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Obama on the passing of Neil Armstrong.
Posted: Aug 26, 2012
This is really pathetic.
Link posted. You'll like the source - the Obama/Biden campaign.
Obama is pathetic - Cannot stand anyone else's - success since Obama such a failure
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What a jackass. Obama has to try and steal a real American's thunder even when the guys is dead!!
This is a blog, Obama did not endorse this. FYI (nm) - bootstraps
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Huh? What link are you looking at. I pulled it up and it's - Obama/Bidens website
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It's on a website Obama Biden and says Paid for by Obama for America
Yes - bootstraps
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The link was a tumblr blog. And yes, was paid for by Obama for America, but I doubt the campaign placed that picture.
And they do invite donations, so they are probably "paid for," but again, I believe Obama's statements are sincere and true, but the blogger attached that picture.
I don't see that picture on his official web site or on his Facebook.
Huh? - ygk
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He's damned if he does or damned if he doesn't, I guess. If he hadn't commented on the death of Neil Armstrong, you'd criticize him for that.
How exactly is it all about him?
You didn't notice his profile?? - It's about Neil, not him
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He's pitiful.
Could he have made the moon any smaller, for - Goodness sake?
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he makes me physically ill
Obama had to have enough room for his ears - not to mention his planet-sized ego
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:D Derp
Only took 3 hours and they're baaack, just like - OP called it without the moniker
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Surprise, surprise...they just cannot stand not hearing themselves talk, but we can. See posts below.
Has Beck deciphered the subliminal messaging behind the - crescent/star code yet?
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Y'all must be waiting with baited breath. IMO, this whole thread is as idiotic as he is.
"IMO, this whole thread is as idiotic as he is." - and yet YOU HAD to post
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Says far more about you than the thread. :D Derp
It's an opinion. That's what forums are for. - nm
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He WHO? This is a BLOG!!! and Not Obama's! - bootstraps
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but if you wanna go with it...
makes me physically ill to think narrow-minded people exist. Click and believe. God help us.
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See I can capitalize too.
I'm sorry, but not it's not. - bootstraps
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Anybody can use the letterhead. And probably anybody can fundraise through blogs, but this is not a blog created by Obama. Sorry about the caps.
Why? Because YOU say so? - Too bad the same stretch is not used
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to give Romeny the benefit of the doubt when you set out to castrate Romney. You think you have the inside track on all things Obama? Aint buyin' what you're tryin' to sell (spin - same thing).
No, because tumblr says so. O/B have better things to do - than to police blog content.
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Think about it.
Like what? He doesn't do a thing except campaign - and play golf.
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This would be your first clue of how much the blogger - photo-shopped before posting. nm.
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Manipulated photo = manipulated message. The fact that it appears on an Obama/Biden campaign blog site tells me the campaign does not edit out the content of the blog, which is to their credit....unlike Mitt's folks who seem to have scoured access to the internet video showing the You Didn't Build That ad that has since been busted as false advertising.
If they didn't make it entirely disappear, they certainly did make it much more difficult to find. I spent around 30 minutes yesterday getting "access denied" thrown in my face, click, after click, after click.
IMHO.... - SK
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While it's entirely appropriate for the POTUS to recognize the passing of a national hero, a picture of Mr. Armstrong would probably have been more appropriate. 
Was exactly my thought - Obama HAD to inject himself into
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and never even bothered to carry a pic of Neil...Only Obama. I've seen enough of that idiot Obama to last a lifetime.
Did you check out the site? - bootstraps
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Did you see the the bloggers' monikers who responded? Did you notice there were obscenities in their monikers? Did you click on any of them and notice they had porn attached? If you did, they you might have drawn the conclusion this was a blog, and not affiliated with Obama, no matter the letterhead. You could have also researched Tumblr. Gotta be smart these days.
Good call... - SK
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There weren't any comments when I saw it and I took it for Obama's website and I just glanced at it. Color ME embarrassed. I'll look more closely next time.
It looks like this site is a blog and not Obama's - bootstraps
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check it out.
just click on the first blogger response - bootstraps
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I'm sure a Obama-authorized site would not allow a link to porn.
Just as a disclaimer, no doubt this is probably a Democratic fan, but I have my doubts that this is legit and kind of scary it has links to donations. Not that he/she is not authorized to take donations, but a little sketch in my opinion.
It's a real testament to his memory the cons are - trying to make political hay out of an obit.
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Nothing more pathetic than that.
"nothing more pathetic" except maybe - the spin in your post
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Must be hell to saddled with an a$$ like Obama who cannot even pay homage to a dead remarkable American man, with that man's picture, but instead Obama has to place himself front and center.
And even more challenging to have a candidate whose - campaign is void of substance
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and uninspiring his supporters think turning a photo into a scandal is what passes for pertinent political rhetoric...and on the eve of their own party's convention, no less. At least dems don't have to run and hide from themselves.
And even more challenging to have a candidate whose - campaign is void of substance - Obama supporters would know
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What Obama supporters know is they don't have to - invent scandal
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That's one area of expertise I wholeheartedly attribute to the Romney camp.
Obama = Scandal & Liars & Lies & Deception - They don't invent scandal - they CREATE IT
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Obama and his ilk the motherload of deceipt and scandal. Need a list? Go to Google, go to the search bar. Type O-b-a-m-a S-c-a-n-d-a-l-s and L-i-e-s
Get back to us - K?
Don't need a list, but a for instance would be nice. - Here. I'll go first
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GOP: Women lie about rape. Rape is only legitimate when pregnancy doesn't exist. Therefore, no exception for rape and incest victims in our proposed Constitutional Amendment banning abortions. Check out our platform for details, but don't ask the candidate. He doesn't know the answer or what's in the platform since he doesn't have to run on it.
Your turn.
Obama Scandal and Lies - Short list
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1. Obamacare.
2. Fast and Furious.
3. Obama's entire book.
4. Obama the coke head.
5. Geithner's tax fraud.
6. Obama lying about lobbyists in his admin.
So many scandals; so little room or time to list them all.
Is this an Obama-authorized post? - bootstraps
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I've never even heard about this site until now. Not saying it ain't legit, but seems strange they would post that picture.
There's probably lots of imposter Twitter, Facebook Obama sites. I'm just thinkingt this is one of them? If not, okay, but does not seem legit to me.
Nothing strange about it except he doesn't - have a halo around his head.(sm)
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