Dem's version of Rep. Akin
Posted: Feb 19, 2013
Colorado Democrat: Women Don’t Need Guns If They ‘Feel Like They’re Going To Be Raped’
Chill, women, says Colorado Democrat Rep. Joe Salazar. While arguing for the disarmament of college students, Salazar says that even if women feel like they’re going to be raped, they may not, so who needs a firearm for protection? From Revealing Politics:
Said Salazar:
“It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles. Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop around at somebody.”
This is the real “war on women” I’ve talked about: the progressive insistence that women disarm. Women, according to Rep. Salazar, are hysterical things which shoot indiscriminately at any and everything.;
Libs really pounced on Akin - give Salazar a pass
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as per playbook.
As did the media - when Akin made his statement.
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Okay to do to a republican, but not a democrat. No, no, no!
c'mon now - sm
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Please don't tell me you think archaic notions about females physiology, sexual activity, and rape are somehow equivalent to Rep. Salazar's opinions on gun control. You guys are scaring me.
I remember the outrage in the media - but they're strangely silent
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now that a Dem said something stupid.
Please stop with the playground "but he did it first" antics - Vamonos Pest
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That argument did't work when I was 5, so I don't see why it should fly now.
The whole tit-for-tat goose/gander theme that seems to dominate on this board is childish, and, in this case, since apples and oranges are being compared here, it looks more desperate than usual.
Akin tried to distort science to justify preventing women from making medical choices to fit his pro-life agenda. This Rep. is using COMMON SENSE measures to avoid violence on college campuses. The idea that it makes sense to compare the two exists only in RW crazytown.
Somehow I suspect he had something to say about male students. - We know a senior in prison now.
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About 2 months ago he got in an altercation with another young man, "protected" himself with the gun he should not have been carrying, and is now in jail on murder charges. He was dating our little granddaughter by marriage and was one quarter away from graduating with his bachelor's degree in civil engineering. Each time I met him he seemed very nice and we hoped he'd get serious about her.
We don't know the whole story, why he had that gun in the first place, what the threat was, but the other guy's dead and he will not graduate but will go from jail to prison for at least some years.
Now, why does EVERYTHING have to be styled as some stupid right-left conflict? Some things are just good common sense, including the advisability of discouraging large numbers of adolescents from running around armed.
Um... how does suggesting non-lethal ways to protect yourself equal - Vamonos Pest
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denying or making up science in order to fit your agenda???
Fact: There are many non-lethal ways to protect yourself (and your home) from attack.
Fact: Pregnancy CAN result from rape.
BTW... Anyone can mistakenly assess a situation and perceive a threat where one does not exist. This is not exclusive to "hysterical things," AKA women. And twisting what the Rep. is saying (which is nothing more than common sense safety on a college campus) to fit The RW gun-lovin' agenda is not only nonsense... it's bottomfeeding.
Not even a good attempt at spin - and rationalization.
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poster used reason, not rationalization - (probably why you misunderstood)
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He apologized - "misunderstanding?"
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Salazar apologized on Monday in a statement.
“I’m sorry if I offended anyone,” Salazar said in the statement. ”That was absolutely not my intention. We were having a public policy debate on whether or not guns makes people safer on campus. I don’t believe they do. That was the point I was trying to make. If anyone thinks I’m not sensitive to the dangers women face, they’re wrong. I am a husband and father of two beautiful girls, and I’ve spent the last decade defending women’s rights as a civil rights attorney. Again, I’m deeply sorry if I offended anyone with my comments.”
Despite Salazar’s support for giving women “the whistles,” his comment that women are more likely to shoot and kill people because they fear being raped has already sparked controversy in his home state.
Republican state Rep. Polly Lawrence, for example, responded with umbrage to Salazar’s assertion “that women don’t know when we’re going to be raped, that [women] can’t recognize when there’s an inherent danger.”
Read more:
So did Akin. - -
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But he's a republican, so it doesn't count.
comprehension fails and intellectionally - dishonest blather from the left as well
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convenient oversight?
I wouldn't go so far as to compare him - to Akin.
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But am I the only one who thinks rape whistles are not a fantastic mode of defense? If I were attacked, I'd rather use my pepper spray than blow on a stupid whistle. Even if I also spray myself, at least we'd both be fumbling around blind and I'd have a chance to get away.
But with guns, how many people are accidentally shot and killed? Way more than are killed in real self-defense.
Still, I maintain that the whistles are laughable.
Yeah Akin and Salazar - Fanatical Hypocrite
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made very different assertions. Salazar's comments may have been poorly worded or poorly thought out, but Akin gave us all a science lecture that had no science in it. It's one thing to give a dumb opinion and another to state wrong facts.
Also, he didn't give his opinion on men with guns in that quote. For instance, I think most people (of both genders) are more likely to shoot an innocent person or themselves. So he may feel the same way about men whereas Akin's comments don't exactly work the other way.
