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Biden to Heitkamp’s Husband: ‘Spread your legs—you’re going to be frisked’
Posted: Jan 3, 2013
What an embarrassment Biden is.
Well, some embarrass us. VP Biden at least occasionally - makes worthwhile contributions. nm
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Covering, circling the wagons, justifying, rationalizing - ...
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You have to admit, that was a vulgar, misplaced "joke." If Biden's ever "occasionally made worthwhile contributions," they are overshadowed by his attempts at what he calls humor.
You mean like Boehner dropping the F-bomb, - then bragging about it?
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How about that alpha male imagery of having the upper hand. Impressive, huh?
Yeah, that too, now that you bring it up. - sm
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Huge fail for both of these guys.
Actually, that was pretty - impressive...
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I wouldn't have stood by with my mouth closed if someone called me a dictator. Just sayin'.
Reid had that coming and worse. He is such - a phony and total hypocrite.nm
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Context always matters. - sm
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After being sworn in, Senator Heitkamp, her husband and their adult daughter posed for a picture. The joke was a cue Biden took from the photographer after he told them to "drop their hands." Correct me if I'm wrong, but those folks do not seem terribly offended and seem to appreciate the humor. The laughter on the video was my first clue.

Embarrassed laughter, IMHO. - sm
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C'mon - would you like to be the public target of such a "joke?"
Politicizing LAUGHTER? Scraping the bottom of the barrel - dontcha think?
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So were you equally as embarrassed over Boehner's F-bomb brag? To answer your question, I have a sense of humor, appreciate every chance I get to exercise it and wouldn't have given this comment a second thought. Heck, I probably would have momentarily considered calling his bluff by assuming full frisk stance, in compliance with his request.
At least Boehner didn't drop the - F-bomb
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on national television - who would do that? Oh yeah, Biden did that, too.
The difference being Biden's obvious rapport with people - who enjoyed his company,
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the jokes and the occasion versus Boehner's drop-dead serious intent to dis his Senate nemesis who, with the help of VP Biden and Mitch McConnell, outsmarted him and forced him to do his job. Meanwhile his subservience to his raucous GOP factions, bent on prolonging Congressional dysfunction and ultimately bringing the government down in the dirt, was exposed in a VERY public setting, which is as it should be.
Biden was the clear winner in that arena and it showed during the swearing-in ceremonies. He had every reason and right to celebrate, whereas the tan man was wallowing around in the Congressional mud-pit he failed to control, just like he failed to control his own mouth when he unleashed the obscenity, then bragged about it to his cronies. It made him look very small.
Oh, I thought we were just talking about the use - of foul language...
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So it's okay if you're the winner to swear on national television, but not okay when you're standing up for yourself behind closed doors. Got it - thanks for setting me straight :)
What part of the statement equates to swearing? - Just curious. nm
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I was talking about when Obamacare passed - and he greeted Obama
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with "This is a big *@ing deal."
On what planet is cracking a joke considered - foul language?
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How far out of context do you have to take the statement to arrive at "foul?" Please explain how you got there.
The remark was directed at a male, and was made within the context of being frisked during the MOCK swearing in. The F-bomb is universally recognized as foul language that makes a degrading reference to sexual intercourse, and when exchanged between males, often are considered to be "fighting" words that lead to a physical confrontation. There is nothing sexual about the stance one assumes when being frisked, especially when the frisking is HYPOTHETICAL and suggested in a joking manner, which Biden displayed throughout the event.
Read comment - above...
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Biden used the F-bomb when talking about Obamacare, on national television - was that degrading or was that okay since it was Biden?
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