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Allen West calls Susan Rice "assinine, borderline ignorant."

Posted: Sep 17, 2012



Allen West is great. - anon

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He stands tall despite all the malicious and ugly things that are thrown his way. Hopefully, he will be on the ticket for pres or vice one day. Would certainly have my vote.

Calling an official names is standing tall? Like Clarence - Thomas he is a man of poor character

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whose value to the Republican Party is in being one of the few black officials willing to identify himself with the party's more extreme right wing, that "base" that seems to require shabby behavior.

He will never be President. The GOP voters are at least showing a pattern of rejecting radical right wingers for high office (note the moderate conservative you're running this time). I'm still waiting for them to once again expect at least moderately good character and some ability for their representatives to Congress, and then he can go become a lobbyist or whatever.

He is just telling the truth. She is covering for Obama, - but it wont work in the end! nm

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He is covering for bigots and haters whose - role in this fiasco is
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as plain as day.
That made no sense... at all. He is telling it like - it really is. Denial will kill the USA. nm
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AMEN! - nm
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Wow... - SK1

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Why is a plain-speaking, strong-opinioned Republican black man "of poor character," but the same in a Democrat man "the president?"
what? - sm
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so...somehow we should regard these two different men as equivalent...because they are black?

Allen West would have my vote as well. Now, - there is a guy with actual courage! nm

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And for those of us who would like the whole story... - No cigar for you - sm

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The whole story is (I'll post a link below):

Allen West said tonight that UN Ambassador Rice’s statement earlier today blaming the attacks in the Middle East, specifically Benghazi, on this anti-Islam video is borderline ignorant. In fact he actually called them asinine, naïve, inept, and incompetent as well. He goes on to accuse the Obama administration of outright distorting the truth with their complicit MSM, suggesting this could be Obama’s very own Jimmy Carter moment.

So the truth is Allen West said Rice's statement is borderline ignorant, etc. And he also pointed out that Obama's administration is distorting the truth.

Allen West did not call Susan Rice those things.

Just thought it only fair to give poster the true story (with a link) rather than a personal distortion because you don't like republicans.


Another reason I like Allen West. He tells the truth.

Conservative surrogates are feverishly - working overtime

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trying to distance themselves from their own hate speech and the direct role it played in fomenting violence and rioting that has resulted in death and destruction across the Middle East and has immensely damaged war on terror foreign policy. Diplomatic cooperation with countries vulnerable to extremist insurgence is an absolute imperative and is pivotal to the ultimate success or failure of these initiatives.

The fact that wingers have dispatched one of their most notoriously ignorant attack dogs to confront this mission speaks volumes of just how "asinine, naïve, inept, incompetent" and ill-equipped this fanatical wing of the GOP (who currently CONTROLS the party) is, in terms of facing the realities of the crisis. Party leaders cannot even recognize, let alone confront, their own culpability and ill-advised miscalculations that drove them to attempting to turn the hatred into political capital, rather than denouncing, isolating and shunning it, the way REAL leaders should have done. This is a decision they made IN SPITE OF the "Arab Street," the media, and international political analysts who have issued NUMEROUS warnings to this effect in the past and have specifically identified this hate speech video as the catalyst that triggered this revolt in realtime. Consequently, they are failing miserably to cover their backsides this time around.

I guess this may have to become a daily reminder for the time being: Whether all of part of this was "orchestrated" by AQ is something that will not be knowable in the near future. The kind of investigation, intelligence, forensics, etc. required to ascertain a valid conclusion is NOT going to be immediately forthcoming. That said, if the stupid, stupid, stupid video had not been unleashed on the global billboard, they would not have had THIS PARTICULAR touchstone to manipulate and use as a flashpoint conduit that allowed the Bengaghazi/Cairo copycat wildfire to spontaneously combust.

Liberal surrogates are feverishly working overtime - sm

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trying to make up something that did not happen.

There is a video. You can actually hear him speak in his own words, but the MO of the liberals is not inform people of the truth but to just make things up out of the blue, twist words into something that was not said.

