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If you are praying for me please stop!!!!
Posted: Oct 30, 2014

I have asked for prayers off and on for 8 years. My ex is Satan - sm
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He took my son from me and the lawyer I paid my life savings to lied to me and cost me my son. Every time I ask for prayers, things get worse. I want to know why the judge and my attorney were against me. I have nowhere to turn. If I were a bad mother I could possibly understand, but I do not do drugs, drink even socially nor do I abuse or neglect my kids in any way, shape or form, so I want to know what drugs that "judge" was on to think it was okay to rip my son from a good, stable home and put him with a known abusive father?? And my lawyer....he makes me sick!! What planet am I on???
Losing your child - anonie
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Is there no way to appeal this?
Sounds like my situation only my ex is a pathological liar who can convince everyone including our son that I am crazy. He did that most of my married life with him. The minute I had a different opinion than his or said we had a problem in our marriage, he would say oh you're nuts or I don't have a problem, you do.
Yours is probably like mine was. He always blames everyone else.
I have literally been destroyed emotionally and mentally over this awful thing, lying etc and getting by with it not only with the judge but with our son. My son is now 41. From age 9, my ex brainwashed him. Lied to him and got everything he wanted from my stupid attorneys. All I got for my trying to fight him was legal bills.
I really feel for you. I cannot get over the fact that my son won't even talk to me about these things and I continue to suffer depression because of it. My son now has road rage, I think due to unresolved issues that he refuses to deal with just like his father did.
My ex-father-in-law, my ex's real father was done this way by my ex's mother. That was years and years ago.
I suffered abuse, though he would hit me where it didn't show and I was too ashamed to go to an ER or tell anyone about it.
I just hope that you can get something worked out.
How old is your child now? You should have had counseling. That too got way laid by my ex. He changed his phone number and I could not contact him to tell where our counseling was to be. Told my attorney and he got the number but by then it was too late. I would have had to have picked him up in another city and come back to where I worked and then took him back home and then gone back to my own home in another smaller town in another county. This man also tried to get me to bring him over there every time he had visitation. Lazy bum didn't want to drive to get our son for visitation.
He tried many other dirty tricks.
Honestly, I wish God had been on my side. This has ruined the relationship with God I used to have. I wonder if God will get even with my ex for doing making me give up faith in God. It is not that I don't have faith in God for other people, but just NOT ME or my PROBLEMS.
Oh that is exactly what I am going through!! I understand - sm
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your feelings exactly. I just cannot understand my attorney being against me. He cost me my son and my life savings ($2000). I am so sorry for you. I am feeling the same way about God. Why does he hate me? What did I ever do to him. Most of all, why does he let my innocent kids go through this? I am trying Legal Aid, but that is a year-long waiting list. I have appealed to female only family law attorneys because all the guys seem to be against me. I cannot understand it. I can only imagine the crap my ex (aka Satan) told about me. If my baby wanted to be with his dad, it would be different, but we are talking two protective orders and safe houses over the Christmas holidays. Who in the HECK would think it is okay to put a child (he is 15) with someone sick like that?? I cannot understand it and never will. I have more than likely lost him and he cannot understand why. Neither can I. I hear stories about stuff like this all the time and have always been afraid of it happening. Now it has and I give up. I have been in bed for the last week since they took him (crying all the way) from me. They are all monsters!! All I Can say is the "judge", my attorney and my ex all will burn and I hope I get to watch them suffer. I will SO laugh and get major joy out of it. It will be nothing compared to what they put me and my son (and my daughter) through. She sadly witnessed this (she is now 18, but her "dad" ignored her for years) and was devastated too. She told me bad things really do happen to good people. :(
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I know its hard, but sometimes if you can stick it out for the children, even though the guy is a bastard. Just kind of live in the other side of the house and sleep on the couch. I could never part with my kids. I would do anything I had to to stay with them. When they turn 18 you can leave or do whatever you want as long as he is not abusing you or the kids.
We got divorced 8 years ago and he has not stopped - sm
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pulling crap this whole time. I knew he would lie about stuff, but I want to know what the rotten excuse for a judge is thinking letting my abusive ex have my son!! IDIOT!!!
