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What has become of us? Our beautiful...sm

Posted: Mar 2, 2012

intelligent daughters who have been told by their parents that they can be and do anything if they work hard are now being told they are sluts, prostitutes and whores because they are socially conscious and socially responsible, want to continue their education, and be good parents in their own time?  Maybe only woman should be allowed to vote on this issue?


what has become of us? - oh brother

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Your post is so way off base and where do I begin. Wait...first, let me get my wittle bitty teensy violin.

Our intelligent daughters are not being told they are sluts and prostitutes and whores. You took what he said out of context. Besides, you think because 1 man out of approximately 304,986,819 people said that some lady who wants to be paid to have sex is a prostitute that that impacts your daughter? Not mine. I tell my daughter she is a beautiful and intelligent woman. She can be and do anything she wants.

What 1 man said out of over 304 million people in the country does not matter to me or my daughters and it should not matter to you or your daughters.

Next, RL has a radio show. He says shocking things. When he says something outrageous its called satire. It's what people like. Just like Olberman screaming into the camera about to have heart failure yelling at Bush about something stupid he said. Or Mathews drooling and foaming at the mouth about something. People tune into their shows because that's what they like. It's call ratings. These are TV/radio personalities. Their audiences enjoy over the top. It's what keeps drawing them back.

If people don't like Rush, just don't listen to him, but by all means, what he said does not reflect what the other 302,986,818 people in the country feel, and that is not how republicans in general feel either.

Now, take a deep breath...everything will be alright.

It really will be hard to get over things if people don't let them go. Too many serious problems happening in the country.

I agree with your sentiments about Limbaugh. My - problem is the SM

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republican party being afraid to speak their minds because of what he will say about them. Why have they given him so much so-called power?

Why do you think that. They are not afraid - oh brother - see message

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People in the republican party do speak their minds. They don't care what he says about them. At least I don't see it. Can you give me some examples so I understand where you are coming from.

Also, he does not have as much power as people think he does. Well, to a certain extent I guess. What I mean by that is he is a strong republican voice. He has a radio show and a lot of people listen to him and like what he says. One thing I have to say about him is as obnoxious as he can be he does tell the truth and he's not afraid of speaking his mind. But I don't think he has power. He's just one voice of thousands.
Libs cannot stand anyone that - stands up to them
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Libs want free reign to insult anyone, anyway they chose. If you turn it back to them, they go maniacal. Look at the "wingnut" (lib's term) that used a whole thread to try and destroy someone that disagreed with her. They are to be pitied. Can you imagine how horrible daily, personal contact with them is? Anyone as hateful as what you see on this board maybe should get permanent sterilization services to keep from procreating and spreading their hatred. This much hateful emotion just cannot be good. Just sayin'
permanent sterilization for liberals - how progressive
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I like that. Also include frontal lobotomies - certainly progressive
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Next thing, libs will be demanding we pay for their psych meds.
I like that. Also include frontal lobotomies - certainly progressive - Great post
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Loved this post..LOL. Evidently, libs are in dire need - Would never occur to one of them to help themselves. Still laughing over your post...so fitting!
Great idea about the progs- - sterilization-where do we contribute
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What is truly bizarre - sm

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Is that someone as lowlife as Limbaugh can say such terrible things, and there are still so many brainwashed Republicans (I will flatter them by imitation of their terminology here and use the word "sheeple") that will defend him. Take posters on this board for example. The posters who have defended Limaaugh have lost any credibility left with me.
Do you think they really care? Serious question - sm
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Your opinion of Limbaugh being a lowlife is just that. Your opinion. When when you really think about it people really don't care when someone starts namecalling TV/radio personalities just because they don't agree with what they say. Kind of makes themselves look like the lowlifes. Also, I'm sure there are people you like that others would consider lowlife. But then again do you really think anyone cares.

I don't like or agree with what Limbaugh just said, but that doesn't mean that everything he says I don't agree with. Some things I do, something I don't. That is possible, don't you know?

I guess sheople and brainwashed could be used for some republicans (yes, like democrats there are that don't think and just follow what ever is said), but it was widely used regarding the democrats because that is what was displayed. Usually republicans do have the foresight to hear something then research and come up with their own thoughts. That is something that democrats did not do and was openly displayed. You can copy the words and try and turn them around, but if it doesn't fit then it doesn't make any sense.

I don't think I read anyone defending what RL said. What he said was not defendable. I did read a post with someone stating something like tell the whole story of what he said and not just the sentence they wanted. But do you really think the people who listen to RL care whether or not you think they are credible? I can be 200% sure they don't. And when you think about it the people who defend the wrong doings of the dems/libs/progs/coms/socs have lost credibility the cons/indys.

