FDA greenlit releasing mutant Zika killing mosquitos
Posted: Aug 5, 2016
Our sci-fi future just got a whole lot closer to becoming a reality, after the Food and Drug Administration gave the okay to a field trial that would release genetically modified Zika-killing mosquitoes in the Florida Keys.
On Friday, the FDA released a final environmental assessment of the trial, finding that it “will not have significant impacts on the environment.” The project, led by Oxitec, a biotech company that focuses on insect control, calls for the release of thousands of genetically engineered male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The lab insects are bred so that over time they could kill off much of the local mosquito population by passing on a gene fatal to any offspring they have with wild females.
This is not the last hurdle Oxitec faces in turning its dream of disease-obliterating mosquitoes into reality. The company will have to win the approval of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, which plans to vote on the proposal after issuing a survey testing local sentiment of Keys residents this fall. While past surveys have shown the project to have a majority of support, it has also had vocal naysayers. Some fear the environmental impacts that removing the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, a non-native species, might have. Others have more imaginative objections, such as conspiracy theories about the project.
Oxitec’s mosquitoes are engineered to include two copies of the baby-mosquito killing genes, overriding natural selection to make it almost certain that their offspring receive the killer gene from dad. Oxitec claims that trials in Brazil, Panama and the Cayman Islands have reduced mosquito populations by 90%, calling the success “an unprecedented level” of human control over nature. (The World Health Organization, which has also studied using such tactics against disease, has stated that while the technology “has demonstrated the ability to reduce the [mosquito] populations in small-scale field trials” there is still “an absence of data on epidemiological impact.”)
Oxitec’s mosquitoes, he said, is a solution that Keys residents don’t realize they need. The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District spends $1 million a year fighting the Aedes aegypti, only succeeding in controlling 30 to 60 percent of the population with insecticide. While it’s true that scientists can’t be certain about the environmental impacts the trial will have, the methods currently being tested are unlikely to halt Zika’s spread.
What could go wrong? How about unbanning DDT? - It killed malaria. I thought I
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read Zika showed up after these same GMO bugs were released in South America.
Use of DDT causes some species of birds to - near extinction due to - sm
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brittle, thin-shelled eggs that couldn't reach maturity. Also harmful to the good insects, such as honeybees.
I think that's the point. You don't know what to - expect until years down the
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road. GMOs have been linked to bees not being able to find their way back to the hive.
What is wrong with lettin nature take its course? - AMN
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There's an old Chinese saying, "When there are many grasshoppers there will be many frogs to eat them. With many frogs there will come many herons to eat them. To everything there is a season."
The history of mankind is filled with pandemics that have naturally thinned the population. We are living on a woefully over-populated planet, a planet that does not possess the natural resources to sustain us at the rate the population continues to grow. As scientists continue to discover/invent cures and treatments for every pandemic that comes along, another one will emerge.
It's time to let nature take its course, let the strong survive.
The problem is, Zika does not "thin the population" unless... - sm
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you consider that a whole generation may delay procreation if they have access to birth control, and babies who are born with microcephaly will never procreate, so I guess you could say that would be natural selection. My problem with that whole idea is why have progress in medicine and science? Should we just have people get sick and die?
Natural selection is exactly what I'm suggesting by saying - AMN
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let nature take it's course. All the "progress" we've made in medicine and science has only strengthened the next organism that comes along to infect us. With each stronger antibiotic invented, a new "super" strain emerges. Is it really progress? Or are we just chasing our tails?
Let's face it, as was the case with Ebola this media is - blowing this Zika out of proportion.
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and as a result, some really bad decisions are being made along the way. As far as we've been told, the disease affects only a small portion of the population – pregnant women and those who may become pregnant in the near future.
The claim that Zika causes birth defects is based solely on "using epidemiological statistics, not rigorous scientific studies of cause and effect," wrote the Health Ranger in a hit piece exposing the outbreak as an engineered pandemic to justify chemical spraying.
Scientists' assertions are based on what they believe is a cause-and-effect relationship between the virus and developmental deformities in children born in regions of South America, home to mosquitoes carrying Zika.
But what researchers are failing to acknowledge, is that there are other, more likely causes of microcephaly, a severe birth defect resulting in reduced head size. Various types of pesticides are also known to cause birth defects.
Health officials are intent on spraying deadly chemicals into the air
Unfortunately, health officials have a one-track mind when it comes to fighting Zika – and that involves the administration of more harmful chemicals, regardless of the adverse health and environmental effects.
Reports confirm that Florida (where non-travel related cases of Zika were discovered) intends to begin aerial spraying of a densely populated urban area with a dangerous insecticide called "naled."
