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Biden bails on Tampa.
Posted: Aug 25, 2012

Science- and context-challenged snark misses mark again - Postpone does not a bail make
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As is customary, law enforcement, security and emergency preparedness dictates savvy pols keep their options open rather than sticking like glue to a schedule that ignores Mother Nature's wrath and plays havoc with standard media and security officials protocols.
Tropical storms and hurricanes are unpredictable MAJOR rain events that can present challenges that interrupt traffic flow, airport schedules, utility services, computer access, etc, not to mention the potential for heavy property damage and loss of lives. Therefore, it would make sense to "postpone" the scheduled first-day appearance and remain flexible. Biden will still be buzzing around Florida at stops in Orlando and St. Augustine, (weather permitting of course)....just a hop, skip and a jump away from Tampa.
Biden's Tampa Trip - Leeby
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Boy you republicans sure try to pick apart everything you can regarding Obama/Biden. I think Biden did the right thing, not adding an extra burden on police, etc., when they are facing a possible emergency. Had he just decided to go ahead and go, you would be complainig because he went. Find something legitimate to critize.
Whereas the RNC in its haste to turn the Akin page - can't fathom postponing the event
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even for a single day, thus putting around 20,000 conventioneers out on the streets, looking for transportation, hotels, restaurants and nearby retail establishments, instead of holed up safe and sound in hotel rooms for an extra day. Hopefully they've arranged for enough back-up generators. It's no fun to get stuck in a Gulf Coast storm without air conditioning. Bummer.
Guess you haven't heard - Gov. Scott said (sm) - LM
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they are working closely with organizers and if they have to change it, they will. Inconvenient but no big deal - except to a Democrat, I guess.
Biden made the decision all by himself, needing no prompting - from Gov Scott.
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It's a simple matter of making a judgment call and doing the right thing, something Team Romney evidently has never heard of.
Comprehension 101. Didn't say he did. - But it's canceled, not postponed for those wh
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So RNC finally came to their senses and - took Biden's lead
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by delaying Monday's schedule? LOL. Wise decision.
Let's try this again. Biden's Monday trip to Tampa is cancelled. His Tuesday trip to Orlando and St. Augustine is on, depending on weather conditions. The VP and the RNC is monitoring the same storm and making scheduling decisions accordingly. I kinda think they will also be monitoring each other, if the inordinate amount of attention being payed to the alleged insignificant VPOTUS on this forum is any indication.
Nomination state roll calls take place on the next-to-the-last day and, if I'm not mistaken, Ryan's speech happens on that day as well. The star of the shindig customarily speaks at the end of the event on the last day, although there had been talk about moving the nomination forward to an earlier time slot on account of needing to turn the Akin page. That seems to be up in the air, so to speak, due to Isaac.
This means that the unpredictable Biden is going to be nearby, going with the flow at will, unless, of course, Isaac makes the whole thing a big fat wash, which wouldn't take much. Fair enough.
If the RNC can hang in there, betcha Joe can too. He strikes me as the type who wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun, once the storm clouds clear.
I think Joe needs prompting to change his underwear. - Seriously.
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Well then, if he's such a boob, why are the wingers - obsessing over him so much?
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Your dots don't connect.
Right on! - mbmt
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And they are definitely obsessing over him.
Duh!! BECAUSE HE IS A BOOB!` - He's fodder for us.
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Youleft "wingers" can' even get a handful - of dots together, too busy with your
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hypocrisy. Biden is SUPPOSED to hold a positioin of respect - He is a total jackass just like Commie Obammie.
You never miss a chance to obsess about any repub or conserv with your hateful comments, regardless of what their "rank" is.
"Your dots don't connect" is an understatement of Desm disproportionate hystrionics...probably coincides with diminished drug levels.
This is hysterical....Bet Joe has trouble - putting 1 foot in front of the
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other without instructions. Thanks for the chuckle! :))
History lessons: W's Hurricane Katrina flyover photo op - was its own self-inflicted disaster area
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as if drowning and evacuating New Orleanians needed to compete with THAT kind of media distraction. "Heckuva job, Brownie!"
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