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40 Republican senators vote to end Medicare

Posted: May 26, 2011

I wish they would get to work on really solving problems, not creating them.


Not to end Medicare to give people a choice - me

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This would not change the medicare system set up for the seniors and those in it now. But for us who are below 55, we would have a shot at getting something. At this rate, we will get nothing, b/c it will be broke. The budget of this country is 1.2 trillion over. They are spending more than they bring in. Can you as a person do this NO! and neither can the govt. So NO this was not a end to Medicare, it was an attempt at a solution, which I see no one else attempting. Medicare would have continued for those who are still on it and those over 55 as it still does and then those under 55 would have been able to have a choice. Now we won't. Just like SS there will be none of that left either.

We can't afford $12,000 more a year payments in retirement - What are they thinking?

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I don't know how long my MT job will be here and there are not a lot of other job opportunities open to me at my age. I have been saving and paying into the system, and this is what happens?

I have paid in for almost 37 years and I get cut now? - Not over my dead body.

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Perhaps that is what they are counting on.
How are you going to get paid if it goes broke? - Indy
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If you read what experts, not enemies, say about running - this program you will stop worrying that
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it has to go broke. If it goes broke it will be because the people trying to destroy it for ideological reasons succeed.
I have looked at the figures by the experts... - Indy
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is not sustainable in its present form. Even the Democrats agree that is true. Something has to change for it to survive. It is not a matter of if it will fail, it is a matter of when, and it is for the very reason you cited...because both parties have ignored the issue until it has become a crisis. If you have truly looked at the CBO figures and the figures of experts with no political horse in the race, you know this to be true. If you haven't...

The time to act is NOW. Democrats need to stop railing about the other guy's plan and come up with one of their own, if they can stop worrying more about winning an election than saving Medicare that is. At least the Republicans are TRYING. It is coeardly on the part of politicians to attack the only plan out there if they can't provide a viable alternative of their own.


Wrong! It is going broke. You are in denial. We - cant keep ignoring this issue.nm
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THis has been happening over several - Indy

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years and we the people are partly to blame for that...just listening to what politicians say but not watching what THEY do...basically asleep at the wheel, and now is the time for us to drop the party line and demand accountability. Yes, you are facing a mess...and people younger than you who also have been paying in are facing a bigger mess.

This should not be about Democrat and Republican...this should be about holding our elected reps responsible for the job they are doing.

It is also a time to look soberly at the magnitude of our problem. Then our reps need to get together and make some hard decisions. If they want to resurrect Medicare (because it is not sustainable in its present form, ALL of them at least agree on that), then they need to make some hard choices and cut other programs that are less important than Medicare, if that is what the people want. There are thousands of broken entitlement programs that don't work. Shelve some of them and put that funding into Medicare. And along with that establish oversight to stop the fraud and waste in the program, which is enormous (both sides agree on that too).

One way would be to shelve the funding for Obamacare and push that toward Medicare. After all, the seniors need to be taken care of before the rest of us, right? We were muddling through before obamacare when out of 307,006,550 people in this country only 3.2 million were uninsured, and even the Obama admin admitted that most of those were uninsured by choice (which is why they added the penalty if you chose not to be insured). There is a lot of money going toward funding Obamacare. So why not point that toward Medicare instead? I think the elderly outnumber the 3.2 million that Obamacare is meant for...right?

That is what I mean by hard choices. We need to decide what is most important and make that known to our reps.

but a great idea to get them - on the record

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Voters will want to know which republicans endorse the end of Medicare.

on the record - a1typist

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You bet we want them on the record. We want to know who has the courage to stand up for what is absolutely the right thing to do! Why is it bad for people to want to balance a budget and provide a choice for people. We (you and I) are paying into a system that is so broken, we will not be able to receive a dime if we stay on the same course, but you act like that is a good thing.

you are right that I believe in the current - system

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I think there are more options to enable the current plan to continue. I believe the insurance companies have made exorbitant profits on the backs of individuals. I strongly do not want to be given a voucher and told to find my own insurance. Studies show that is an average $6,000 yearly additional burden on elderly females who have an average annual income of $14,000. Vouchers are simply a nonstarter for me.
Did you read the plan? Insurance companies - would work through an
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exchange...sound familiar? It should...an exchange is what Obamacare is built on. Good enough for the rest of the country but not good enough for seniors? It will work for you but not for seniors?

