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For those ********* sedition, American flags can be donated

Posted: Nov 13, 2012

you're just ******** them or ******* them in the *******.


It is obvious a lot do not agree with Obama. - We the People

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Want our country back. Plain and simple. Do not want Obamacare down our throat, how Libya was handled, playing Robin Hood, etc.

American Legion in your town will be more than happy to - take your flag. nm

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you know....it seems that.... - anon92

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now all of a sudden when those who did not support and vote for the big O, and suddenly found ourselves stuck with him again for another 4 years, and the fraudulent things that were kept from the American people until AFTER the election and being called whiners, and get over it, and deal with it, we the people voted... and such...now that those of us who do not support a fraudulent govt and are standing up for the true meaning of America the Republic, you O supporters have to now resort to name calling, and deserters. Why should we be stuck with something that again was shoved down our throats fraudulently, once more, and have to live under the tyranny of such a govt that is not supportive of what its own people want. Now that some of us are standing up for what we DO want, and not just sitting back and boot licking the way you expect us to, we are subject to your names and derision. You all have to chide us, call names, laugh at us, and bully us into your submission. Well, maybe not this time. An awful lot of us are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore...from the current regime, or from you, for that matter. If you want socialism/communism so doggone badly, move to a country that is already that way! I for one do not want to see the good old USA, which was founded on honesty and God, being turned into a communist country. You cannot bully us into submission any longer. We can stand up for ourselves and our rights just as much as you can, and if YOU don't like it....get out! But don't call us traitors because we want what we have always had in the past...honesty and integrity in our govt. You are more traitors than we have ever thought about being....gimme, gimme, gimme and you pay for it. Not much longer!
Welcome to the Disappointment Club. - RC
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Sorry, I can't feel sorry for you guys. We already went through it with Bush, and with far less whining.
rhetoric overload much? - sm
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fraudulent, fraudulent, shoved down our throats, fraudulently, tyranny, boot licking, chide, laugh, bully, submission, mad as hell, regime, socialism, communism, God, communist, bully, submission, get out, gimme, gimme, gimme.
at least I didn't call you a sore loser, traitor, and unpatriotic... - anon93
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when you are the very ones that are what you say we are. If I have to resort to "rhetoric" overload...so what. It gets my point across and I have the right, so far, to make my point, as much as you do. You O supporters do not own the board now, just because he was fraudulently reelected to office, anymore than you did prior to the election. This is STILL a free country, until he pushes through his and your hidden agenda, and I can exercise the right to say what I want, as often as I want, as much as you do. Your gloating, bloating, and laughing at those of us who really care for this country is totally unbecoming of "gracious winners," and you have no idea what "sportsmanship," or true "patriotism" truly is. You will see in "the end" just who the true "losers" are going to be!! You just wait and see. Now, laugh some more, you schoolyard bullies, because it is moving in the opposite direction than you think it is. eye....woolies. ha ha ha!
First of all, what else would you call people who...sm - VTMT
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were advocating leaving the USA because their candidate did not get elected?

Secondly, no one on this board even gave the Obama supporters the chance to be magnanimous winners before you went on the attack again and crying foul. Just think about it. We, the "winners" are not threatening to throw you "losers" out. That would not be the "American" thing to do. It is you that are threatening to leave. Our way is the democratic way, all inclusive. That is what I love about my America. I'm sorry you don't feel that way too.
all inclusive, my behind! - anon
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all inclusive to you guys means your way or the highway! That's not inclusive at all and the true democratic way is to serve God first, then Country. You all expect the working class to pay your way with "entitlements" while you sit on your butts and do nothing. How I feel is that I am tired of working longer hours, for less money, having to pay more for your "entitlements", losing MY job to overseas, technology or whatever they want to call it these days, while tax loopholes are being made to extradite those jobs to some country who thinks they are better than us, and we still have to "pay them" to import their cheap products that sicken us, kill us, and empty our wallets. It is not solely because our candidate did not win...it is because of the fraudulent things that have happened before and since. This is not the govt that democrats or republicans should be embracing. This is not the govt that cares about its communities. It is a govt now that only wants its hands in the pockets of the poor so they can remain rich, and force us to have to "deal with it." We don't want to "leave America," we just want the America this has become to change back to being fair for all, not just for a few. We want the fraud to stop, the lies to stop, the impurity to stop, to stop embracing all the evil in the world and to go back to embracing what is good. To be forthright, honest, upright, God fearing, loving to each other (which we do not absolutely find on THIS board, as no one is entitled to their opinions unless they all agree with you, and the other losers). We want to be free from tyranny. We want to be free from govt rule telling us what we can and can't eat, how big our sodas can be, if we are even allowed to drink soda, yet they can allow additives to our foods that make us sick and slowly kill us, and then when we become too obese so that we are not pleasing to the eye any longer, it is our fault for eating the wrong foods. This govt is so wrong and so deceitful on so many levels, that it is just not ethical to be a part of it any longer. We are not wanting to leave America....we want the America it has become to leave us! oh....that's right....the America we used to have already did leave us...all that is left is....you. ugh! Now that is something to be proud of, for sure!
Whoaa! By inclusive I mean that we respect...sm - VTMT
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or at least try to, people of all colors, viewpoints and nationalities, all religions or no religion, rich or poor, the strong and the weak, and we respect that the fortunate in our party "walk the walk" of the basic tenents of most of the religions in the world, love thy neighbor as thyself. Everything hinges on that, and we don't mean your next door neighbor. That is what inclusive means.
well, I sure don't see.... - anon
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all that so called "love," "respect," and "tolerance" on this board! That's for sure. You all sure do not respect the differing view points stated here, much less even tolerate the mention of the word God on this forum, either. While you are so bent over patting yourself on the back for your high view of yourselves, don't let the door hit you.... you speak with forked tongue. You surely proport yourselves to be much better than what your words suggest that you are. Vindictive, revengeful, finger pointing, blameful, and only to those who attempt to disagree with you.
Yes, for worse, reactionaries are part of 'us." Anon93, America - voted for progress and against
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just the sort of mentality your post illustrates. Whether you ever come to admit it or not, this election was the majority's repudiation of the hard right's pernicious drag on our country, both secular and fundamentalist religious, but most especially its disgraceful hostility to most of its fellow citizens.

