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Momentary disorientation in familiar surroudings

Posted: Sep 10, 2013

(Also initially posted in Prayer section)  Several months ago, I had a few episodes of becoming momentarily disoriented while driving a very familiar route.  I spoke with a psychologist about it, and he said if it happened again to take note of what was taking place right before.  I don't recall anything significant preceding those events.  It didn't happen again until this past Saturday.  My husband and I were going to a wedding, and I was driving.  I came upon an intersection, and all of a sudden I did not recognize it at all, and I didn't know which way to go at the stop sign.  My husband guided me to make the correct turn. 

This has frightened me.  I never forgot what my destination was or the fact that I SHOULD have recognized these locales, but I could not for the life of me figure out where I was.  The episodes were very brief, lasting probably no longer than 10 seconds each.  Naturally, I'm afraid it might be a sign of early onset Alzheimer's.  The psychologist said it is not necessarily so and just might be a symptom of stress. 

I'm only 51, very active (exercise daily), relatively healthy, and in pretty good overall shape.  Has anyone else had this happen to them and it was just a temporary symptom of stress?  I'm praying to God that's all it is.



Yes, just last week was the last time - sm - scared

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I was doing the same, driving, it was night time and all of a sudden I had no idea where I was. It was a route I drive quite a bit. I have had it happen once before, I was stressed but it's so scary. I'm 57 and the first time I distinctly remember it happening I was in my early 40s, also stressed. Also, I'm in okay health but do not exercise regularly and my diet is terrible (but I'm working on it) so I don't think that has anything to do with it. I don't have "Alzheimer's" per se in my family but my grandfather died of "senile dementia" but that was in the 50s so what that really means is kind of debatable I guess.

why would you not see a doctor - about this?

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I don't think it's a good idea to rely only on the opinion of your psychologist. Sounds like you need a good solid medical workup.

I agree a medical workup would be best, but I - don't have the money or insurance to pay for

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It's happened to me too - anony

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It is very scary, and 10 seconds seems like forever. I saw my doctor and even a psychiatrist (that's how scared I was), and there was never a real diagnosis. It was eventually chalked up to "anxiety," although I don't remember being anxious at the time. Of course, now I have occasional anticipatory anxiety, but after two episodes, it's never happened again.

Confusion - anon

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You really need this checked out by a neurologist. It may frighten you, but confusion over left or right, not recognizing something, even temporarily can be the sign of a brain tumor. A simple CT can accomplish this. The ER would do it and you could apply for assistance through the financial department of the hospital to cover the bill. It's not something that should be ignored as it could be serious. Better to find out!

Some docs don't really listen to you. - me

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How many times do you go to see your primary and forget what you wanted to tell him/her. Every single time!! Anyway, I changed Primaries yesterday cause my first Primary was a CNP. The new PCP looked at MyChart on her computer and said "So you have a history of depression". I said History?? I was seen in June and made to fill out a form asking me if I was depressed or suicidal. So I said, yes, I'm depressed cause I lost my job in March. Do you know how depressing it is not to have a job? History?? See how doctors always change things just by using one word. Or they look at your throat and say, there's a little swelling there. And then they end the visit and walk away and tell you to come back in 3 months. What about my swelling!! Oh I have more. Here is another example: a few years ago, doctor asked me if I was depressed, I said No, of course not. Well, I got my medical records and read what he said about me and he said that I said I wasn't depressed, but I had a flat effect. Well, if I had a flat effect then why didn't you put me on Zoloft or something!. Okay, that's all for now.

confusion - been there

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The same thing "used" to happen to me when I was married and under enormous stress. I didn't know if I was having a stroke or getting Alzheimer's or seizures or what...but I saw a neurologist who did a full set of testing. He diagnosed me with partial seizure disorder brought on by severe stress. I took Neurontin, which did nothing but make me sleepy. Eventually I divorced my husband, and guess what. Not a single episode since then, and that was 7 years ago! I'm not advocating divorce, of course! I just want to say that in my case it was stress-related.

I did, nothing wrong. I'm also the one with twitches. - nm - scared

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Wow. I'm the OP, and I also have the eyelid twitch - I responded to your original

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twitch post. Sounds like our respective symptoms may indeed be due to stress, anxiety, etc.

Then I think I'm going to start meditating! nm - Twitch

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momentary disorientation - me too

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I had those types of "senior moments" when I was 51. I am now 61 and still have them once in a great while, my main prob is forgetting words!! I read somewhere to take lots of Vitamin E and some Turmeric (spice) about 1/8th of a teaspoon every day. I put a little in my milk and mix it up and drink it up. Not too bad or bitter. Our brains need oil to help it function better.

same thing here - new but old

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Mine was my thyroid. I had other symptoms but just never put them all together and I was driving home one night and turned on the wrong street thinking I was going the right way. Talk about scary. Lasted just long enough for me to turn onto the next street and then realize I was not where I should be. When I went in and they did blood work they found out that my thyroid had completely quit functioning and put me on Synthroid. Never happened again but I have to keep it monitored.

Thanks for sharing. I do have thyroid disease - OP

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and have been on Armour thyroid 90 mg for the past 8 years. My endo has said she cannot prescribe a higher dosage because my labs don't support that. I had asked for a higher dosage because of other symptoms, like fatigue, hair loss, and weight gain. Maybe I should seek another opinion.

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