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Washington Post list of other voting irregularities reported so far.

Posted: Nov 6, 2012

out of Ohio precinct for doing what they do.)




What? Voter irregularities in Philly? Say it ain't so! - backwards typist

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It's democratic so the Democrats can't say it's the Republicans doing the fraud.

Reality check. If they have cards with correct info - the local registration officials

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have done their part. Disappearance from the rolls within that context implies a county database problem. Now, ask yourself this question. Who stands to benefit from the disappearance of 20,000 names off the rolls of folks, all of whom reside in heavily represented democratic districts? Hint: Allegheny County does not have discriminatory hiring practices based on party affiliation.

Then there are those whose info get fouled up by the state when address changes are processed at the DMV. In the case of Philly, many of those missing from the rolls had been return voters for multiple election cycles. Do. The. Math.

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