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It's official. The dancing vaginas will be on stage with
Posted: Sep 4, 2012

I think you got me wrong. - RC
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I'm pro gay marriage and pro equality, and I'm in no way a racist.
I just think the vagina costumes are dumb.
I think she got you wrong, too - sm
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I don't see dancing vaginas as appropriate for a political convention, and I certainly don't believe the DNC has any such foolishness scheduled for the convention stage.
what a leap! - sm
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How did you make the leap that someone is racist or homophobic because they prefer genitals to remain in their pants?
They are the surprise! Only now they will be - able to talk.
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You wish. :) Clint wasn't so bad, inappropriate, but plenty - cheered the vulgarity. So, okay. NM
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Are you serious? You compare CE to dancing vaginas - that also speak?? Wow.
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Yes, I'm afraid CE's content was to a very low standard. - Unworthy, IMO. NM
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What an entertaining election! - SK1
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The empty chair vs. the dancing va-jay-jays. The entertainment value is priceless.
Much better than a half time Super Bowl show!! - LM
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Just read where they were going to show up at the DNC to protest there, too. (nm) - backwards typist
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Yes. I posted a link to their calendar. I know - they are going to be
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very active in and around Charlottesville, as they should be. Nowhere on the calendar did I see a scheduled appearance inside the convention center, and it is counter-intuitive that they would create any sort of distraction during Sandra Fluke's speech.
Now, once again, I will be the first one to admit I am wrong about this, just as soon as a quasi-credible source is posted on this claim.
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