I meant to add I divorced him when I found pornographic - sm
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pics he had taken of himself on our PC where my kids (10 and 7 at the time) could easily have found them. He is a monster!
Joseph (in Genesis) was falsely accused and imprisoned for 20 years first - Free Will
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God gave us all free will and he promised never to take it away - even the free will of nutbars like your ex - so God has nuttin' to do with that nut ;)
I had a similar story - but it's in the process of turning around, so I'd like to share it with you:)
Mine didn't happen legally, but it is similar. At the time, the previous transcription company I worked for had gone bankrupt. I had taken my daughter's phone away for cussing me out after asking her to clean the birdcage (as confused, 15-year-olds tend to do, especially when confused by their parents who can't get along) - and she was warned previously many times what would happen if she did, first.
The next thing I knew, she'd run to live her father, who was more than eager to console her for what an evil person I was for taking her phone away for "no reason" - and then he tried to sue me for custody a few months later - right as I was moving into a shelter because I could no longer afford my rent. (I had been working 2 part-time jobs to make one, right as the economy bottomed out, then my car broke down and I couldn't get to the second anymore, and I was already paycheck to paycheck).
I found it odd he'd even want custody because he'd never been interested in that before. I could obviously not afford an attorney and called his attorney and told him that - and he said if I just relinquished the whopping $400 a month I received for child support, he'd drop the case.
I explained that I was advised by legal aid, during a panicked call for legal help (who couldn't represent me because no one claimed abuse, but did advise) that I should not relinquish it in case she got mad at her dad again and swung back the other way, they'd seen it before in that age group - and it HAD happened before - but I went ahead and dropped the money so he'd drop the suit and he did.
It was then I found out he was really after, what he HAD been after, apparently for about 3 years, though he'd only been back in her life for two - to not have to pay child support - though he made a killing, he could not control his drinking/partying and needed the cash.
In fact, he'd been calling child support for the last 3 years, trying to find a way to not pay child support, lying and saying she'd been living with him the whole time.
Since I had full custody, I could've snatched her back through the sheriff at any time, but I figured it would only push her further into his arms if I forced her and the last thing I wanted was for her to feel in the middle and more pressure for her to choose who to believe.
Angry with me at the time, my daughter was eager to hear all the horror stories to justify things, and she didn't speak to me for almost two years.
But as she has gotten older, she has started to realize the lies - not completely, but she's beginning to, as well as realizing that what she did was a bit manipulative - she was very confused at the time.
And at first, he used the extra money to buy her things, but it all stopped shortly thereafter - especially when he got a new girlfriend. (And later, he spent what was supposed to be her college savings on getting veneers for his teeth and other things).
So take heart, my dear, it may take a very long time, but the truth will come out - maybe not all the way because they need to love their father too - but if that bond was ever there, it CANNOT be erased, regardless of how much "brainwashing" they do.
****But in order for that to happen, it's very difficult to do, but very important that you try not to ever bash them back, even if they tell you the latest accusation every time they talk to you****
I, too, felt that God had abandoned me and I still struggle with where the justice was, how I ended up in a shelter, etc - but justice is often the best money can buy unfortunately and I had none at all.
But God didn't have a thing to do with this -selfish, greedy, bullying, weak souls did.
And if I look at it right, she never had to struggle along with me - God provided for her the whole time, when I couldn't - and when her Dad got caught by his family having spent the college savings, he now contributes to her college which I still can't afford after complete financial collapse trying to stay afloat in this field.
Lastly, don't forget Joseph = he was falsely accused of rape and imprisoned for 20 years, falsely accused again (which made the first seem more credible) and finally God restored him.
And he said, "What you CHOSE to do to me (with free will), you did for evil, but God will use for good"....and God did...and he will for you too:) Don't start to give up as I did
Great post - sm
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It's so hard when we're in the midst of suffering to see that God can turn it around, especially when it seems to be going on for such a long time. The story of Joseph was the subject of a sermon I just heard the other day. The last line in your post was what Joseph said to his brothers when they came looking for help, not knowing he was their young brother they had sold into slavery. When Reuben expressed remorse about what they had done, Joseph told them that God used it for good.
