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FBI Director firing in early 90s had some similarities to

Posted: May 11, 2017

Less than a year into the new president's administration, the FBI director was fired. His conduct had been scrutinized before the election, but when the opposition party won, it took months for him to be out of a job. William S. Sessions, fired in July 1993, was until Tuesday the only FBI director dismissed in the middle of a 10-year term. He claimed politics led to his ouster, a view held to this day by some supporters. There are many similarities between President Bill Clinton's firing of Sessions and President Donald Trump's firing of James Comey, as well as many foundational distinctions. Both Comey and Sessions faced bipartisan criticism spanning a change in leadership and at least some reports of internal dissent before being canned months into the new administration. ;

But it’s a constitutional crisis when Trump does it. - I wish we still had REAL journalists

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I didn't see anything in the article that said - it’s a constitutional crisis

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I did see: "Gerson, a Bush holdover, drafted a report recommending Sessions’ firing, building on a previous document compiled by Barr, and he denies any political influences. Reno accepted the recommendation and Clinton made the call.

“There are some loose parallels but also some fundamental differences," Gerson says.

“There wasn't any possible allegation that either President Bush or President Clinton were attempting to cover something up," he says."

Sessions also didn't find out by seeing it on the TV: "In another key difference between the firings, Comey was not notified personally by Trump. He reportedly learned of his firing on TV and told the group he was addressing that it was an amusing joke.

Bill Clinton called Sessions, who previously had been offered a chance to resign.

Heymann recalls being in the room with Sessions when Clinton called.

“It wasn’t treated as a major event at the time,” Heymann says. He believes Sessions said, “Yes, Mr. President,” and accepted the outcome, though there was a discussion of when the firing would take effect. The New York Times reported Clinton called a second time to say the firing was effective immediately."

As most are saying about this firing is that it is all about the timing. So, maybe you could point out where the apparently "unreal journalist" said it was "a constitutional crisis."

Celebrities are having a fit over this. They hollywood - morons have no idea what a

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constitutional crisis is.

Lefties. Some folks are born with disabilities and others pursue them.

The FBI director, and every other administrative appointment serves at the president’s pleasure.

End of story...

But this president has many, many "questionable" - things going on

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This president fired the guy leading the investigation on him and the investigation is getting more intense. This president may or may not be guilty in the investigation but he himself is making him look guilty by his actions and the timing of his actions. Maybe it's his disability of being mentally insane that is causing him to do these things.

Then why didn't he fire Comey right away? McCabe is still - investigating. After 6 months they found

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nothing other than Obama spied on Trump which is the REAL scandal.
Proof that Obama spied - on Trump?
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Do you have something the rest of the world does not - or are you just blindly believing Trump and his made up reality? The only thing they ever said was that they were doing surveillance on foreign entities - which is a common practice - and many Trump people's names kept coming up!
Obama is not going to leave proof. - He is not stupid but his agents spied.
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Obama is sneaky, creepy and guilty of spying. You know very well Obama wanted Hillary to carry on his "legacy" with Obamacare, etc. He did what he could to help her win.

Fortunately Hillary and Obama both failed.
So no proof? - I see, then
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just conjecture made up by Trump! Okay, I get it!
I guess the left forgot about Obama being turned down - twice to spy on Trump before he
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used the FISA excuse.
The lefties have no curiosity about this because the MSM - doesn't. They get their marching orders
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and talking points from the NYT and MSM.
Are you kidding? Why do you think Susan Rice - wants immunity. Oh I forgot,
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you must get your news from the MSM.
And that's proof? - Don't think so!
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The truth will set you free. - nm
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I haven't seen a "real scandal" that Obama - spied on Trump.
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Where do you get your information?

As I have said before, I don't know what the investigation into Trump will find, if anything, but the timing on a lot of stuff he does makes him look guilty. We do know the Russians interfered and many of Trumps people have lied about their involvement with Russia. Does it go to the top; I don't know and neither do any of us.

As for your comment, as of now I have heard nothing that indicated Obama spied on Trump. I actually think that is still being investigated also but so far nothing has pointed to that other than maybe some right-winged rag.

"After 6 months they found nothing." How do you know? Do you think they are going to tell you if they did at this point since the investigation is still going on?

Personally, I am very interested in Trump's financial ties and business dealings with Russia, China and other countries. I do hope they change the rules on conflict of interest and start requiring presidents to show their taxes. He knows he can't be held to conflict interest and is playing that to the hilt. The emolument clause is the one they really need to do something about. I can't believe they are not slamming him with this.

Time will tell on all of it though so we will see what happens.

He waited over 100 days. He got professional - opinions and he took then to

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and also the heat was building. He had professional - opinions about Flynn too
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and just fired the person who tried to warn him. Of course he had some trumped up excuse like he does now. "He took them to heart." Sure thing!

Sessions firing by Clinton - JustanMT

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Sessions was fired by Clinton because he was accused of improperly using an FBI plane to visit his family and installing a security fence around his home using government money. He also never paid taxes on the use of the FBI limo he used on a daily basis. Those are only a few of the shady things he did.
Trump firing Comey is of a whole different level. I'm guessing the subpoenas that were handed out the other night set Mr. Trump off and the did what he always does...attacks people publicly on Twitter...then gets more enraged when his tweets come back to bite him on the butt. Seriously? Stop being a 5 year old and be the president already. Stop taking out your insecurities on the nation. We ALL deserve better than this mayhem in D.C.

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