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Update on "favor friend"...

Posted: Oct 25, 2011

Okay, so I need to vent. Or cry. Or just throw a pity of one party. Anyway, I posted on here a few months ago about my friend who only texts/calls when she needs a favor, like a ride, babysitter, or money. Well, I've decided to put my foot down. DH and I agreed that this is the LAST time we are helping her (and her husband and kids) with anything. Long story short, my friend whom I've known 20+ years, since high school, again asked me for help last week. She is married, 2 kids, a girl 7 and a boy 3. The 7 y/o is my Goddaughter and I spoil her b/c I want to and she is such a sweetheart and good girl. I do buy bday and holiday gifts for the 3 y/o as well just b/c I know they don't have alot to give and I don't want him to feel left out at Christmas. He is alot to handle but sweet and good for "auntie" when I babysit. In the past, I have driven her to work and back, 10+ miles each way; driven her to the doctor and out of town appts, babysat last minute (for free!), paid her rent once so she would not get evicted, put gas in her car twice, and bought her groceries at least twice. How nice am I, right? Of course, I do talk this all over with DH before doing any of this b/c it is our money and we have to agree on all purchases for any friend, not just her. Anyway, last weekend, her husband called me (because she refused to) and asked me to come over. I went over there on my lunch break and they asked me, well more HE asked me, if I would help them with planning a budget and bill paying schedule. They also asked if I would hold money for them each paycheck like a savings plan for them also and not give them any money unless dire emergency (which I told them means fire, flood, famine, or death) and not stupid stuff like a new laptop or TV. They cannot have any checking/saving accts at any bank b/c of bad credit and losing their accts due to overdrafts, etc. Anyway, I said sure to holding money for them each paycheck. I will hide it in my house and keep track of the amounts and only give to them when absolutely needed. I stipulated that I will not give them money for spending unless it's the kids' birthday or Christmas.

On to part 2, then they asked if I could buy them food for the week (again) b/c they were short on money until payday next weekend and "we just need the essentials," so I wrote down a list like milk, bread, butter, cereal, Ramen, etc and said okay (with husband's okay too) and went to Aldi the next day. I shop there and it's the cheapest place in town to get groceries. I spent $41 on groceries for 4 people for 7 days plus milk at Kwik Trip b/c the bags are much cheaper. Plus the gas I put in their car a month ago, the total comes to around $100.

Onto my vent, I texted my friend the morning I went to Aldi to tell her I was buying food and see you in a bit, etc. She asks me if I'm going to Walmart too. I said No. She said Oh. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I am not going to 2 places to buy you food when A) Aldi is cheaper than Walmart and B) I'm not making an extra trip just to buy hot pockets. So I go to Aldi, spend $41, and drop off the food. They said thank you, the kids loved the food, and her husband was very grateful and appreciative. I also typed up a budget and bill plan on who to pay and when and how much and budgeted gas, food, clothes, kids stuff, and all other misc for the house in that budget. And made sure to write that down b/c she will "forget" to buy food or clothes for the kids.  Plus giving DH and I money each check to hold for them. She said thank you for that. THEN....on my own, b/c I wanted to be extra nice and help out, I gave her one of my old cookbooks, lots of recipes, coupons, websites for free stuff, a list on how to save money/live cheap, and 101 free ideas to do with kids (like rainy day activites and such). Nothing. Didn't bat an eyelash. I told her that hamburger and chicken is so much cheaper at Aldi, and she said half joking, half snotty "I saw their meat once and it's kinda ehh."

Okay, so call me stupid or an enabler or whatever. But if anyone offered to help you the way I helped my friend, knowing that you used up your 1000th favor and swallowed your pride to ask for help yet again, would you be grateful for what you got or did I go too far with the extra stuff and insult her? I was trying to help b/c she always complains of being broke. I told her everything I said/gave to her is the same thing my husband and I do.

I'm not sure why I wrote this, maybe to vent or get an opinion or have someone tell me I did a good thing, or even that I'm an idiot, I'm fine with that too. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.

p.s. I told her husband after she left for work that I'm not helping her but enabling her and if she does not heed my advice and follow the budget, I'm done. If she gets evicted or has no lights or food, the gravy train has left and as much as it kills me to see that happen to her kids, I can't afford to help her out anymore.



You are an awesome friend - Been in your friend's place

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I have had friends like you help me out over the last year and I treasure them and the gifts from the heart they gave me. I sounds like the husband is starting to get a clue, but your friend sounds like she has a very bad entitlement complex. You didn't go too far at all - what you gave her tied in nicely with the budget help that they DID ask for. I'd love to have a bunch of freebies like that just handed to me with the eye towards making my life better. That's what friends do for friends.