To the OP, it's heartbreaking to hear about what you are going through. I know God does hear the prayers that have been said on your behalf, and he does not ignore them. He is not the author of your suffering, but I believe he can use all of this pain to somehow achieve something good. Please know that so many MTs who are reading your posts have a lot of compassion for you.
Thank you, yours too:) And... - Free Will
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... thanks also for clarifying about who Joseph was speaking to, when he said that. (I meant to go back and edit it, but I was multitasking at the time and was pulled away - plus I'd already said so much!)
As for the sermon you heard, sometimes I think coincidences are just that, coincidences - but other times, they're so overly timely you just have to look up and go, "Hey, is that you?" :)
Another one of my favorite stories is Jesus turning over the tables with thieves in his father's house.
I am certain that my God is not a fan of children being separated from their mothers, especially through deceit, for personal gain or greed. I believe that causing division in such a sacred, blessed relationship as mother and child cannot be too far off from thieves in the temple, then, amen?
So with that in mind, I pray that Christ will turn the tables on any thieves in your personal temple, OP.
In fact, I pray the same for everyone here - anyone here who has been oppressed or powerless, during this poor economy, personally or professionally - that Christ will turn the tables on the oppressors of his sheep.
(I am not praying for bad things to happen to them, you understand - I am praying for Christ to render justice.)
But we have to let HIM do it, OP, not us - not take justice into our own hands or even wait around to see if we can see signs of that justice at work.
Because even "waiting for karma" is essentially the same thing as seeking vengeance in your heart - but "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."
Let go and Let God...
I pray all these things in Jesus name...
(And as Jesus said, "Where two are three gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them" - so if any are gathered here and agree in his name, let them say amen - even if privately:)
You have inspired me! - Nuance Poster
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Sometimes it takes a little nudging or a little reminder to take us back to what we know. I thank you for that little nudging. I hadn't thought of this story in a long time. I don't want to have negativity in my life and it's so hard not to with the oppression most MTs feel these days, but you have given my spirit a lift and reminded me to let go and let God. Thank you. God Bless You!! (I am printing your post for a reminder whenever I need it.)
So glad God used my prior situation for good:) - Free Will
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Oh, I am so glad that something I said helped you- well let's thank God for that, and may God bless you too :)
And ya know, it's funny - I came to MT Stars originally that day to check out the company ads just to see if there were better opportunities.
I was in sort of down, confused place myself, after a recent work experience -so yes I know how that feels very well. Yup, after some repeated hard knocks and unfairness, in this business, you start becoming distrustful of all the companies, start doubting yourself,etc. - for me, I start to buy in that I'm just not good enough, this is all I'm worth, etc.
In fact, I was thinking to myself: "What in the heck is my purpose in life, God, will you please clue me in? I'm not getting any younger, here...."
Well, I'm not sure what my overall purpose is, but perhaps at least for that moment, my purpose was to get out of my own self-absorption and help someone else because of my prior situation - and perhaps that was the reason for what I experienced overall, ya never know.
Gotta pass it forward, once you've moved past it, I'm a firm believer in that.
That does not mean, by any means, that I am "past it" completely and healed or that have all the answers, nor did I handle anything perfectly, but I did learn.
And by "not past it yet" was I had become pretty distrustful of people in general - not bitter, but people-shy - so I need to thank everyone here for your kindness and lack of judgment on me and my story - thank you so much, y'all have blessed me back!!! :)
Well, I can't seem to post without writing a small novel, anymore, so I'll just end on a a happy and hopeful note for the OP and others - I do have a wonderful man in my life now, celebrating our 3-year dating anniversary just this past week:)
I'm a little marriage-shy, at this point (I really want to have my own financial picture straightened out first), but I must admit - yes, life can and does get better for the faithful.
Thanks be to God:)
Thank you Free Will, lierally in tears reading - your posts..sm
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In Jesus precious name, Amen. Your posts really ministered to my heart. It's like the Lord spoke right through with those words.