So I guess I think it's truly bizarre that posters think other posters care whether or not someone thinks they are credible. Actually I don't find that bizarre, I actually find that hilarious.
As if anyone on this - enitre board
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care whether you think they are credible. Look at the garbage spewing out of Bill Maher's mouth daily, yet you have a multitude on here defending every single word he says. Maher is far more offensive, obscene and disgusting yet you "sheeple" defend him endlessly. Case of Pot calling the Kettle black.
More to the point - whats obvious here is
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the cons themselves, especially the ones who have the utter gall to defend this creep, have no regard for their own credibility. I say let them carry on just like they have been. While credibility may be of no consequence to folks on an anonymous forum in the virtual universe, something tells me that's not at all the case with the electorate at large, who live in the real world.

I think Limbaugh's comments - sm

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are wrong. I am a conservative who takes BCP. I have no problem with Catholic hospitals not offering BCP as I know people can attain that at Planned Parenthood. I have no problem with people taking BCP. I pay 15 bucks a month for my generic pack of pills which costs me a total of 180 per year. No one is stopping women from attaining the pill. The women who aren't covered under insurance for the pill can receive it fairly cheap through Planned Parenthood...so I really don't see what all the hullabaloo is about. Rush's comments were wrong but how many liberals have called conservative women sluts, whores, etc. just because they didn't agree with their point of view. This door swings both ways. I applaud women who take BCP to prevent unwanted pregnancies whether they take it just in case they decide to have sex, have a long-term monogamous relationship, or are screwing everything with 2 legs and a woody.

You seem to think there is - a Planned Parenthood

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on every corner. Not everyone has access to Planned Parenthood. I am so sick of that "they can just go to Planned Parenthood" statement.

PP office - far more than - you want people to believe

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I am so sick of "women are being denied" statement. Completely, totally false statement. BTW - since you are so poorly informed...every drug store has a birth control section you can get over-the-counter without a prescription any time you get the itch.
Speakng of false statements, the PILL - is never dispensed OTC
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and anything available OTC is not nearly as effective, plus those methods carry their own sets of risks and side effects that often are not being monitored by a physician. Some of them are also cost prohibitive. For example, the morning after pill costs around $45 for a SINGLE use. One in 4 users report feeling sick and experience nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, irregular bleeding, dizziness, and headaches.

BTW, there are 820 PP clinics and 66-68 million women of child-bearing age in the US. Do the math. The fastest way to get taxpayers to foot the bill for BCP is to have them rely solely on PP, which would require expanding the number of their facilities by incalculable numbers.

If women are paying insurance premiums through their employers for policies that include prescription drug coverage, the coverage should include any and all pharamaceuticals she may require. What part of that are you not getting? Why are you so determined that women's access to comprehensive health care should be impeded or retricted?


Limbaugh - M

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A blowhard, hypocritical shock jock whom both sides take much too seriously. Honestly, it's hard to believe a man can make a living out of being am a-hole. But, hey, only in America!

Limbaugh description - Sounds more like Bill Maher

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Like what Rachel Maddow said about RL. - Suzy Q
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I really enjoy watching Rachel Maddow. She is very level-headed and analyzed RL and his dialogue about Sandra Fluke very calmly and objectively. No hysterics or emotional display from her. She said that RL has ranted and raved on and on for 3 days about Sandra Fluike and her use of BCP. He does not seem to understand that women only take 1 pill a day, no matter how many times they have sex that day. According to RL, everytime Sandra wanted to have sex, she had to take another BCP, thus costing the government or her insurance provider an enmormous amount to keep her in BCP's. Yes Rachel claims that not only is RL a jerk, but he is also a Dummie!!!! In fact many Republican conservative men do not understand how BCP work or how they are taken. They all seem to think that women must take another pill every time she has sex. This is truly amazing since some of these same men are on the committee in government which dictates the policy for women's health care. Yet they would not let women on this committee since they were not qualified to serve.

Again, Rachel you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

I love Rachel Maddow too - wheres_my_job
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Too logical for many, apparently :)
figures you'd love her - Not a logical bone in her body
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I adore Rachel also - more inside
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She has strong beliefs but treats people well. I think she is a shining star on MSNBC. She does a good job of explaining how things fit together and what they mean. I notice she is the leader on the panel on primary nights and she does a great job. I can understnd why someone would disagree with her but i am really stumped as to why someone would actively dislike her.
I think her promos such as the one about national projects like dams should be shown to high school students in civics class.
Yes! She is a big picture, long-range thinker! - Not a sound bite
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She doesn't take one sound bite and make an issue. She will have a "history" of how the current issue plays into the larger, long-term picutre. She has made me see how little things add up. A couple of years ago, we were hearing about one state (Missouri, I believe) wanting to do away with child labor, and we all laughed. Now, a few years later, we are no longer even surprsed when the Republicans talk about putting kids to work. That is why there is a line in the sand being drawn on contracption. You give them an inch and they take a mile. We have to protect our voting rights, our working rights, our environmental right, even our contraception rights from the Republicans, but they are the ones always hooting away about the Constitution and wanting to pass amendments. What is their true agenda and who does that agenda really belong to?
Excellent post. - Her style
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is reminiscent of what we used to call investigative reporting decades ago before the advent of the internet, when reporters would spend weeks or even months gathering information with a reach far beyond routine who? what? where? when? and why? reporting. Detailed historical context was almost always a part of the final product, along with anecdotal personal impact viewpoints, but Rachel seems to have a real knack for "forecast" news as well....a rare find.