I'm sorry your soon to be ex-friend doesn't value your friendship and the gifts that you have given her through the years. Her loss.

wow! can I sign up to be your friend too?? - anon

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I cannot believe that someone would take advantage of such a good heart as yours, but there are people out there who just expect you should do stuff for them simply because you "know them." You are finally on the right track about stopping the gravy train and I suspect they weren't as much in need of a "budget" as they were with you buying their groceries. If they stick to it, then good, but I suspect they will not. Anyway, to make you feel better about you, then just know that whatever kindness you bestow on others will come back to you 10 fold....not necessarily from those you helped, but just in general. You are a wonderful person and I applaud you for being so generous. now suck it up and move on. She is not your responsibility. God love ya!

Thanks for the brownie points.... - SP

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I forgot to mention that I do love her to death, she really is nice and fun and all that, I know she sounds horrible, I just hate being stuck in the middle. I get angry when asked for favors but feel guilty if I don't do them. If she didn't have kids, I wouldn't help her out. My mother told me that charity starts at home so I'm gonna listen to my mother (for once LOL). Thanks again, I'm really not a pushover, just way too nice. I guess what made me finally decide to stop was thinking that if I needed a ride, gas, food, etc, she would be the LAST person I would ask and that just made me sad. :-(

IF she ever asked again - WWID

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I would offer to keep her kids until got her act together...

The kids did not ask to be born into this. If the only reason you are helping, it might truly be better to offer that and see what she does with it. Also, my friend tried to help me with free stuff, couponing, and it wasn't until I was ready for it did I listen. Bless you for trying, but plus don't enable her anymore. There is a difference between providing charity and causing someone to never, ever, ever have to do for themselves. (and please, I'm not knocking you at all, I'm just saying from personal experience).

you can still..... - anon

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love her to death, but in loving her, you need to be tough and make her stand on her own two feet and meet her own responsibilities. She may be the nicest person in the world, but she is also a user. She is counting on you taking on the guilt she is handing out, so just stop feeling guilty about saying no. Like you said, your family and home come first. People like her make me sad too, because not just her, there are so many like her, and I have been in your shoes way too often. I got wise when I realized they were not really my "friends" if they could use me that way. God is my friend now and about the only one I can trust any longer.

My view of Enabling vs Helping - with help from my friend

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HELPING is to do for another person the things he or she truly cannot do for him/her self.

Enabling is to do for another person the things he or she should be doing for him/her self.

Sometimes it takes a while for the person to learn to do things he or she should be doing but rather than put forth the effort that person asks for help. He or she says, I can't, gives reasons why you should be "helping" tries to use your love and will guilt you into doing their job and uses the threat that not only that person will suffer but others such as the CHILDREN will suffer if you do not help. If you give in to any of those tactics you not only rob the adult of the ability to solve his or her own problems but you rob the child of having a capable parent.

I can only imagine what your friend's husband says away from your ears: "See, we HAD to ask ??? for help because you are a failure." And her internal response "It's her fault I can't take care of myself! Plus, it's not like she is hurting for money. She gives it everytime I have to have it!"

Lots of parents of adult children who bail them out have trained them by Pavlo's response to expect it.

I think your heart is in the right place, but maybe you just don't know how to be the kind of friend she needs, not the kind she wants.

I think that it is a little strange for you - to be making a budget and

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holding money for a grown couple. I am not saying that you did anything wrong, but I don't think that I would want to be responsible for someone else's family budget. There are places where people like your friend can get free credit counseling and help, which I think is probably a better idea. In my opinion, in the end, nothing good will come from you doling out their money to them as you see fit. You are not her mother and I am guessing that this situation will end badly.

not to mention possibility of accusation of - stealing the money

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Who hides money in their home??? A much more legitimate way to CYA and prevent some problems would be to deposit money into a savings account and keep the receipts, in fact, get something in writing from the so-called friend. But I agree, treating the friend like a child is only going to continue the pattern of codependency and will end badly. Only then, I won't have so much empathy for the OP.

Thanks for the replies all... - SP

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I value everyone's opinion on this. You all made some excellent points on the situation, some I've never even thought of so thank for you that. I do appreciate the honesty and letting me know that I am also hurting her by "helping" or enabling her. It ends today. I know there is no excuse I could give that would make me or my friend sound better. I also do not expect empathy from anyone either, because I do know now that I am also hurting myself and I knowingly went into this mess and it may end badly if I choose to end the friendship or hold money for them. I even thought about typing up a contract or something stating the date and amount of money they give us to hold for them and everyone initial it so then if it were to ever come out that I "stole" money from them (which I did not even think about so thank you to whoever mentioned it) then we all have something in writing stating that she gave me so much money on this date and I do have it here in cash, no problem you can have it back. I don't think it will come to that b/c she did ask us to hold money for her. BUT better to CYA then deal with drama.

Also, I could not sleep last nite as I thought about her and everything. She literally has a handful of people who still talk to her, if that. Everyone including family has been favored out so to speak and do not talk to her at all, which hurts the family members as well as the kids. Anyway, I'm debating about calling social services and making an anonymous complaint about the situation, or should I just offer to take the kids for awhile like someone on here suggested? I do want to help her and the kids but not hurt them...so maybe calling SS is the best option.

IDK what to do anymore except for saying No. Or should I just walk away?