You helped me, too - Trying to hold on
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On a totally unrelated matter, I have been accused of doing a terrible thing to my family. (Sister, nieces). I was torn apart by everyone for something I never did. I remember often how my mother used to tell me many times in my life. . "If in your heart you know the truth, let it be. The truth will eventually come out." Now my sister and my nieces are tring to be very nice to me, but I have never received an apology. All of this began the very day my brother died, and it went on for many months thereafter. I attended his funeral feeling like a stranger around my own family. That's hard to deal with. I am trying to hold to my faith, but there was a lot of damage done. I am pleasant to them, but I just can't feel the same. The injustice in it was too much for me. You have helped me with your post. For that I thank you.
Why I Wrote About Joseph :) - Free Will
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Hi - I was busy the past couple of days and haven't been able to check in, I'm sorry!
Oh my dear, I'm so sorry - people do very strange things, during a death - it's like they take out the "anger" stage of grief on the people around them - and the weird thing is, it's like they need to believe these things are true so they can justify themselves, even when they are proven wrong later.
They can't admit that they did these things over nothing or greed (actually families tend to focus on things that might get lost rather than person being lost) or extreme emotions during death, that's not enough of an excuse for them, so they just keep on believing nonsense to feel excused for what they did.
THAT's why you rarely, if ever, get an apology - the guilt of having done that to you over their own petty emotions is too unpleasant and threatening and heavy for them to feel, so they project it outwards.
Unfortunately, people have a really hard time taking responsibility for things in this day in age especially, it's not like in the movies. I'm not sure what's so hard about saying, "I'm so sorry, let's start over" - we all learned this in kindergarten - and I mean that in business as well as personal situations.
Believe this convoluted story or not, but part of the reason I wrote the Joseph story is because of 2 accusations made during that time in my life, and the second one was also during a family death.
Bear with another long one, if you can stomach it (or even believe it, I know it's hard), but in hopes that you know you're not alone :)
After 3 hurricanes in Florida, now financially bust already, nearly a year later, I left my abusive ex (whom I was financially supporting anyway) and my grandmother took me in.
***Note my ex-husband is NOT my daughter's father - I do like to give people the credit they're due and my daughter's father was never abusive - he was fond of other women, tho. And lying. And drinking:)
So I left Florida and came back here. My grandmother took me in until back on my feet.
Unfortunately, 6 months later, she was diagnosed with lung cancer.
I was almost ready to move out financially, but because she had helped me, I now wanted to be the one to help her with care and I ended up needing to quit my job to care for her round the clock.
My older sister swept in from Chicago and said she "couldn't handle being around the sick stuff", but she could help by handling the legal aspects and making sure there were payments to buy food, etc. for us, instead of hiring care.
I was grateful, at the time, even though I knew my older sister has hated me since birth and I'd never ask for any help under any circumstances and still haven't.
She has admitted she loved being an only child until I came along, and blames me for not feeling loved by our parents when they weren't capable of loving anyone, including even our baby sister. The odd thing is, I didn't hate her and still don't, I had always admired her and wanted her approval up until then, but I would never get it.
So I said that's fine, I don't want to deal with the money anyway, and would you believe I actually "thanked" her for her "help"?
I say that because not long afterwards, she accused me of being after granny's money :/
I told her there really WAS no money, granny was in more debt than people knew and she'd find that out soon enough - and I decided to have the estate attorney create a document where I could sign off on any rights to anything at all and did so.
Well, that wasn't good enough for my sister - she wanted me out of my grandmother's house, fearing I'd try to get it later if I stayed in it.
So she threatened that if myself and my daughter weren't out of the house, she'd have my daughter cut out of the will.
Now, my parents were only children and my sisters have no children, so I have no aunts, uncles, first cousins,nieces or nephews - it's a small family and there was no one to turn to for help.
So it was very easy for my loud-mouthed, golden-tongued, bully of a sister to convince the rest of the family that was left, including most of the town, that I had willingly "abandoned" my grandmother and this was proof I was only after the money, instead of telling them the truth - she threatened me with cutting my daughter out of the will to leave.
Just like with my daughter, I wasn't going to put my grandmother in the middle, so sick, so I just let people think what they wanted, told her that if she ever needed me, I'd be there in a heartbeat and prayed the truth would come out - if not now, when in heaven.
