they are trying to hide.

We researched everything (even cross-referencing the sources that the "dratters" don't like). The information was there. No matter how many times I and my sources were cut down I knew the truth. Figured it was only a matter of time before the truth came out. Now it's coming out.

Sorry - your entire post lacks - credibility. If you *bothered*

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to actually research BEFORE you post, you would be aware of the testimony given by the contractors that admitted they knew it was placed their by CMS through HHS.

Of course, it was not "only on FOX" but since your hatred for them over-rode you doing any research your just regurgitated Dem talking points. The REASON it is not being widely broadcast by the commies/Liberals, is they know that if people were aware of the potential leak of their most confidential medical conditions, Dems would be tarred and feathered since they own this Obama-scare baby lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, the truth DOES matter. Here'a clue, try reviewing the CSPAN video archives on the real-time hearings for HIPAA violations under Obama-scare, which has nothing to do with FOX since so many on this board have trouble putting their hatred aside to objectively research a subject.

So, C-Span LIVE proceedings later on video to be accessed by all - Truthhurts

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is not proof?

It's hard to believe that people are so inclined to listen to MSM instead of watching LIVE C-Span events for truth. There's no way anything can be taken out of context by watching their broadcasts.

But, then again, the brainwashing by the media began quite a few years ago. It's only gotten worse in the past 6. C-Span wasn't part of TV programming until just recently, even though they are celebrating 35 years.

Oh, and you can't say C-Span is biased. They are one media that is not political. They cver conferences from various groups, too, including Soro's groups.
TH, by the look of this thread, I daresay some don't - even know what C-Span is. Sigh....
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I agree. We knew it was in there. We tried to tell people - but many did not want to believe it

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And some still will chime in its not true, when in fact it is true.

It is much easier to just ignore what you don't want to believe, but the truth is out there and it's now coming out.

A naysayer called me Chicken Little over this. - sm

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I was just trying to give a heads up, an apolitical one at that, but they saw my moniker and figured I was bashing their beloved.
If I smile, is that political? "Their beloved" made me laugh out loud. - Abby (sm)
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I also think I remember someone being called Chicken Little over that. I guess you're it!! -

Watched entire proceedings on CSPAN - sm

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Thanks to Obama-scare and lack of HIPPA compliance, which was specifically written into the bill, everything and anything you seek medical treat for, Obama-scare states you have no expectation of privacy. Anyone not aware of this obviously did not read the law.

Anyone stupid enough to think there are not going to be breaches of your medical treatment are about as stupid as you can get.

As the old saying goes "if you are stupid enough to think the alligator won't eat you, you are stupid enough to be eaten first".

Wow, 4 stupids in that one - I wonder if that's a record

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Never mind, I won't take it personally.

The fact remains if there were anything truly there it would be news, and by news I mean what you (and Sarah Palin) call lamestream media news.

No, I won't watch what I am guessing is a one sided testimony of all republican nay-sayers inferring this and implying that and with absolutely not one whit of proof.

I guess the proof is in the pudding, so by your reckoning any day now we should see a slew of cases come up where people have had valuable medical and personal information somehow stolen (and done what with?) because they applied for Obamacare.

I remain skeptical, to say the least. Let's see how many stupids I get this time.

As Forrest Gump would say, - sm

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"Stupid is as stupid does."

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