Thanks again all for the advice, it really is appreciated.
Your good heart is getting in the way - Claire
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of your good sense.

They are adults and responsible for their own lives and for their children. You are not responsible for any of them. Trying to "save" them from themselves is not working and is harming you by bringing stress and worry into your life. Let it go. Hand their problems back to them and let them deal with them. You are doing them no favor by doing what they should be doing themselves. They will never learn unless they actually have no other choice. If you always step in to solve their problems, there will be no incentive for them to change or grow, if they are even capable of doing so. If they cannot or will not change, it is not your problem. The only way they can be fixed is to do it themselves.

Do not take the children; they are not your responsibility. They will, however, become your burden if you continue to allow the parents to guilt you into stepping in. Call social services if you feel you must, but don't allow them to make their bad choices your burden.

They have taken advantage of your kindess for too long and do not seem worthy of all the worry and effort you have put into them. Let it go. You deserve better.
offering to take the kids - WWID
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Bless your heart, you have a big one. I don't know that social services would be interested in your call, sad to say. If a parent cannot manage their finances, that is not a reason to intervene. If a parent loses their home, that is not a reason either. Being broke and homeless are not reasons for having your kids taken away. The children don't have to be parented to your personal standards, they just have to met minimal standards. Unfortunately, being crappy parents without real-time evidence of harm to the children is not a reason for intervention by state services.

If you offer to take the children instead of giving money, the most likely response is going to be outrage. I seriously doubt in real life that she would hand over her children to you. They are bargaining chips in ploys for sympathy at best, or extra family members to claim for public benefits at worst to her.

Only you know when/if you have to walk away because of your own tolerance level. If she stops talking to you, then you have the answer you need - that you were only being used and not a true friend. If she sticks with you after repeatedly being told no to offers of money, food, transportation, etc., turning to you for emotional support, then she probably is a friend. but again, it will be up to her. You've more than proven your mettle as a friend. GBY.
I am not calling SS after all... - SP
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I know being poor is not a crime and does not automatically make one a bad parent. I grew up POOR but I was always fed, clothed, clean, and in a clean house. Having no money is no excuse for common sense. I agree with your posting on that. I was thinking of calling SS just about neglect, not abuse or anything like that. Because when I heard from her husband "she forgets to buy food" that upset me. Anyway, I am not calling them. I just want to get them some help that is not from me anymore. There is the Salvation Army and the food pantry for holiday meals and she can sign up the kids for secret santa type things at local stores for shoes, clothes, toys, etc. I was just upset the day I took them the groceries b/c her daughter is in jeans that are way too tight and too small for her to wear to school and keep warm in. I've been to all our local stores and checked the flyers and they always have clearance on kids clothes, so it is selfish IMO that she can blow "extra" money on stupid stuff yet can't shell out $10 for a pair of jeans for the kids. I keep going between anger and guilt about it, now I'm just at the point of being done. Her husband is upset at her too. I told him if she does not pay her bills and buy food and get her priorities straight, then that's her own problem and I'm done. Again, I agree with your post and everyone else's too. I just hate the being broke excuse b/c it's not an excuse.
Sounds to me like.. - response to SP
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Sounds to me like she truely needs an intervention. I don't know if you or she belong to a church congregation but I recommend going to your or her clergy and seeking advice. She's clearly oblivious to the effect her actions has on others, namely her family. Whatever course of action you take, in the line of "cutting her off" be prepared for the worst. She may come to you years later and thank you but don't give up on her. She may be nasty to you for some time until she understands she's making poor choices. Bottom line, your voice and her husband's voice alone, are not helping her to see what she's doing to her family and the relationships she has. I would talk to her husband about having an intervention. Just my opinion though :)
Thanks for the suggestion but... - SP
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neither my friend nor I are regular church goers. I attend more than she does, but that is neither here nor there. I do have a pastor in my life, however. But I do agree with some sort of intervention, thus my question of calling SS or not b/c they would be better able to handle things and help them out and know more resources than I would.

But I am not calling unless it gets so bad with what I (and any other normal common sense adult) feels is neglect. At least at Christmas, I know the kids will have clothes/shoes b/c I will buy them as part of their regular gifts (I'm sure I can find good deals within my budget).

But I am done helping her. She got paid last Friday and was going to pay me back with this paycheck. No text. No call. No contact from her. At all. I'm not surprised. Good thing I didn't hold my breath. I figured we would be out that money. We always discuss how much we can "help out" and still be okay ourselves if we don't ever get it back. If I'm out the $100 so be it. But I am not helping her anymore. I'm sick of only being texted or called for favors and never anything else, or if it is just to come and hang out, it leads to babysitting or something else when I get there, so I have to keep my distance from her due to anger and the kids due to being upset about their home situation. If I lose her then that's the way it is. Maybe down the road she will change. I am not giving up on her, I just can't get dragged into her mess anymore.

Thanks again :-)

She paid me back in full today. Merry Christmas to me! n/m - SP

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