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Looks like the Commander-in-Chief (The Gunslinger)

Posted: Sep 4, 2013

Next time he needs to keep his trap shut and stop drawing lines that he doesn't understand.  Damn community organizer Gunslinger, AKA President.

Don't forget to apologize to your children today if you voted for this clown.


I assume you also hold members of congress - who agree w/him responsible.

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Being as he has their approval (for once).

Of course. - OP

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WHY doesn't he understand what you seemingly - understand so easily? If it's so

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simple that a person without education or experience can understand all, but he cannot, what explains the inferiority of this Harvard graduate, community organizer, professor of constitutional law, and state and federal senator? As you view him?

BTW? Obama, graduating at the top of his Harvard class, editor of the Harvard Law Review and earning many other honors, passed on a sure path to being a millionaire by the mid 30s to get paid almost nothing to organize people of declining neighborhoods to make them, and thus the lives of everyone living in them, better.

MOST people find that admirable and even noble. How one earth did you come to see choosing to be a community organizer as anything but evidence of high moral principals put to work? You've allowed yourself to be lead down a very low path. Right down there with those who've decided to disapprove of feeding children good food, for instance.

An observation - NK

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When I googled "gunslinger-in-chief" to see what RW pundit came up with this name du jour for the president, all I found was this MTStars message board. Perhaps I should apologize to the children in my family for my MT association.

But how many of the extremists who've found their way here - are actually MTs? nm

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I suppose you could have a point - NK
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Maybe random freaks are googling Bozo, King Farouk, clown, bumbling idiot, ad nauseam, and getting links to this site. I can only hope.

Second paragraph of your post. - Prove it.

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PROVE his extremely well documented biography? - Ridiculous. Go read honest sources. nm

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LOLOL - do you know who wrote his biography? - Foolish people abound. (sm)
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I'd prefer to see something from the school. Oh wait, those records are sealed. You've been duped, girl.
I can lay my hands on a single-spaced 27-page bibliography - 340 sources you could dig through.
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Would you like me to email it to you? I agree with your foolish people abound crack....err, I mean comment, though I doubt we are talking about the same folks.
Well now, for starters - he
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served as the executive director of the Developing Communities Project, a church based project comprised of 8 Catholic parishes that serviced these South Chicago neighborhoods: Fernwood, Princeton Park, Lilydale, West Chesterfield, Rosemoor, Sheldon Heights, West Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale. While there, he set up award-winning literacy, job training and leadership development programs. He took a special interest in the housing projects where he organized an on-site job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization. Before leaving in 1988, the Developing Communities Project was incorporated as a nonprofit.

His main South Side focus, detailed in his book, was on the hazardous pollution that plagued the area around the projects due to their proximity to landfills, waste dumps, manufacturing plants, and former steel mills. Regulation was lax to nonexistent at the time. Of immediate concern were the large amounts of asbestos used in the projects' building materials. He actively participated in the clean-up effort during his tenure at the Developing Communities Project. Over the years, the housing projects have acquired their own medical facilities, maintenance staff, on-site social services and schools. In other words, the work he started there transformed an unsafe, unhealthy, hazardous toxic waste dump to a fully functional community facility.

Better. He helped make lives better.

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