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Have some respect. sm

Posted: Dec 15, 2012

What a bunch of sick people on this Politics section.  These children are either still lying where they were slain in their classrooms or being moved to a temporary morgue brought on site as I post this, according to latest State Police update, and people here are fighting and ranting and raving.  My state is in mourning.  Have some respect. I'm shaking my head in disgust.


I appreciate your shock and grief... - however,

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I suggest if you can't handle remarks made on an often contentious political message board, you take a break for a while. And I might add, that no matter where you are politically, I would wager that most of us are shocked and grieving and angry over this senseless act just like you.

Never said I cannot handle remarks here. sm - Connecticut Yankee

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I moderate and administer several forums (not business related). I've seen lots in the last 5 years. Just disgusted by what I see here. Don't care where you all are politically. Whatever. Have some respect.

Telling people they're disgusting is rude. You don't "own" - this tragedy and have no special rights. nm

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No one's holding a gun to your head making you - read this forum, are they?

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Have to agree - Fanatical Hypocrite

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I understand the OP's opinion and problem dealing with this situation. The whole country is upset by this senseless tragedy. The problem is that the most important political issues typically involve tragedy. If we can't talk about recent or ongoing tragedies, we can't talk about wars, school shootings, natural disasters, starvation, etc.

Iraq and Afghanistan are great examples. There is no accurate tally of how many children have been killed in the fighting or now live in truly horrifying conditions. Every day we continue the wars we kill more innocent people. Yet if we stop the wars more innocent people will die.

Just as the wars raise an important debate, these killings bring up issues of gun control or lack thereof. This public discourse is an important part of our democracy. We cannot shy away from the hard truth or avoid a discussion because it's unpleasant. If you can't talk about it, it never gets better.

Now unfortunately this will lead to the usual far right-far left spectacle/debacle. Personally I try to avoid televised news for a few days to let people get it out of their system so I don't have to hear the usual debate. Democrats will want to ban anything more dangerous than a water balloon and Republicans will want to legalize nerve gas.

Actually, most Pubs support some gun control and many - Dems carry guns. We have several. A lib. nm

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Yeah, I didn't mean all - Fanatical Hypocrite
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I was just referring to the televised media circus where the extremes of both parties try to take advantage of the spotlight. Politicians like Mike Huckabee.

Though I'm not sure I agree about Republicans and gun control. I'm sure there are millions who do, but the words "gun control" can mean a lot. I think 99% of us can agree armor piercing, long distance sniper rifles should be restricted. So we all want gun control. The term means little and less on its own. Beyond that, Republican politicians have historically proven themselves to be pro-NRA and anti-gun control and have taken out any legislation they can to accomplish these goals. This isn't always true and is far from true for everyone, but until I see bipartisan effort to ban the deadliest modern weapons available, I can't say Republicans support very much gun control.
Yes, it is a knee-jerk term, but most pubs are sensible - and want it when described differently. Like
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healthcare reform when they're asked about the individual elements. Against Obamacare, for coverage of preexisting conditions and just about everything else.

My respect goes to the people who have the courage to - stand up and say ENOUGH!! NM

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It's a national tragedy we all grieve. - Politics, like religion,

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at times functions as a mechanism humans organize around and use to bring order to disorder while trying to cope. You have your ways, others have theirs. I'm with the other poster who suggests a time out, though I would add the reminder that mtstars politics is not one of those forums you moderate and administer. We come here to discuss politics, ie, to use this particular forum for its expressed purpose. Evidently, you appear today to discuss your disgust. Perhaps the gab or faith board would be a more appropriate stage for that.

My bad. This should appear under the OP. - nm

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Preaching respect while hurling insults. Forked tongue hypocrisy is - inflammatory and ineffective.

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but you knew that already, huh?

I have not perceived anything - posted during this

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discussion to be disrespectful to the victims of this nightmare on either side, and I'm not sure what strikes you as disrespectful.

Unfortunately this is a political issue which will be brought up every time there is a senseless shooting in a school, church, theater, mall, political rally, army base, commuter train, whatever. Unfortunately most of us get all riled up about it and after about a week we are back to business as usual... until the next massacre. Maybe this one will be the tipping point for some real action or at least debate on this issue. I think we owe it to those kids.

Every day in America is a mass murder - bootstraps

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I agree you you completely.

Every day in America there are over 80 murders from firearms. I wish someone would collect data from each and publicize them daily. Personalize each victim. Interrupt daytime television every time someone gets shot, and make it the focal point of news for 3 hours each night. Interview their friends, parents, siblings, etc. so they can testify how much their loved one will be missed by someone who had the convenience and ease of pulling a trigger.

I am not minimizing the scope of this tragedy. I just happen to believe that every human life is precious, and every death, whether individually or as a tragic mass murder, is senseless.

Here's a quote from an article I read today that says it better than I. I linked the entire article if anyone wants to read it.

"We are to blame every time this happens and our continued avoidance of the issue and inability to actually move forward with meaningful change will continue to kill us, including our children.

We can't eliminate all the guns in our society in a week, month or year. But we certainly can keep military grade weapons, rapid fire weapons, military grade ammunition and other such items out of the hands of civilians. And there are many other real steps we could take as outlined by experts far more versed in this than I am. But the NRA won't let us, or their political minions.

I hope they're proud today, and every day. Guns DO kill people (so sick of the mantra "guns don't kill people, people do"), 87 people a day, and this week, it was kids. Until we can at least get to that step, the rest of the fight is moot.

As a nation we mourn. As a people, we're failing."

I've been thinking this too. There's an unending stream of - dead children to grieve over. If we choose

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to protect ourselves emotionally from this dreadful ongoing reality, that's part of dealing with life competently. If many choose not to join in temporary grief posturing over one tragedy that makes the national news, it's probably in part because most understand the dreadful hypocrisy involved.
So wrong - wheres_my_job
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People can respond to the "dreadful ongoing reality" emotionally AND these rare bursts of mass murder both. No hypocrisy involved. I feel terrible about it all, and vote accordingly, the best as I can in our political system as it currently functions (or DYS-functions).

Whenever one of my European relatives comes to - visit, I warn them this is a very dangerous countr

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We're right up there with Colombia and Afghanistan, dontcha think?
If you're talking private gun ownership, the US is unrivaled - as #1
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The model used to measure this is simple. Number of guns divided by total population. US=88.8. It's nearest competitor is Serbia, an astonishing 30 points under that at 58.8.

So what are YOU doing on the Politics Board, then? - nm

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