You know the conservatives are doing something right when they have the lefties in a tizzy making things up showing everyone they truly ARE mentally incapable of telling the truth.
So you gauge the effectiveness of your campaign - on how much of a "tizzy"
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you think you can create and how much you can piss off opponents and every other human being on the planet whose mindset is not a carbon copy of your own? Personally, I am much more impressed with such things as majority rule and consensus of opinion.

I couldn't be less interested in what AW has to say or in tossing word salad with posters who are trying split hairs on personal attack language. Neither does policy ignorance a winger malcontent unleashed in defense of the GOP's extremist wing, who is on the hot seat at the moment, on our US Ambassador to the UN (who has exponentially greater credibility in diplomatic matters). Becoming party to even less significant spats of poster one-upmanship is a waste of time as well.

Hate speech affects me on a daily basis because it affects my closest family members, including my husband and my son. I've been dealing with it for more than 40 years. It's personal....REALLY personal for me, especially since I have been on the receiving end of the same kind of misplaced rage we are now witnessing overseas that invaded a previous marriage back in the 80s. It's a hair-raising story I've told before on this forum and will not be repeated here, but I will say it involved taking multiple physical beatings when the marriage went south after my ex-husband was the victim of a hate crime that almost left him dead at age 30. I watched him deteriorate from a kind, considerate, compassionate, laid-back, peaceful and loving spouse into an aggressive, angry, paranoid, violent shell of his former self. He ultimately became my domestic abuser.

I will NEVER sit still when hate speech rears its ugly, ugly head and plays itself out, whether it be manifested in personal attacks on an obscure political forum or on the global stage. I feel I am every bit as qualified to speak to this issue directly, based on my life's experience, as Susan Rice is in her capacity of our US ambassador to the UN.

Your "truth" will never fly out here in the real world where informed and experienced folks will resist you and out-gun you every step of the way.

okay, he called her statements borderline ignorant. - AFAIC, that means she is too. (sm)

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you are so desperate to defend this bunch of liars, you are scrounging and nitpicking. If you said the moon was made of bleu cheese, I'd say you were ignorant (so was your statement). Same difference.

Not true - - Very intelligent people can say

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very ignorant things - not the same difference. I can say that Obama has made ignorant statements, but that doesn't mean I think he's ignorant (quite the opposite, actually).
That's very true. Seemingly intelligent people here say - ignorant things everyday. (sm)
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So pardone' moi.

Bunch of liars would fall in the statement the OP posted - on yes, and about your assumptions

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maybe you think somebody dubbed over West in the video. Sorry, videos don't lie, especially when the lips match the word being spoken.

Sooooo, now lets take a moment to go over your little assumption.

1. Just who is this "bunch" you think I'm defending? Remember now, no assumptions allowed. Here I'll give you the answer. It would be called "nobody". Don't know who this bunch is you're talking about because last I knew West was just one person. Not a bunch.

Now, for lesson #2. If you are implying that I am defending Romney, hold on...hold on....naaaa (that's my best sound for the gong). This is one incident. When someone says something that Obama didn't say don't you want to include the video to tell them they were wrong. Of course you do. Since what the OP wrote was a lie, I included the video to show he didn't call her those names. Sorry you don't like that. Sorry you feel that liberals can lie and assume things and nobody is supposed to say anything. Only Romney's lies is what we can expose. And yes, there are so many lies beyond belief.

If you'd like to have a civil discussion about Romney and his lies oh boy I'm all ears. In fact I'll join you because I can name you hundreds of things he lied about. But then again reading your post you have no interest in being civil.

Hence lesson #3 - DON'T EVER ASSUME!!!

And you called me ignorant??????

Thanks for providing the WHOLE story! - nm

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You're welcome. Seems some liberals did not want the whole story to be told - That would be an MSNBC stunt

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Allen West is a fine congressman. He is always respectful and speaks the truth. I find it funny (and not in a ha-ha way), that they be the first to run kicking and screaming if someone says something about Obama that's not true, yet if they say something that's not true about a republican we are all supposed to sit back and not say a word. Guess the video with the truth was too much for them to handle. Reminds me of Jack Nicholson say "you can't handle the truth".

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