Enter my daughter's father, hearing through my daughter and the community about my grandmother's cancer - supposedly appalled by my sister's behavior, but strangely repeatedly encouraging me to go back and contest the will and not to allow myself to be bullied out by my sister, I had done this all my life.
He'd been sober 2 years, supposedly turned his life around, and asked me to move closer to him an hour away and he could help with my daughter on weekends so he knew I'd be struggling again after quitting my job to care for my grandmother.
Little did I know his real angle was the above, but I guess he seemed kind, at the time, and I really needed kindness - I just really wanted to trust someone and he DID seem different.
So I told him there was no chance of a relationship, but my daughter truly needed her father now, more than ever - so I got an apartment near him and she stayed with him a couple of days a week.
However, can you believe that even though we left, my sister still then told my grandmother to take my daughter out of the will?
Her excuse was that because I was still legally married to my ex, he could get it through her (his stepdaughter? No, she really meant me) - so my grandmother took my daughter out too.
However, my grandmother started to catch on - but not ever being one for confrontation, she at least insisted that not only was I to be at Christmas, but that she put her diamond rings in the will for me.
That Christmas my grandmother and she was wracked with guilt she didn't take a stand before now when she knew better, but I told her I forgave her and I understood my sister is very convincing. I also told her I didn't want the rings, the best memories of her were in my mind and heart, the other stuff is just that - "stuff".
I ignored my family and focused on my grandmother that day and I'm glad I did because it would be the last time I would ever see her :(
After my grandmother died, my little sister called me, asking where the rings were, my older sister couldn't find them.
I told her to stop doing her sister's dirty work, as I used to, and have my older sister call me herself, but I didn't have any rings nor did I want any rings and hung up on her.
My daughter told me they later found them - my grandmother had hidden them - but there was still no apology.
In fact, even though I hadn't spoken to my sister since, my older just moved on to a new accusation to justify herself - the ones that occurred with my daughter's father that I've written about above, two years later.
After I received custody papers, I heard my older sister and he were now in collaboration.
Before his attorney said to drop the child support and he'd drop the suit, my sister had apparently been telling my daughter I was receiving over 1000 in child support rather than 400, etc., and my daughter was calling me regularly from her dad's with these false accusations that I could easily disprove if she'd even look at a single check stub.
I couldn't figure out why my sister was so insistent on making me a thief, when no one has ever accused me of this in my life, and then it hit me - just like men who cheat will accuse YOU of it, projecting from a guilty conscience, thieves often accuse everyone else from stealing from them, because that's what they'd do - it's total projection of their guilt onto you:)
So with his filing for custody papers in hand, I still hadn't spoken to my older sister since that day she told me to leave, but I texted both her and my little sister and said (ahem):
"Neither of you helped me raise my daughter. You have no children yourselves and have no idea what it takes to raise a child as a single parent in this economy, especially right on the heels of what I experienced - you're just hopping on this new thing that you know absolutely nothing about simply to justify yourselves and the way you treated me when granny died..."
"...but let me tell you something, I've grown a backbone since. So if you don't back the F off (sorry God, language), right now, not only will you embarrass yourselves publicly if this DOES go to court with actual child support documentation of how much I've received since her birth, never having it raised as well his documented calls to Child Support trying to convince them she's been living with him full time for 3 years though we were in Florida - but I WILL now contest the will, stating that I made that decision under duress and threats. I WILL go after the house and what's left that you didn't sell, but told everyone you did to pay off her debt - are we clear? Essentially, I will now finally make honest people of you!"
LOL :)
Okay, I didn't mean it, but it worked like a charm and the rest is as I have written above in the other comments.
So yes, I relate to Joseph quite well :)
But unlike Joesph, I began to doubt myself - I mean, when everyone in the room is pointing a finger at you and you're the common denominator, who wouldn't start to wonder, "Am I crazy and did these things and don't remember it or something? What's wrong with ME that these people are doing these things?"
Well, I'm wounded after all this, for sure - but the answer is, no, I'm not crazy, but I'm now damaged, true. But the biggest problems these people have don't have anything to do with me, it comes out of their own issues - as well as at one point, with each of them, I said what they're not used to: "NO. I'm done with you. No more" and they didn't like it.
