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WOW! Just had an earthquake in NC!
Posted: Aug 23, 2011

Felt it here in VA, too! - anon
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It jarred the pictures in the wall and shook my chair while I was typing.... Nothing bad but enough to get my attention. I wonder where the center of it was!
Earthquake - LinK
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We felt it here in Upstate NY too. Heard that it was centered in VA 6.0. It was felt as far away as NC. Funny thing is here in our neighborhood we felt nothing, but all my friends and family in the surrounding areas felt it pretty strongly.
How the ground shakes depends on the type of - soil your house, town, etc. is built on. s-m
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There are 2 scales usually used in the US - the Richter, which measures the strength of the quake as a whole, and the Mercalli scale, which measures intensity of shaking.
Like you said, you might not feel it that much in one place, and in another, maybe down the street or next door, a house collapses. Bedrock is the best, and transfers less motion to buildings. Sandy soil can shake like Jello. Fill, like some communities around San Francisco Bay, or in Mexico City, are built on, usually shake the worst. Also, water is usually near the surface, and the shaking forces it upwards through fill, causing the ground to temporarily turn to quicksand. (Liquefaction). This happened in the Marina district in SF in 1989, and also under Olive View Hospital in Sylmar 1971, which collapsed. There was an excellent video of liquefaction taking place that I found online not long after the Japan quake in March. It was a grassy lawn or park in an area built on fill, and even though the quake was over, the ground was still moving, very slowly. You'd see cracks in the ground and the sidewalk slowly opening and closing. That was one of the eeriest things I've ever seen! And, water was bubbling up in various spots all over, like little mini-geysers a few inches high. Those too, rose and fell in height as the cracks continued to open and close.
The Center was in Louisa, VA - Whole lotta shakin goin on.
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I am out in Farmville, Southwest Virginia. When I heard the loud roar like a low-flying helicopter, my computer monitor started moving across the desk, and the globe fell off the book shelf - I didn't even sign off. I jumped out of my chair and ran out the back door!! All my neighbors were running outside. We stood and watched the houses shake for another 20 seconds or so. All is calm now. Scared the bee-jeebies out of me.
That makes sense now.... - anon
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No wonder I felt it here.... I live in the southwestern tip of VA in a little town called Ewing.
felt it up here in Mass. - fish tank was sloshing!
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I am in Aylett (other side of Richmond) - Zorro
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and was in my car parked, about to leave a store here in King William Cty, it rocked from side to side about 4 or so inches back and forth for 20 or so seconds, had no idea then it was an earthquake, thought I was having major engine issues, found out about 5 mins later it was an earthquake, never so glad to hear that as I thought my engine had something majorly going wrong. No damage at home, nothing fell that I am aware of, a few crooked picture frames is all that I could see. Played havoc with my air card though for hours, still acting up some today too.
I am in Maryland near Baltimore and we really felt it - cindy
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I was sleeping and it woke me from a dead sleep (worked until 5 am) and the walls were shaking in the bedroom. I am usually very slow to wake up, but not today! Luckily nothing broke and no damage. 5.9 is really something when you live where there are hardly ever earthquakes and building are not built to withstand that!
We had one that was much milder around 6 or 7 years ago and my son was home alone during that, as he was in middle school at the time and it scarred the heck out of him, so this time, he was much more prepared and now 18.
Earthquake - Christine
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My family and I live in south central Pennsylvania. My sister-in-law called later in the afternoon to ask if I felt the earthquake. She and my brother were sitting in their living room and the furniture they were on started moving across the floor. At the time of the quake I was driving and did not feel anything. I was shocked to hear so many felt it so bad!
Earthquake - CAMT
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Okay, now can we Californians get a bit of sympathy? An earthquake can happen anywhere, not just here. We still hear that we are going to fall into the ocean and Las Vegas will soon be oceanfront property, ;-)
You always had my sympathy and more so now - cindy
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One difference though is your homes and building are constructed to withstand earthquakes and on the east coast here, our are not. Also there are a lot of really, really old building around here. I was a sleep when it happened and it woke me right up. I have not been back to bed since (lots and lots of work, working on and off for the past 38 hours) but also partly because it really freaked me out and I do not want to get in bed now, although total fatigue is setting in as I have been up for almost 40 hours straight and my body is telling me to lay down. But you and everyone else that has to endure earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, volcanos, etc. have my undivided sympathies!
Old buildings - Yep
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Damage to old buildings (and anyone inside of them) was the first thing I thought of when I heard about the quake. I am originally from the East Coast and have visited quite a few of those fantastic historic buildings.
It's scary, I feel for you guys. Santa Cruz CA resident. - Deb
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I was a teenager during the Loma Prieta quake in 1989.
It's such a sudden intense thing... the rumbling starts and you wonder what it will bring. And you guys aren't used to it, so can only imagine what was going through your heads.
We had a few small quakes today, too, actually. A little shake-up like that is a good reminder to make sure you have your family emergency plan in place. I remember my brother was in college in Fresno and he couldn't reach anyone in the family. The news had him really scared and he and his buddy drove home. The 3-hour drive took over a day because of the traffic and mess of the roads everywhere
I remember Loma Prieta, too. What a day! (sm) - S.F. Peninsula
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I was outdoors, and watched 100 ft. tall redwood trees whipping back and forth like they were made of rubber, not wood!
Most of the contents of the swimming pool jumped out of the pool and went up the steps to the house, and just missed going into the living room before going back down the hill and into the pool.
A friend of mine had been driving on the Cypress Structure on I-880 in Oakland, and emerged out the other side seconds before it collapsed.
Most of the people on the freeways thought they had flat tires. One friend in San Jose said it was uncanny - at the same moment, thousands of people on the freeway all thought they had flats, and stopped and got out and looked at their tires.
Another friend was driving down a long steep hill on a narrow road, and she saw the pavement come at her like a wave. It was the first wave of the earthquake.
It was such a mess getting around for the first week or so after. All the bridges & tunnels were closed the first few days for repairs and/or inspection. Nobody's phones worked, and few people had cellular phones back then. My mom in So. Cal. had been watching the World Series, which was at Candlestick Park, on TV, when the announcer suddenly said, "We're having and earth....." and then it was cut off. She was pretty worried. It took me 3 days to finally find a working pay phone on the Stanford campus that I could call her from. My home phone was out for about a week and a half.
I was pretty lucky, my cottage was built on a cement slab, and the only thing that broke in my whole house was a little ceramic animal figurine. The really unlucky people had their houses slip off the foundations, and then they would be red-tagged and condemned. I heard through someone I knew that some people up in the Santa Cruz mountains had their very small cabin fall off the foundation. Not wanting to have it red-tagged, the got a bunch of friends that had 4-wheel-drive trucks together, and they attached chains to the house and dragged it back onto the foundation before the inspectors arrived! (I've always loved that story). I also heard someone not far from there took an unexpected ride down the mountain in their hot tub...
I lived in So. Cal. during the Sylmar quake in 1971. That quake did some strange things, too. My mother had a friend who lived in Sylmar, who raised Australian shepherd dogs. Her dog's new litter of puppies had been too large for her to feed all of them, so my mom's friend was bottle feeding one of them in the kitchen when the quake struck. The house leaped up and down, and she lost her grip on the puppy and dropped it, just as the entire kitchen floor very briefly gaped open, and then closed again. She was just sure the puppy was dead. After the quake, and the first few really big aftershocks, were over, they heard the puppy crying under the house. So her husband got a flashlight and went into the crawlspace underneath, and there was the puppy, scared, but unharmed!
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