My dad had these same types of "big picture" perspectives. The more time I spent around him, the more I embodied that same form of thinking. It has served me well, especially in academic, interpersonal and social pursuits. It was a tremendous help when I was trying to learn MT and I honestly believe it has helped me sustain long-term relationships with my husband and friends. To say it has enriched my life would be an understatement.

I think the examples you gave are right on and you are asking insightful and provocative questions. One of my favorites is "who stands to benefit the most and the least?" I hear Rachel exercising this approach frequently in her reporting.

She's definitely not a concrete, black-and-white, easy-answer sort of person, which probably explains why she ranks among the top 5 entries on conservatives' love-to-hate list. Olbermann is another one who thinks like this. Though I enjoy watching his presentations and often learn a lot from him, I think Maddow does an even better job of conveying the information from her brains to ours.
No interest in any crap out of - Rachel Madcow's mouth or realm
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She stiicks the facts...in the midst of her snark - wheres_my_job
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You have to respond to Maddow with facts, because that is the "realm" she operates in - facts. If you can contradict her with facts, please do - but most conservative pundits can't - because facts are not their "realm."
As usual - Wrong again/no facts at all
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Just throws stuff out there to see what sticks. Hard to tell Rachel and poster apart. :)
Entertaing to see all libs with their - panties in a bunch at
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the same time. Sort of like synchronized swimming except for that fact the libs have no grace, and are stumbling all over themselves trying to post what they think is the most enlightened lib insult...LOL Keep 'em coming; you libs are a hoot. Can't wait till you turn on each other and start eating your own...you always do.
Repub conservatives secretly agree with RL in my opinion. - Suzy Q
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There seems to be an underlying antagonism and resentment of women by many Repub cons. They might vigorously deny this, but it is all too obvious by their actions. Some like RL and O'Reilly and Bill Maher have no problem with an open display of their contempt for women. These men have never left the Era of Stone Ages and caveman mentality. To them women's purpose in life is to serve them, marry them and bring their children into the world. If we let men of this caliber become our leaders and legislate women's health care, we might as well be in the Stone Age. I have not particularly supported Obama until now, but think he does care about women and their health care rights. I think we need to wake up and smell the coffee. Don't let these Stone Age men in congress get their way.
I disagree - because I used to watch her. - along with
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Olberman and Mathews. During the Bush years I couldn't wait to get home and hear what they had to say. I used to think they were right on. Then slowly but surely over time what they would say made no sense and they never had facts to back anything up. It then went from being sensible to me to being fear mongerers (especially saw that in the election when Obama and Hillary were running against each other), then it just went downhill from there. She used to be cute, and maybe to some she still is. Now she just needs to get her meds adjusted and stop being so hateful. Funny how hate will turn a nice looking person very ugly (inside and out).
to along with - Conservative
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I used to faithfully watch Mathews. He started getting so bizarre, screaming at anyone that did not agree with him or Obama 100%. Mathews is so rude, constantly talks over people, throws the race card at anyhone that makes one comment about Obama's policies. Yet, Mathews has benefited mightly from all the capitalists and others he endlessly criticize and loves to hate. Last time I watched Mathews, he was so angry with a guest that he actually spit on himself. Gave a whole new meaning to frothing at the mouth.
mathews - change
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Over the last year he has really started to talk over people. He will ask a question and then talk over his guests. Sometimes when i see the guests smile I wonder if they are thinking why did he even ask me a question? But I still admire him greatly. It is obvious that he really loves the U.S.
Mathews loves USA - still laughing over that
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absurdity....LOL. Mathews is a first-class crackpot and first-string water carrier for anything Obama. Never heard a word from him mouth that could be mistaken for love for American. Must be a Mthews other than Chris you're talking about.

Question: - sm

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You write: "Rush's comments were wrong but how many liberals have called conservative women sluts, whores, etc. just because they didn't agree with their point of view."

Can you cite the liberals that have called conservative women sluts, whores, etc.? I don't remember seeing this in the news.

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