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Romney 48, Apologizer in Chief 45
Posted: Sep 14, 2012

Really? Fox News poll has Obama up by 5 points - me
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What poll are you looking at?
Just a question - hmmm
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First, I don't care if Romney or Obama is ahead. I like the post my poll. All that matters is what I believe. Polls are not representative of me.
Here's my question. Why are you posting a poll by Fox? Because when Fox has Romney ahead and someone posts that Fox shows Romney in the lead these are the quotes that have been written here:
"Faux news"
"Are you kidding?"
"Anything but truth"
"F**" news
"Not credible"
etc, etc. So now you're posting it because they show Obama ahead? I hope you come back and post when they show Romney ahead, but I have a sneaky suspicion you won't.
So are Fox polls suddenly biased in Obama's direction? - What a joke. nm
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Swing state polls lookin' good for the president - including OH, VA and FL trifecta
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path-to-270 states. These polls were taken BEFORE Romney's monumental foreign policy blunders. Next major polls due out next Mon or Tues.
Here are the critical swing...sm - VTMT
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state poll numbers.
President Barack Obama holds a 5-point lead over Mitt Romney among likely voters in Florida and Virginia, and a 7-point lead in Ohio, according to polling released Thursday evening from NBC, the Wall Street Journal and Marist.
In Florida and Virginia, 49 percent of likely voters supported Obama, and 44 percent Romney. In Ohio, 50 percent supported Obama, and 43 percent backed Romney. Obama won all three states over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, but Florida especially would be a crucial win for Romney.
Obama has a 49 percent approval rating in Florida and Virginia, and 50 percent approval in Ohio, among likely voters.
“You’d rather be in Obama’s shoes than Romney’s in these three critical states,” Marist's Lee Miringoff told NBC, cautioning that the president's lead is not "insurmountable."
Most likely voters said they had made up their minds, with only 2 percent in each state saying their choice might change come Election Day.
Further down the ballot, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) was ahead of challenger Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) 51 percent to 37 percent, and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) led state treasurer Josh Mandel 49 percent to 42 percent. Tim Kaine, a former Democratic Virginia governor and DNC chair, and George Allen, a former GOP governor and senator, were tied at 46 percent.
The polls were conducted by telephone between Sept. 9 and Sept. 11, with a 3.1 percent margin of error. The Virginia poll surveyed 996 likely voters, the Ohio poll 979 likely voters and the Florida poll 980 likely voters.
Apologizer in Chief - LovePrevails
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I never understood how a nation of so-called Christians can support war-mongering and chest thumping over attempts at peaceful resolutions. You ridicule conciliatory tones and deem as weakness anything less than bruit aggression. True Christians know that love and compromise are the only resolutions and true Christians try to live by this creed. It is the fake Christians who need to be reminded that Jesus was a peace-seeker not a war monger. All you "Christians" out there throwing proverbial stones at Obama for attempting to seek peaceful resolutions are no different from those who condemned other leaders, teachers, and preachers of peace and tolerance in the past. In fact, if you could go back in time to say... year 33, you'd be condemning the #1 Peace Seeker of Biblical times too. Maybe you just need a little reminder: If you really love Jesus, you'd be calling for peace and not war and you'd be rejoicing in the notion of peaceful resolutions, and you'd be feeling love not hate toward a fellow citizen who is choosing peaceful methods over force as a first option. I can't begin to imagine God residing in the hearts of anyone who rejects peace or apologies, for that matter.
Signed: Vintagefine
Sorry, but I don't think love is prevailing (sm) - Aunt Sue
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over in the middle east right now. As a matter of fact, this country is more divided than ever. They're even burning our flag at the London U.S. Embassy. Yeah, love is prevailing all over the frigging world, thanks to apologizer in chief. Wonder where he is. Campaigning, you think? Maybe in a swing state?
Sorry... - FactOverFiction
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Actually, violence in the middle east is not what I consider love; and if you read my original post, you would know that I was making reference to choosing peaceful methods over war. "LovePrevails" was just the alias I chose for that particular post. And finally, your use of “Apologizer-in-chief" is a talking point and is not based on a single fact. If you could make a statement or a point based on your own research, showing your own ability to think, it might open someone's mind to see things from another view; but if all you do is repeat phrases that come from other people’s talking points, it's impossible to take anything you say seriously.
If you think I'm going all over the internet to find him bowing - in a large number of countries, well......
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Apologizer-in-Chief - FACT.
Wrong - anon
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It's called diplomacy and every president does it (even Shrub and Reagan). Every see GW Bush kissing the cheeks of the Saudi Prince?
I totally understand your point - Vintagefine
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It would be a waste of time to go on that wild-goose chase only to find nothing. Much better to just accept the nonsense. Besides all that research and thinking for yourself might hurt your brain.
I heart Fox News - anon
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Yeah, I really do. Until the last year or so, I only watched ABC mostly and NBC some once in a while. Dullsville compared to Fox. They seem to have the stories first and I have rarely found them to be inaccurant in their actual news coverage. Yes, they are biased toward the Republican party, but the others are ALL biased toward the Democrat party, so pot-kettle. I don't always like the opinions that turn into arguing and drowning out the other speaker, but I can always switch the channel. I don't think their actual news shows can be beat. Krauthammer is a genius. Jaun Williams is charming. I love to see his expressive gorgeous brown eyes go around and the way he blinks them when he disagrees with something someone says. Enjoy Jesse Jackson's daughter's comments (sorry I cannot remember her first name). They have a good group on both sides of the fence, and when they behave, the debates and opinions from both are very entertaining and enlightening.
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