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Nelson Mandela has died.
Posted: Dec 5, 2013

a really extraordinary human being - thanks for posting
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Thanks for posting. May he rest in peace. (NM) - Libby
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for those interested - sm
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This is a 5:24 video of Miriam Makeba performing "Soweto Blues" in South Africa. The music is beautiful and tells the tragic story of the Soweto uprising in 1976.
Hating clouds the mind. . . Leaders cannot afford to hate. - Great man
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Hating clouds the mind. It gets in the way of strategy. Leaders cannot afford to hate.
Bravo! Unfortunately, there's too much hating (sm) - Libby
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going on, as is evident even on this message board.
I wonder how many haters have developed GI problems because of all the virulent hatred they harbor.
Rush Limbaugh on Mandela...it's not what you think - and it's not hate...
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RUSH: Let me give you what is, I think, one of the most amazing things I ever heard Nelson Mandela say. We had fun with Mandela when he was in New York, when he came to New York and went to Yankees Stadium.
But I'll tell you, there are very few people that could have undergone what he went through and maintained any sense of dignity or optimism. Most people who had been through what Mandela went through would have spent the rest of their life enraged and bitter and angry and would have tried to get even. In fact, you might almost be able to make the point that there are people in this country who have not lived through horrible times who want to act like they have in order to occupy victim status, but Mandela really did it.
One of the most amazing things that he said -- I love profundities, and I particularly love short, pointed philosophy. Listen to this. "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." Is that not great? And it's great because it's exactly right. Resentment doesn't do anybody any good. It is a poison unto itself, and you've seen people like this. You know people, you've seen 'em, who run around constantly filled with resentment or anger over the way they've been disrespected or mistreated, and they can't let go of it.
You don't want to be around them. You lose patience and you want to shout, "Let it go, it's over with, move on," and those who can't literally poison themselves to death. They figuratively poison themselves to death. So here's Nelson Mandela. "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." Nelson Mandela actually lived through the indignities, the punishment, the discrimination, the horrors of the South African apartheid system and came out of it.
Do you realize, when he was inaugurated president, he invited as his special guests the white jailers from his Robben Island prison? He literally did forgive everybody. Twenty-seven years of the prime of his life, and he said, "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." Nelson Mandela would not qualify as a civil rights leader in this country, with that philosophy. They can't let it go. It's become too big a business. They will not let it go.
Mandela let it go.
It's just amazing.
So Nelson Mandela: "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." Now, who said this: "If they bring a knife into the fight, we bring a gun"? That's Obama. Who said, "It's very rare that I come to an event where I'm like the fifth or sixth most interesting person"? That's the head of the Regime. That's Obama. Who said, "We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us"?
That was Barack Obama. Who said, "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back?" No, Bull Connor didn't say that. No. That was Barack Obama. Who said, "I want you to argue with 'em and get in their face"? It would be the president of the United States. That would be Barack Obama, leader of the Regime. Nelson Mandela: "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."
I might add Glenn Beck said the same kind of - thing on his show. nm
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There's no hatred, but confusion. For instance, why are we - flying the flag at half-mast for 10 days
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for Mandela, but none for Lady Margaret Thatcher?
Looking through your posts, Libby, it appears that - anyone who disagrees with you is a hater nm
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I couldn't agree with you more. - That's exactly what is coming off
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Sick of reading the hate.
I think that's quite inaccurate - and way too personal
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I read Libby's posts. I don't agree with your rather facile assessment.
Not personal, just a statement of facts. Otherwise - you could say the same about
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her posts.
throwing around the word hate is not a statement of fact - sm
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but it is easy to spell, and it's a great way to avoid thinking.
That's okay. When they can't discuss the issues, - Libby
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they resort to personal insults.
Every time I'm attacked, an angel gets her wings!
And the more they disagree and start the insults, I know I'm on the right track in my thinking.
So they can go ahead and attack away. The more I get, the more I laugh, and they say that laughter is the best medicine.
I think that you are the one who is guilty of that Libby, - not the others. nm
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I've noticed. (sm) - nm
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Many liberals are that way. If you don't agree with them, you're a hater, a racist, a teabagger as they love to say, a RWNJ, you know all the terms. It's very typical.
Not true. I would LOVE to have a civil discussion (sm) - Libby
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but every time I try to start a discussion or respond to a post, all I get back are personal insults instead of anything thoughtful, meaningful or relevant to the topic at hand.
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