The chemical assault or "campaign" as the mainstream media describes it will cover a 10-mile area including the one-mile-square area just north of downtown Miami, which experts have identified as a "hub" for Zika transmission.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in conjunction with the Florida Health Department recommended the aerial spraying to reduce adult mosquito populations capable of spreading the virus.
CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a recent conference call that he's concerned "that vector control efforts so far" have not been very effective – likely because the insects have grown resistant to commonly used insecticides – prompting officials to turn to the new chemical, naled.
New insecticide to be aerially sprayed can cause paralysis when inhaled
Naled is an organophosphate insecticide that when it breaks down in animals and the environment, causes "many health effects, both chronic and acute," according to Toxipedia.org, adding that it acts as a "severe" irritant to the skin and eyes.
The chemical can affect animal and human health through ingestion and inhalation, the latter of which is believed to cause the most damage. Animal studies showed naled to be 20 times more toxic to rats when it was inhaled versus consuming the chemical in food and water.
This is highly concerning considering health officials plan to dispense the insecticide through aerial spraying, placing people at risk for inhaling the toxicant.
Pesticide drift makes this route of exposure even more likely. Researchers at the University of Florida found aerially sprayed naled may travel up to 750 meters away from the initial application site.
Animal studies show that naled exposure causes "chronic nervous system damage resulting in a mineralization of the spinal cord and decreased nervous system enzyme activity that led to partial paralysis."
The insecticide is also harmful to aquatic life, important insects such as pollinators, and in general is "very toxic to most organisms."
'Environmental terrorism'
Proposals to deploy naled in other countries to combat Zika have drawn immense controversy. The Puerto Rican government met intense backlash from anti-fumigation activists when it announced plans to begin aerial spraying of the chemical.
The opposition was so strong that officials eventually agreed to suspend its use. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz said that spraying naled into the air is a form of "environmental terrorism."
Doctors, farmers and activists expressed grave concerns about the chemical's health and environmental effects, including its ability to kill honeybees, whose populations are already in sharp decline.
America's decision to deploy such a deadly chemical to fight a disease that may or may not be causing birth defects is completely irrational and borderline insane. There's a very good chance it could cause more birth defects, as well as other irreparable conditions.
The CDC states on its website that most people who contract Zika do not have any symptoms, and when they do, they are typically mild and include things like joint and muscle pain, headaches and fever.
"People usually don't get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika," the CDC says. "Once a person has been infected with Zika, they are likely to be protected from future infections."
Several congressmen have stock in Big Phama producing - vaccines. Worth noting.
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Big Pharma and government go hand and hand.
LOL! Anyone who has an IRA probably has stock in big Pharma. - nm
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With all the vacations Michelle and her daughters have taken at - taxpayer expense we could have
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been way ahead of the game on Zika.
I'm sick of hearing her play the victimhood card. Maybe she could even claim PTSD from the trauma of living at the WH and get a disability check from Social Security.
Zika will have to wait. Michelle isn't finished vacationing.
There's a reason why they call her Marie Antoinette. - Fleecing of the American people
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The American First Lady historically has one or two full-time aides. Hillary was a statistical flyer with four full-time aides:
Michelle Obama has 26 full-time aides.
People are terrified to tell her it’s too many because she’s the first black first lady in US history and no white person wants to tell a black first lady she’s living in an excessively opulent lifestyle.
Did you fell the same way when Laura Bush...sm - sm
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took her daughters et al on vacations to Africa?
Texas Republicans press Obama on Zika dollars, - He held back$400 million. Isn't that
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same amount he sent in this installment to Iran?
Funny how that happens.
Obama sez sorry Texas, we've already spent your $400 million - on ransom. Iran says thank you.
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Depopulization Plan - FedUp
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Zika virus was patented in 1947 by the Rockefellers who believe in global depopulizing. Bill Gates gave a TED talk on global warming due to carbon dioxide which people emit from their lungs, so to decrease global warming, we need to depopulate by millions to bring down carbon dioxide as close to 0 as possible. He said in order to do that (depopulate) he can do it through vaccines, i.e., the Gardisil vaccine he pushed with millions of dollars which as a side effect is infertility and Guillain-Barre which is a supposed rare side effect to a lot of vaccines. However, from what I have read, these mutant mosquitos actually carry things to infect people. Bill Gates said the mosquito is the single most animal(? cannot recall the exact word) that killed large amounts of people. Hence, his genetically modifying the mosquito to infect people. Look on Clinton Foundation page and who is the top contributor...Bill and Melinda Gates. Clintons are in on the agenda to depopulate, FDA, CDC....are all in on the depopulization. Where Bill Gates money goes, killing off people will inevitably follow. Now instead of killing people with vaccines like he originally said in his TED talk, he will not have to make people vaccine fearful and instead will kill us with mosquitos.
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