After years of cultivated confusion by labels like "family values" and "traditional morality," decent people sorted it all out, looked at who and what they found themselves associating with, and didn't like what they saw. At all.

That's why the GOP has been hemorrhaging members and why its leadership is already in the process of figuring out how to turn its "base" from out-of-control, packs of dysfunctional attack dogs into quiet, obedient lap dogs. Those who threaten the success of the next election in just 2 years (yes, we're going after the House!) will find themselves repudiated and rejected by their own party.
Big words do not impress me any more than small minds... - anon93
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I highly doubt that with the way things are now America is going to last another two years for what you are thinking of as "going after the House" going to happen. You call this progress....I call this backsliding sinners wanting control so they can continue to sin using the govt as their cover up and shield. You are saying you are "decent people" but I take offense at that, because there are no decent people left in office. Only the ones trying to keep us from failing are the ones that are truly decent. You laugh at "family values" and "traditional morality" like they are bad things, when porn and death run rampant over the media airways and internet, people kidnapping and molesting little children, and disposing of the "evidence" as trash. Yep...turn them into obedient lap dogs, replicas of all that we despise...go after the House, if you think that will help...but once again....eyes....woolies.... ha ha ha. You will see in the end who is right and who is wrong. Good luck with your abhorrant dreams.
It sounds like you'd be happier - RC
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on the faith board.

You keep bringing up god and sin, but this is a political forum.
so sue me....you may get a few more entitlements out of it. - anon93
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you are not in control of what I put where, and I can say whatever I want to say...and I can bring up God and sin wherever it fits most...as often as I like. You don't like it? Don't read it!
you have just accused a fellow citizen of getting - money for nothing
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nice job. How holy of you.
It's just hot air. - RC
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Accusations don't bother me. I've worked since I was 16 and never received bennies from the government. I'm pretty much impervious to all that blather.
That is just it... I think now we have a fradulent society. - Vote for revenge.
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With Obama being in office.

Started with Clinton changing everything. Then again Clinton "I did have not have sexual relations with that woman" and Obama can DO NO WRONG.
not to mention him (clinton) actually having been... - anon93
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impeached for his actions, and refusing to leave office, and nobody did anything about it...just let him stay, hide documents, burn documents, cover up his and his wife's tyrannical actions, have sordid affairs, let him play at being president, let him have sex on the wh desks, etc. yeah...fraudulent, is right!

Well "We the People" voted... - anon

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...and the majority voted for Obama, plain and simple. Want your country back? Back where? The 1950s, when women and minorities knew their place and white men called all the shots? Sorry, but the times, they are a-changing. You'll just have to adapt or get left behind with the rest of the dusty relics.

You're right. We the people voted - (sm) - Texan

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that included dead people, illegal aliens, 143% of Allen West's district voted, military personnel voted, overseas citizens voted, some of these votes were counted, some weren't. Can you guess which were and which weren't?
Which part of the post is disliked by so many? - Is it the fraud part (sm)
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that gave your hero a win, or is the fact that it was found out.
It's the complete lack of probity, integrity, honesty, and - commitment to and understanding of
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our democratic systems that make our nation what it is.

And yes, lack of patriotism. Patriotism, because it is "the refuge of scoundrels" and too often of hypocrites bent on cloaking bad deeds in it, is usually an uncomfortable word for me to use. But this talk shows me that I really am a patriotic person.