Please. a voucher worth something puts you way ahead of a government who can't pay its bills NOW.
You did not address my point - about
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about the increased cost of $6000 per year. You can strongly believe in the voucher system. I can strongly disagree with it. We can do our best to express our opinions and in the end, the voters will decide. I sincerely feel it is a disasterous plan.
And you did not address my question about - the alternative...
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you know that medicare in its present form is not sustainable. Even the Democrats when pushed will admit that. Yet they contribute NOTHING to fixing it. I guess their plan is to get through this next election by scaring the people on Medicare now half to death while at the same time ignoring people younger than 55 whose throats they are cutting by sitting on their hands. Both parties have sat on this issue for too long, now we are at the crisis point. At least SOMEONE understands that and took a stab at a fix.

Until the Democrats can come up with something other than the Republicans are wrong....I wouldn't vote for a one of them. I would like for my children and grandchildren who are paying into that black hole now to have another alternative. I would like to think the Democrats care about what happens after 2012 as well and not concentrate as much on keeping the White House as fixing what ails us.

I think putting off a fix yet again is more disastrous and a more long-lasting disaster than the Ryan Plan.

I am willing to look at a Dem plan...if only they would COME UP WITH ONE.

Good talking with you!
I suggest your solution is draconian - Could you personally
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an additional $6,000 in medical expenses on a $14,000 salary? The democrats did have a plan for saving Medicare. it was called universal coverage. Which has worked well where it was implemented. Our per capita health costs are higher than all of them, by a large amount.
Why not incude seniors in Obamacare? - Indy
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it it will work for us, why won't it work for them?
because they are already - in the prototype
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The prototype being...universal health care? - That's not Obamacare.
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Privatize means putting more money in insurance company's pocket - sm

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Actually, I am starting to think this is more about paying off the insurance companies than it is about saving Medicare. I think there are other solutions rather than forcing the oldest and most in need of health care to try and purchase coverage from a private-for profit insurer.

His plan is based on using insurance - exchanges...like Obamacare.

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You like Obamacare for the rest of the country but not for seniors? It is going to work for us but won't work for them? If the Ryan plan is buying off insurance companies, Obamacare is the same.

You need to decide...insurance exchanges a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?

We need a universal single-payer system - It was a good start

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The original plan needs some fine tuning so everyone can have affordable care, but to throw the oldest and most vulnerable under a bus is not right.
Then repeal Obamacare and start over. - Indy
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or defund Obamacare and fund Medicare. Only 3.2 million were uninsured, of over 300 million. Most of them, even the Obama admin had to agree, were uninsured by choice. I agree. Don't throw seniors under the bus. Defund Obamacare and fix Medicare. When its solvent, then take another shot at universal health care (which I disagree with on many levels, but I am open to it if a viable plan emerges that does not make us Canada south).

What is more important? Obamacare or Medicare?
Agree. Repeal Obamacare and concentrate on saving - Medicare and seniors first.nm
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could you expound on that - I am interested

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how does it differ and how is it the same as the president's plan. can you tell me why you think the public is so strongly against it?
Do like I did. Both plans are available on - on line. Put them side
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by side. You need to read and decide for yourself, not take my word for it or any politician's or pundit's take on it. You don't have to compare both plans completely, as Ryan's is not a health care plan, it is a budget plan. Just look at how he talks about Medicare changes using insurance exchanges, and Obamacare plan regarding insurance exchanges. They are very similar, which is why I don't know why Dems are running around screaming Ryan wants to throw seniors under the bus. Ryan is looking at not only now, but long term, that is why he said in his plan people 55 and over would see no changes.

You need to get out there and research for yourself and form your own opinions, like I did...not by listening to a posting board, blogs, pundits and politicians. I don't even listen to what Ryan says...I went to look at what his budget bill said because THAT is what would be voted on.


I heard the overhead - comparison

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It was single digits for medicare and double digits for insurance companies. Anytime you place an intermediary between 2 points you are adding costs.
I have a relative working in the insurance industry for 30+ years. This relative supports the president's ideas.

My thoughts exactly about the Dems. At - Indy

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least the Republicans made an attempt. More than the Dems have done throughout Obama first term. And, with all due respect, don't know how you can chastise Republicans for trying to solve the problems that Dems helped create and in fact made worse...would be nice if the Dems would get into the solving business as well. They haven't done squat except made things worse.

Another thing I like about this...at least the Repubs are starting to vote their own conscience and what their constituents want. Unlike, sadly, the Democrats who toe the party line no matter what they say "back home." Which may lead to midterms take two.

Going into this campaign season was not a fan of either party. The Dems because they do not seem to understand the seriousness of the economy and the debt...and Republicans because they talked the talk and was waiting to see if they walked the walk. And they are walking the walk...at least they get what terrible shape we are in, and even if the first ideas were less than optimal, there were a lot of good ideas in there too...at least they are TRYING.

Which is leaps and bounds above the status quo. Finally, someone acknowledges hard choices need to be made.

Definition of insanity is the outright lie you are - basically telling. Please stop!.nm

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