I do think it's good to have something better than a whistle. There are plenty of non-lethal defensive weapons, though I have nothing against having a handgun for self-defense, though I think people need to be taught as much when NOT to use a gun as how to use it. My aunt heard a burglar breaking in through the back door of her house and shot through the door. Turned out to be her husband who lost his keys and went for the spare around back. A couple years later he shot a hole in his garage door showing off his Wild West gun twirl. While there's no real cure, idiots are attracted to guns more than any other type of people.
Finally, some people really need to take a class on not being a creep. Alleyways, empty streets, parking lots, etc. are bad places to follow right up on someone and yet people do that. Honestly, you get within 10 feet of a stranger at night with no one else around and it's kind of you're fault if you get a face full of pepper spray.
No. - grits
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One person was pointing out the risk inherent in bringing a loaded weapon into a tense situation, upping the likelihood of an innocent being harmed. The other was making up his own science in the most sexist and ignorant type of way. Not comparable, even if you squint.
Yes. - sle
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Former Senate candidates Todd Akin (R-Mo.) and Richard Mourdock (R-Ind.) may have lost their respective elections over their controversial comments about rape and abortion, but Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) made the point clear on Thursday that they are not alone in their beliefs.
Gingrey, a former OBGYN and co-chair of the House GOP Doctors Caucus, defended the two men at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast in Georgia on Thursday morning. He said he believes that they are at least "partly right" in what they said about pregnancy and rape, the Marietta Daily Journal reported:
In Missouri, Todd Akin ... was asked by a local news source about rape and he said, "Look, in a legitimate rape situation" -- what he meant by legitimate rape was just look, someone can say I was raped: a scared-to-death 15-year-old that becomes impregnated by her boyfriend and then has to tell her parents, that's pretty tough and might on some occasion say, "Hey, I was raped." That's what he meant when he said legitimate rape versus non-legitimate rape. I donât find anything so horrible about that. But then he went on and said that in a situation of rape, of a legitimate rape, a womanâs body has a way of shutting down so the pregnancy would not occur. Heâs partly right on that. ...
And I've delivered lots of babies, and I know about these things. It is true. We tell infertile couples all the time that are having trouble conceiving because of the woman not ovulating, "Just relax. Drink a glass of wine. And don't be so tense and uptight because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate." So he was partially right wasnât he? But the fact that a woman may have already ovulated 12 hours before she is raped, youâre not going to prevent a pregnancy there by a woman's body shutting anything down because the horse has already left the barn, so to speak. And yet the media took that and tore it apart.
What the heck is non-legitimate rape? - I am perplexed
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I still do not understand how non-legitimate rape is a working concept.
The whole thing is OUTRAGEOUS.
Precisely! - ct
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As is Salazar's comment, to be fair.
I try to avoid parsing - Fanatical Hypocrite
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the subject of rape for scientific details. First off, you don't have to use the word "legitimate" for rape. If someone wasn't raped and said they were raped, it's not rape. It's not an illegitimate form of it. It's just a lie. In the same way that if someone is missing and believed dead, the cops don't say things like "We're not sure if it's a legitimate murder." It is or it isn't.
Secondly, Akin's comments were not offensive because he was scientifically inaccurate. They were offensive because within the context of the conversation, he was using that little factoid to say that there aren't very many women who have gotten pregnant from rape and those that have are probably lying about it. It's one of the most offensive things imaginable to even imply against another human being.
He took a fact that isn't factual to advance his personal religious agenda by accusing the victims of horrendous crimes of potentially being liars.
Good article - thanks for posting - A Proud Republican Patriot - sm
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Yeah, leave it to a man to be telling us how we should feel about rape. Most likely according to him we should just sit back and enjoy it. Heck, don't protect yourselves, just let it happen. Then we wouldn't be "hysterical things". Things?
Oh yeah, gun control. We see how well that worked out in Nazi Germany.
Ladies and gents, we have our first nazi reference in a long time! - BingBingBing!
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OMG... it's been a few days at least.
Anyhow, there's no prize for being first... just the warm and fuzzies that one gets from being so original.
Well since we are heading down that road - people need reminders
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Confiscation of weapons, home inspections, censoring of internet and what people are writing, yes, there is that reference.
So...nothing to say about the content of the message, just to ridicule the poster. Go figure.
better check your GPS - doe
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Instituting new laws is not a confiscation equivalent.
I have not heard of home inspections being imposed. I have no references with respect to internet censorship. If you have information about such practices, I would be anxious to read them.
Internet censorship. A refresher course and if you don't remember the sqawking by - Yahoo and others, then you didn't stay up to
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Don't remember the internet blackout in response to the bills?
Although the bills were well intentioned and meant to stop infringement rights by foreigners, there was wording in those bills that would allow the AG and other government offices to shut down any and all internet sites they wanted to AND fine the providers for allowing those sites.
impressionable - sm
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The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) were proposed to guard against copyright infringement - not to provide for censorship.
Redstate used the phrase "hysterical things" - not the representative - swing and a miss
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do you ever bother to sort out who says what?
He did not say "hysterical things," - the article did.
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And also,

Oh yeah, lie back and take it. I'm sure that's what he's thinking.

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