I've tried to laugh off these spewings several times, but it hasn't worked. This facile sedition over as little as a lost election is extremely offensive, both because of the disrepect to our republic and because our nation IS its people and it illustrates too clearly what a potentially wobbly foundation our security rests on.
No, it is the sore loser, lying, unpatriotic part. nm - oldtimer
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the part where you forget about the electoral college? - sm
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Rest assured: if the republican party felt it were cheated, it would be brought to the Supreme Court to decide. You remember that, right?
Hey Texan, If you opt out we won't even need to... - sm
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change the number of stars. Puerto Rico is waiting to take your place. Regarding voter fraud, remember 2000?
Maybe - they
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would be happier being part of Mexico. I guess we better build a fence around the border of Texas so we can keep you illegal aliens from coming back once you realize what a mistake it was to leave us.
Let Texas defend their own crazy border. It could be quite costly! nm - VTMT
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Don't spoil the fun. We could use the moat and alligator border idea - Al Fabbet
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ala Herman Cain. How about the great wall of Texas (electrified, of course)? We'd have to figure some way of keeping the pesky mooching Texans from coming here and stealing our jobs.
So the irregularities in 2000 makes it okay - for fraud now? Is that what you're saying?
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No, the majority did not vote for him - get over it

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Voter suppression, fraud, votes gone "missing", 16 million people votes just vanished. Only counting votes for the O, throwing away in the trash other votes.

No, the country has not had a fair election. Get over it.
Paul Ryan disagrees with you. He said election won - "fair and square". nm
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It's not sedition - It's patriotism

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Not even a nice try.

Here's the thing about patriotism. - grits

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If you have to tell people how patriotic you are, chances are either you really aren't, or you're defining patriotism in a very specific, fringe manner.

True patriots don't sing it, and true patriots have the good of the country in the front of their mind always, even when they don't agree with the direction. True patriots know when to agree to disagree. True patriots look for solutions. They don't stomp their feet and cry when they don't get their way.

How is it patriotism to wish to leave the country when things don't go your way? That sounds like the opposite of patriotism to me. What are you loyal to, exactly? Do you even know?

Soldiers aren't patriotic? I always thought they were. - backwards typist

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They shout their patriotism from the rooftops but now you're saying true patriots don't sing it.

Is that why a lot of schools and events aren't singing sing America the Beautiful, America, The Star-Spangled Banner, and others?

So sad...and yesterday was Veteran's Day.

Yeah. Today I'm picking on ya. I'm not in a good mood after reading all the dumb hateful posts from others.
The military, as well as most Americans, show their patriotism...sm - oldtimer
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by their actions not by shouting or singing.
That's cool, pick away. I have big shoulders. - grits
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If you're picking on me, you're giving someone else a break.
i usually don't pick on anyone. I post articles but - backwards typist
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I get testy when I'm always "picked on" with dislikes, nasty answers, and the like. It bothers me when I get dislikes for posting actual articles.

To me, a dislike means they don't like the article even if it is proven correct. It shouldn't be that way. That's when I get a bit testy, like I'm being called a liar, when the article is clearly neutral and gives facts of the event.

This board is for discussion and debate. A lot of posters don't do that, just give one subject line and run off. Can't debate with those posters. It was a lot different 5 years ago. We discussed and gave links to articles to read. It was respectful. Not so anymore.

Off my soapbox now.
that conclusion required a huge leap - nm
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and what is your excuse, actually? - anon

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you seem to be throwing the "patriotism" card out there an awful lot yourself. We all know what you are loyal to, it is why that we can't figure out....free phones? "free" healthcare? Free foodstamps??? Do you even know? and your "solution" is to reelect the same person that got us here in the first place? yeah...that'll work. You were all stomping your feet pretty good when you thought he was not going to win the election and your entitlements were going to be cut off! so don't point the finger now and try to use the patriot card as your shield, as well. Glory! Glory!
A ctnical view of patriotism. - sm
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Matriotism is the opposite of patriotism. A yin to its yang, a counterforce to the violent militarism of patriotism. A Matriot would never send her child or another mother’s child to fight nonsense wars. She would march into war herself to protect her child from harm. Patriots cower behind the flag and send young people to die for the sake of material wealth.
So you're saying that anyone who volunteers to serve our country - backwards typist
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is not a patriot? I don't get where you're coming from. Explain it to me.

There is no draft. Those men and women who sign up for the service now is there because they want to be there. They want to defend our country. They are patriots.
Yes they are. I sometimes question the patriotism of...sm - VTMT
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those that send the patriots to war. Their sons and daughters don't usually participate in the military except as officers in a power positon. Oil, lies, false pride, politics, none are reasons to send our brave patriots to war and risk their lives. Every American life lost, as well as the troops that come home with devestating injuries both physical and mental, is a tragedy. If the only promise that Obama keeps is to take care of the troops coming home, that will be good enough for me! Have a good evening.
If only that were true. - grits
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Some do exactly as you say. Some want to serve for love of country, but to suggest they all have that as their only motivation is a naive blanket statement.

Others sign up as a way to an education, or a means to a career, or a way off the street or out of a bad home life. "Defending our country" is a distant second or third motivation if it exists at all.

Regardless, they're all worthy of our respect. I'm not the one who brought up the military. You don't have to have served a day to be a "patriot." I'm not sure how those two things got conflated.

Hey grits - It's patriotism - sm

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Since you and I don't agree on anything, not going to waste my time.

the word "plotting" was EDITED??? - come on!

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That's just insipid.

Have to agree. - RC

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I don't understand the logic behind that.

like Bugs Bunny said: - it is to laugh

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I don't know what these people are thinking. Apparently, advocating for sedition is somehow more respectful than speaking against it. I give up.

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