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RIP Neil Armstrong

Posted: Aug 26, 2012

Where were you when they landed on the moon? I was 15, sitting with my parents in the living room, watching Walter Cronkite...


This may sound stupid, but... - I actually cried when I heard.

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I was 6 and oblivious when it happened--no memory of it all. My dad was in the air force, so we may not have been in US to see it anyway. However, my dad was very interested in the space program and astronomy, so he was the one who sparked my interest in everything space related. Growing up, I heard and studied so much about these space heroes that they were like uncles who never visited me (later the list included aunts, too.) : )

RIP Neil. Now you get to go play amongst the stars.

not stupid at all - we cried too...

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and I teared up all over again reading your post.

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