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Frustrated beyond belief

Posted: May 13, 2011

I want nothing more than to get Obama out of the WH in 2012.  However, in saying that...what it wrong with the GOP?  Seriously!  Mitt friggin Romney (puke) who did the same kind of healthcare in his state as Obama has forced on the entire country.  Newt Gingrich?  Really?  Donald Trump?  Seriously?  I could literally vomit! 


Two Points - Reader

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First off, it doesn't matter. That's because whoever gets in, R or D, will just continue the same GLOBALIST agenda that this country was put on 30+ years ago. Don't listen to the RHETORIC and PROMISES. Haven't you learned yet that politicians LIE!?

Second point: EVERY single U.S. presidential election has been won by the guy who had more royal blood. This is 100%, NO deviation. Burke's Peerage, who does geneaology of the nobility, has documented this extensively. ALL top contenders are of one of two major bloodlines. These are the ROYALS or the "ruling elites." And if you think for one second that a "ruling elite" or royal is going to get into office and do ANYTHING that benefits "We The People" and not the royals/ruling elites, then think again.

Yeah, right. - Tiny Message

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Weird music playing in the background.

LOL - excellent response - nudicrus

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Um....thanks for sharing but I'm - not buying it. nm

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Good points - glad other people are paying attention - Message for OP too

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I agree with what you said about Mitt Puke Romney, Newt, etc, but there are other very good candidates. Check out Mitch Daniels. Democrat strategists have even said he's the one the democrats are the most afraid of. I'm also interested in Cain too.

But you are right. It's the ruling elite who choose who will sit in the seat. The elections are just a side game for them. They've already chosen who they want in and then they'll let us pick whichever two they want. Right on about the royal blood too. Glad someone else is awake.

I've never heard of Mitch Daniels, but he's the best of the bunch? - sm

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I've been paying attention, but I don't recall hearing anything about him. I didn't know he was running.
He isn't running but I think he would be - good for a choice.
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I live in Indiana and I think Mitch has done a very good job in our state. The only thing I can truly knock him on is the whole daylight savings time....I HATE IT!!! lol
Did he say he wasn't runny or has he just not announced he is - Haven't seen the news lately
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I do like him. The last I heard was that he would be announcing soon whether or not he will run. He's a great candidate and I wish I lived in Indiana to have him represent the state.

I think they should do away with DST. What a waste of time. ;o)
The last I heard he hasn't said - one way or another
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As an Indiana resident...I think he would be a great president. He cut spending by $440 million through budget cuts and privatization plans his first term. I know many people say he sold our toll road, but that was total crap. He leased it out and the income from the lease was used to finance a backlog of public transportation projects and create a $500 million trust fund to generate revenue for the maintenance of the highway system. He also signed the Healthy Indiana Plan, which provided 132,000 uninsured Indiana workers with coverage.

I hope he runs becauuse I would totally vote for him!

TIME says Huntsman is the one Democrats should fear - sm

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I think I remember him from the Republican debate recently. I only saw a few minutes of it, but I think he was there. I'm not sure about the other guy you mentioned.

Mitch hasn't said he's running, neither has Cain but - Backwards Typist

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Ron Paul just threw his hat in the ring this morning.

Oh, goody. i'm gonna run for President! - Backwards Typist

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I've bot blue blood and royalty on 3 different ancestry lines plus DH has 1. Would you vote for me? LOL

Don't have to! According to OP, you will win anyway - nm

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No that's not what the OP said. You missed the whole point - mt
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Before you make fun of someone you should at least understand what they are saying. You missed the point entirely.

Before Obama....YES. I think you - know when the account

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is empty you stop writing checks and start cutting expenses, right??

Definitely...let's see, for 2 years now. Getting tired of it. - Backwards Typist
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I would like to spend a little money on a new pair of shoes. Not in the budget so still wearing my 5-yo shoes.

I do have plenty of food though. LOL

really? - nudicrus

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I mean really? . . .

The way I see it - sm

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For years a certain number of Americans have had the attitude that anyone with Republican behind their name is good and worthy, while anyone with Democrat behind their names has horns, and anyone with Independent behind their names just really needs to become a Republican or else they will soon be as worthless as all Democrats.

Since it has been that way, we've seen a lot of Republican politicians who ended up not being excellent people after all. They've not demonstrated good values, ethics or high standards. That's okay though, for that group of people I'm talking about, because they are Republicans.

You either are a Republican, which equals good, or you aren't, which equals bad.

That's why we've collected such a huge number of jerks who want to run the Republican Party, in my opinion.

My own opinion is that there are good and bad in all of these, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We should not label the person by what we have always thought or want to think about the party they belong to.