I didn't do any of those things which could've always easily been disproven with documentation, and they have been disproven since (but I can certainly understand why my daughter became confused with people hopping on).
And though I've heard tell my daughter's father feels "guilty" now, as does my little sister, I've yet to hear one word of apology and I'm not holding my breath - because it's not about what happens to THEM it's about what happens to US later.
And you know what?
If the tables turned and they ever came to me for help, like Joseph's family?
I can honestly say I would help them because no one should have to struggle as I did with not a shred of mercy from anyone in this economy.
Note the bible says to forgive 70x7 - but it doesn't say anything about forgetting or putting yourself in harm's way again, like an idiot ;)
And note, too, that even though Joseph forgives them, he makes it pretty clear he didn't forget, and in fact, he messes with them a little first (which I'd never do, but you can understand his wanting to).
The bible never says they were one big happy family again, does it? In fact, there were no warm fuzzies at the end of that story, you get the feeling he helped them but that was it.
The fairy tale ending was for Joseph, not his family:)
Because other than his interest in meeting his innocent brother Benjamin, Joseph's focus was on his new life, his new role and a new family - one you get to choose yourself this time:)
(Careful not to choose either boyfriends or friends who are people LIKE your family because they're familiar as I did for a while;)
Best to you, I'll keep you in my prayers today - you're not alone :)
PS - I never did get the rings, by the way, but like I said, never wanted them - the best memories of my grandmother are in my mind and heart.
Additionally, my sister has been trying to sell the house and farm - unsuccessfully - for 2 years. And lastly, my daughter still does not know, to this day, that she's not in the will. When that truth comes out, which I'm sure it will one day, many things will change, I think.
However, I'm not going to be the one to tell her, we don't even talk about them. I'm not waiting around for truth or justice anymore or some fairy-tale ending - I'm focused on my own healing and restoration, as well as slowly rebuilding relationship with my daughter that exists without these people in it:)
i may have found help but not gonna get - op....sm
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my hopes up:(
Always best to not get your hopes up. Good thing I didn't - sm
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I have lost my son to an abusive, druggie jerk!
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Comedy StopJan 08, 2015The only way to see the "posterior aspect" of a shin is surgically!!! ...
God Is The Only One Who Can Stop HillaryOct 07, 2016I do not believe God wants Hillary in office to continue Obama's ruination of our country.
I keep praying to God to stop Hillary. Trump just seems to get his foot stuck in his mouth and now this sex stuff isn't helping.
I have to say JFK was a womanizer, so just because Trump is like he is does not mean he would not be a good president.
Maybe he should step aside for Governor Pence. You'd get a marvelous president in him. ...
STOP The Tweeting...May 18, 2017Isn't there ANYONE that can keep Trump off twitter? He's just digging a bigger and deeper hole with every single tweet! What is wrong with this man??!!
The whole world is watching him have a very public breakdown. He should be welcoming the investigation if, as he says, he has nothing to hide. Anything other than that is just bringing pain onto himself...
For the love of all that's holy....STOP TWEETING!!!!!!!!! GO DO YOU ...
Ted Nugent Says He's Going To Stop TheJun 16, 2017Hopefully, he means what he says. He's been know to make threats against both Obama and Hillary, as he admits, and those on the right said he didn't. Hopefully others will follow. ...
Stop The Negative Posts Please Mar 22, 2010Since the bill has passed, why the pointless negative posts. It is no secret I was opposed to passage, but the reality is, it did. Now is the time for people to come together instead of continuing with the divisive behaviors. As I said below, no one really knows what the passage of this bill will bring to us. we have ideas, speculations, fears, hopes, but no one actually knows. how about we wait and see how it plays out. And once again, as I said below, I will ...
GOP: Stop Punishing The UnemployedApr 12, 2010Coburn and his ilk are poised to replay the Bunning debaucle of last month as the Senate goes to work today on debating ANOTHER temporary 30-day unemployment benefits extension in advance of the larger measure that would extend benefits until the end of the year. Dems are prepared to empower the pubs by ignoring their own Paygo measures, rather than diffusing the pub argument and exposing them for the obstructive hypocrites we all know they are as both parties line up to mak ...
