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In this negative world we live in, I am happy for....
Posted: Apr 4, 2012

My wonderful husband who attempts to keep me sane! ♥ - nm
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Everything about my life - Auntie Anxiety
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I'm very content (at least for the moment), even my jobs. Look around objectively, I can honestly say I wouldn't change a single thing, and I hope it stays that way for a long, long time. :-)
the way flowering trees have red/green buds/leaves/etc - wheres_my_job
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if you look at the trees, some of them putting out seeds ("helicopters"), others leaves...but quite often, the base that is attached to the twig is red, and then the leaves or fronds or flowerets are green. It's really pretty against the blue sky.
Other than that...well, let's not go there just now. I have plenty to be thankful for, just don't want to go past the green/red color combination against the blue sky at the moment.
my daughter's love and perception. Unconditional love from my dogs. - n/m
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My health, my family, my friends, my ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel - nm
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