Mmmmkay? - sm

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I don't believe I was labeling people. As for ethics, good values, and high standards....I have found that most...if not all....politicians lack one or more of these...I don't care what party they belong to.

My point was that I refuse to vote for Obama in 2012 because I think he has made our country even worse than Bush did. I just wish I had another option to vote for who I felt would actually do some good. So far I've seen little to nothing from any other party willing to challenge Obama in 2012.

Just once I wish I didn't have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils!!!

Oh, I was not saying that YOU were labeling. I was talking about a group in general - The Way I See It

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I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you, the OP, were labeling anything. I'm sorry that it sounded that way. There is a group of people who do, and I'll bet there is a group in both parties and probably even a group in the Independent category who think everyone else is [whatever they have decided to label them]. Not you. I'm working on me, but it's hard not to label.

I disagree - see message

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When I hear people come out with that everyone thinks anyone republicans is an angel and democrats are evil and have thorns/horns out of their head my eyes do the rollover. It's a copout that people in their own party (whichever party) do not take responsibility for their actions. Nobody has ever said if you are a republican you are good and do no wrong, but if you are a democrat you are satan with horns, etc.

People need to take responsibility for their actions no matter what party. There are good and bad in both sides. For every republican who has had an extra-marital affair there is also a democrat who has had one. For every republican who has done a criminal act there is also a democrat who has done one. For every republican who has done an act of violence there is also a democrat who has done one, and I think it's an insult to proclaim that Americans think republicans are angels and democrats are satan because Americans do not think that way.

Most Americans can decide for themselves based upon the actions of individuals in politics. It's called agreeing or disagreeing with the actions of individuals. It has nothing to do with "horns".

I've voted for both sides in the past depending on what I like about them. Voted for Clinton first term (learned my lesson not to vote the 2nd) and I've voted for Bush the first term (also learned my lesson not to vote the 2nd). And if I don't like any candidate I won't vote (learned my lesson that that is an option too).

Both parties have been destroyed and infiltrated by self-serving politicians who put their own financial gain before the good of the country. I'm tired of being lied to by politicians just to get our votes, then when they get in office who they serve is certainly not the people.

But to come out and say that Americans believe that anyone with a republican title is good and if you aren't it's bad is equally said the other way around. On this board and throughout the country are people who think anyone democrat is good and anyone who is a republican has horns and born of satan himself. It all depends on what perspective you are looking at it, and what party you belong to to say that of the other party.

Actually, where I live it is assumed that all Republicans have halos - and you know the rest of the story

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Nobody in the state where I live dares mention anything positive about any Democrat. I've been made fun of and yelled at, just for saying, calmly, that I didn't agree with a Republican policy. It gets tiresome.
Where I am from and my family too on the other side - sm
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Nobody has anything good to say about republicans. My MIL tells me Bush is satan reincarnated. So is McCain, Palin and all the other evil republicans (well I won't disagree with her about Palin) :-) My dad and mom on the other side of the country say they will never support a republican because republicans are robbing the poor blind and profiting off of them. They said everyone they knows feels the same way. And we won't even talk about CA (that state is very very liberal and people believe republicans are the evil ones with horns. So I get it from both sides of the country. When I was a democrat I thought that about the republicans and when I was a republican I thought that about the democrat. Now that I'm neither I can see that there is no difference in the parties. They are all controlled by the same group. It's the actions of individual politicians that I decide who I like or don't.

I think it's only natural that whatever party you support they will always proclaim that all of America thinks their party is the one with devil horns. I just got out of living the victim role and learned both parties are controlled by the same group and there is no difference.
There's a huge difference, which you can see when you look at - red and blue states
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My state used to be Democratic and now it's Republican or keep your mouth shut. Back when it mainly voted Democrat, it was okay to talk favorably or unfavorably about each. I think it may have changed in the 60s. If I didn't have such a beautiful home in an area that I love, I would move out of this state and into one that believed in freedom of speech. In the meantime, I can talk online, but won't make the mistake of saying anything good about a Democrat in person.

Forced on the entire country? - sm

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I think that may be the best thing any of our Presidents have done since Rosevelt.

And I respectfully disagree with you 100% - nm ;)

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That's what makes horse races! - LOL

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No problem. I'm easy to disagree with. I respect others with a different point of view, as long as it's sane. I'm not quite as accepting of opinions based on insanity though. LOL.

I know what you mean. I like Herman Cain... the real deal.nm - Frank

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I find that I like him too but I don't know - sm

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whether his lack of experience in politics is a good or bad thing. I don't know....may be a newbie is exactly what we need in this country. I'd definitely vote for him over Obama. Can they call me racist then? lol

Is he the pizza CEO? - nm

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I like him too, but he doesn't have any political background. - Backwards Typist

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He would be in the same trouble that Obama is in because of his inexperience....unless Herman Cain hires everyone to run the government like Obama did.

