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Posted: Feb 8, 2012

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I'm hoping the illness that hit most people at our Thanksgiving dinner was this flu. It was certainly an enthusiastic spreader, but the seminal sympton was an unusual weakness that everyone commented on; fever yes and going to the lungs, but no one had significant tummy problems.
Oh, well. Sounds lik ...
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I suppose he will report all this on individual W9 forms.
Senator Lindsey Graham Says Suspend The Constitution For Boston Marathon SuspectApr 20, 2013
4/19/2013 @ 10:58PM |31,194 views
Senator Lindsey Graham Says Suspend the Constitution For Boston Marathon Suspect And Designate Him An Enemy Combatant
(Photo copyed from Wikipedia). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Why is it that those who spend an inordinate amount of time professing their dedication and fealty to the United States Constitution seem to always be among the first to toss our founding document out the window the moment it becom ...
White House Refuses Boston Herald Full Access To Obama's Fund Raiser.May 18, 2011So, why not? Hm-m-m. Keep reading. Is the WH Press Office being fair? They're wrong. If the want fair reporting, they should allow the Herald full access. As for the ad, hey, don't they know Romney was the governor of MA at one time?
The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, sa ...