How Do I Stop Thinking About FoodMay 10, 2010In the last couple of months, I have realized that I think about eating all the time. I am not fat, but if I don't watch it, I'll get there. How do I stop this? ...
Stop It! This Is Hard! You Want To Try It? Get In The RingSep 25, 2012 ...
President Trump, Please Stop Saying We AreJan 26, 2017Imagine, if you will, you are a US soldier serving in Iraq. In Mosul, for example, where the Iraqis, with help and training from US soldiers, have succeeded in taking back at least part of the city from Isis and kids are going to school again (something Isis stopped), things are looking up, etc.
Now you have the Iraqi soldiers being treated to a 2 minute youtube video of "President" Trump saying all manner of idiotic insults and claims about Iraq, the main one being we have any right or any int ...
Brian, Please Stop Snoring!Jan 18, 2015middle of the night last night..."OK," he wearily replied and rolled over. I joined him in the new spoon, I now in back...we've been together for 8 years, and sleep very well but for our respective snoring (his) and grinding (mine). Suddenly something didn't seem quite right..."Brian...Brian..." I said to myself. Then I uttered it softly, out loud, "Brian." Finally, it occurred to me, that isn't his name. :) ...
OMG! Are We Now Bordering On Treason? This Needs To Stop! SmMar 09, 2015A group of 47 Republican senators has written an open letter to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign with President Barack Obama's administration won’t last after Obama leaves office. ...
Politically Correctness Has To StopMar 19, 2015I am so glad my daughter is so politically incorrect she keeps me almost rolling in the aisles laughing. I think I have heard it all only to hear something else. She leaves no one out, everyone can be a target. Refreshing!
Ok, so I get it the fraternity singing on the bus about never letting N's join their fraternity. That was ridiculous because now everyone has cameras, something to record with so what you say can make it to the airways. The fraternity no more, disbanded, get that.
J ...
Told Ya He Would Stop Talking To TheMay 12, 2017Dictator. He thinks he has been appointed dictator.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/12/us/politics/trump-threatens-retaliation-against-comey-warns-he-may-cancel-press-briefings.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0 ...
Six Things Rich People Need To Stop SayingMar 07, 2012I came across this hilarious and highly enjoyable read this morning while I ate my breakfast. I laughed so hard, I still have coffee coming out of my nose. This guy's cynical view of The Way Things Are in this country was spot-on.
http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-things-rich-people-need-to-stop-saying/ ...
Please Stop The Media Frenzy. I Am Happy That....smMar 29, 2012attention was focused on this issue but let the justice system now do its job. There are lots of questions still to be answered before all the pieces are put together. The brother, the judge father, other actual witnesses, leaks, anything to sell a story. Same old story, follow the money. A judge should have shut down this misinformation hotline long before now. ...
Rep. King: Stop ObamaCare, Revolt In D.C.Mar 20, 2010Of course, he's absolutely right!
Steve King Calls For Revolution In The Streets Of Washington To Stop Health Care Bill
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is calling for a new procedural solution to stop the health care bill: Have an angry mob of citizens storm Washington and prevent Congress from acting, in imitation of the Velvet Revolution that overthrew communist rule in Czechoslovakia!The Huffington Post interviewed King after his speech at today's "Code Red" anti-health care bill ral ...
POSTERS: Stop The Language, Period. NMJul 07, 2011 ...
Can't Stop Laughing Over The JetBlue StoryAug 10, 2010nm ...
US To Stop Deporting Young Illegals...Jun 15, 2012Obama to speak at 1:15 pm. ...
Stop With Calling Posters NamesJun 30, 2012Reading too many posts calling specific posters names. Messages calling posters names have been deleted with a warning to stop with the name calling and yet I'm reading more name calling from those same posters.
Discuss issues and leave it at that. Do not be tempted to call other posters stupid or ignorant because you disagree with what they write. Posts that continue to reply calling them names will be deleted.
Stick to the issues being discussed.
Moderator. ...