Obama is doing pretty well for all that alleged inexperience - nm

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What has he done? - sm
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Her forced a healthcare reform on us that will hurt us and the majority of Americans didn't want. He continued the wars that Bush and a democratic congress started. He didn't close Gitmo. He has wasted a lot of money claiming he was stimulating the economy when that money went to nothing but unions and special interest issues that did squat to stimulate our economy. He ordered air strikes in Libya without congress's approval.

The only thing I give him kudos for is getting Bin Laden.

The only thing Obama has accomplished in his presidency is putting us even further in debt with a bigger government trying to control our lives. No thank you!
I think he is making consistently good decisions to dig us out of a serious mess - nm
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He doesn't make decisions. His many czars make the decisions and - Backwards Typist
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he just signs on the dotted line if he likes something. That's what he thinks a President does.

He may have been a good community organizer but he has been bluffing his way through the presidency. I don't think he even realizes how many times he's backpedaled on statements he made.

That 'Czar' word is a conspiracy theory meant to scare people - sm
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We're talking about the same normal, regular jobs that every administration has. These are scare tactics, conspiracy theories you pick up if you hang around the wrong places. The people in these positions may be good or bad, but they don't have 'czar' horns. I think it's a real stretch the wrong way to say that the President doesn't make decisions. He doesn't come out with a lot of bluster or arrogant statements like 'Make My Day' or 'Dead or Alive', but he just quietly does his work. When it's appropriate, he says what is needed without making grandiose and baseless threats. I like that about him very much.
I heard today he has asked Congress to cut the oil co subsidies - but they refuse
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President Obama has asked Congress to cut the subsidies given to oil companies, but they have refused. If he is a skilled politician, he will negotiate. It may take some time, but it's still possible he can get it done. I don't see him as a political wheeler-dealer like Lyndon Johnson or others though. He may be, but very quiet and behind-the-scenes about his negotiations. I hope.
Why in the world won't Congress listen to him and cut those oil subsidies?! - I just do not understand it!
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If Congress did that one thing and that's all they did all year long, it would be a year well spent. We're talking billions of dollars! Why won't they budge on this?!

I hope he keeps working on them on this issue.
Czar is the title Obama gave to the people he appointed - nm
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A rose by any other name stll smells as sweet. These are staff members - In The Hills
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These are just people who were hired on as staff, or his 'cabinet'. I think they called Kennedy's staff the "Irish Mafia" which included Kenneth O'Donnell and other advisers of his. Other Presidents' teams have different nicknames. Karl Rove was called 'The Architect' and Chuck Colson and Bob Dole were called "Hatchet men" for their Presidents. They didn't really carry hatchets and Kennedy's guys really weren't in the Mafia.
Remember Tom Delay "The Hammer" who is in prison now I think - sm
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Republicans nicknamed Tom Delay "The Hammer" because he was basically mean.
I like a President who considers the issues carefully as Obama does - see message
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I also like the fact that he is courageous enough to listen to his advisers and modify his plans using new or different information. That's what wise people do. The "I am the decider" comment that President Bush made, was just a hint of what was to come. He was not able to make good use of advisers. In fact, he was on a power trip. I like his fun attitude. I like his smile and the little wink. I like him as a person. He didn't use good judgement and wasn't able to weigh options carefully. He was "the decider" and that was it. It doesn't make him a bad person, just a bad President.

I believe I could have supported him in his decisions if he had listened to his advisers and had considered other options, but according to their interviews on different topics, he didn't do that. But, he isn't President now and while we will be cleaning up after some of those decisions for years to come, his decision-making skills are no longer a problem. Now I can like him.

President Obama does weigh options carefully. He may still make both good and bad decisions. We never have a perfect President. I've noticed that there is a point where, after listening to the advisers that he steps in and makes the final decision. In the coverage of the Bin Laden event, he told his advisers that he wanted to think about the options overnight. The next morning they started giving him the options again, ready to discuss them again, and he stopped them. He had already made his decision. THAT is what a good leader does. He also knows when it's wise to change or do something a different way. THAT is leadership as well. I like that about President Obama. Are there things I don't like about him? I'm sure there will be. Not now. Everybody makes mistakes though and he will be no exception.
"Consistently good decision".. OMG, take off - the blinders! policies are the worst.nm
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We need to ditch the party system. We need to - elect a LEADER, not a stupid party.

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I would truly love that!!! - That sounds wonderful

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I just hate all the bickering and labeling of anyone who is of the 'whatever' party as evil and anyone from another party as 'heroic' just because of the party identification.

It would be wonderful if we could just elect a leader, and not, as you said, a stupid party, as I think they both are, and probably the Independents too.

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