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Beautiful photo of the President and
Posted: Jun 4, 2013

The 50th anniversary of Medgar Evers' death is on June 12th.
A beautiful photo - annieb
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At the Kisisi Children's Home in Lusaka Zambia

Awwwww, that is so sweet! I love it. - Thanks for posting.
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I've seen better pics of the O. - But Ms. Evers' is a beautiful woman
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Such a shame they couldn't have gotten a better pic of the O. There are so many to choose from. He's a handsome man, but here he looks old and looks like he fell asleep and she's holding him up. This should be one of those let play Captions photo's
O: - zzzzzzzzz
Ms Evers: Wake up, wake up, your standing on my foot.
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