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I think Caitlyn Jenner broke Facebook
Posted: Jun 1, 2015

Well, Caitlyn Jenner is a broken person so they go together - IMO
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I think someone is just jealous that "she" - looks better than most
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WOMEN at the same age....just sayin...
Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman. Still has the downstairs equipment. sm - IMO
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It can call itself whatever it likes, but as long as it has a penis and was born male it's a man.
Even if Caitlyn had a penectomy... - wheres_my_job
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...or had penoplasty, and had his penis inverted...had his testicles removed..he would still be male. Female does not equal merely the absence of a penis, or testicles, or a penis turned inside out, or a bit of colon stretched to surface of perineum and an open wound there that needs lifelong wound care.
Didn't he kill a lady in an auto accident last month? - NM
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So who are the going to prosecute? - Rusty
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CJ or Bruce? Since Bruce no longer exists, is he going to get away with it? Or is Bruce going to show up in court? Or is CJ? Wow, could drive a person crazy thinking of all the possibilities.
ha true!! She looks amazing, no matter what "equipment" - she has
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No jealousy...I think real women are beautiful - wheres_my_job
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As Jeanine tte Roth put it, who writes about compulsive eating in women: Every woman has her own brand of beauty.
I'm not in competition with women, or men, who find themselves on the cover of magazines, Photoshop, surgery, etc.
My former BF is a transgender person. It takes - a lot of courage and self-insight to - sm
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know who you truly are, even of your body parts belie that fact. Not everyone is born a "true" male or a "true" female. More people than you think are in-between, and knowing which gender your soul truly is, and having the guts to go after being who you truly are inside, is something every transgender person should be proud of.
Talking about souls = religion - wheres_my_job
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At birth, you are either female, male or you have a disorder of sexual development. These are the only possibilities. People also believe that they should be disabled, or an animal, or that they are too fat (when they are starving). These are all called cognitive distortions. There may be an element of bravery in living out a cognitive distortion - but I think true bravery is going against sexist stereotypes, as to what appropriate clothing is for female/male, or behavior, or interests, and claiming THAT, as well as your birth sex. No one needs to transition to be their true selves, no one. So be brave - own your physical body AND your interests, desires. That is true bravery. Not pretending to be something you're not.
Absolutely...delusional... - wheres_my_job
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Has his male reproductive system turned into a female reproductive system? No. Therefore: Still a male. Wear whatever he wants, do what he wants to do surgically, hormonally, he's still a man. Why can't he accept this about himself? He talks about "Caitlyn" in the third person - why - he knows it is a role he is playing.
I watched the interview some weeks ago - and I know true what he said about
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his looking in the mirror and not knowing who he was looking at, he felt female, saw male. The reason I know about this (not a transgender thing) but I had a facelift in the 90s. You have no idea what it feels like to look at a mirror, know you are looking at yourself but do not see that person. I have been in the same spot as far as the mirror thing, know what he means. I felt sorry he had to live his life all these years feeling he was trapped as a male and felt female. There are extremely young children who feel this and sometimes the gender is screwed up. Since seeing the interview never felt he was just playing a role.
Maybe he's just gay and can't admit it - wheres_my_job
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Yeah, I've looked in mirrors too my whole life, we don't always like what we see. Doesn't mean that there is a magic wand that changes biological sex - there isn't. Gender is just sex role expectations - women are this, men are that, etc. Jenner obviously believes that you can't be a man and have long hair (he said "society" tells men they can't have long hair (although Aerosmith singer seemed to manage it)), you can't be a man and wear makeup etc - although "drag queens" have been doing exactly that, AS MEN, for a very long time. He's just a drag queen (and I don't mean that disrespectfully), but there's this whole cultural trend (fueled by pharmaceutical companies and surgical suppliers and endocrinologists who stand to make lots of money, as well as all the homophobia out there - it's true, people would rather be "trans' (a physical impossibility) than admit to being, coming out of the closet, as gay or lesbian) going on..this cultural trend is going on. It's a form of mass hysteria, and I think a response to Internet porn, as well as the gains made by lesbians and gays - this whole trans thing is a reaction to that, as well as big medical companies seeing a new revenue stream, as well as the poor state of education (take a biology class already), religious fundamentalism, backlash against feminism. Add it all up, and voila! a man has surgery, takes hormones, dresses in lingerie, is on the cover of a magazine, and it's called "herstory." What an insult to women who brought us the vote, contraception, education for girls and women, sexual harassment laws, broke through the glass ceilings. An insult and an outrage.
Am not insulted, not outraged and I can fully identify - with seeing a person in the
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mirror and knew it was me but after the facelift I did not recognize. Don't get me wrong, I loved the new me, no jaws sagging, my huge under eye bags gone, the forehead smooth without crevices. I did not see the person I had looked at for 40 something years. He looked and did not see a man. I say if he's happy, then good for him.
Right, because nothing we do affects anything else... - wheres_my_job
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...or anyone else. I think the comparison to your facelift is a poor one - Jenner BELIEVES he can become the opposite sex - which is physically impossible. With your facelift, did you have any cognitive distortions, such as it would turn you into a completely other human being, a unicorn, a character from Chucky, anything like that at all?
Jenner believes (or claims to believe) he is female, an adult female, a woman, based on: hormones, surgery, clothing, makeup. He still has his male genitalia, but CLAIMS to be a woman. And the mass media eats up the sensational aspect of it, calls it "brave" for a wealthy white man who gets off on (sexually aroused by) pretending to be a woman. It's not brave, he is not a woman, and it is insulting to women and all the hard work they have done to make life better and more fair for all women. That you are not insulted or outraged, and that you claim to "fully identify" with a man's delusion and sexual fetish, tells me you just are thinking this through, and just enjoy the sensational aspect of it. Well, you have lots of company, good for you. LOL a "facelift" to look younger being the equivalent of surgery to pretend to be the opposite sex.
Agree - SM
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I didn't get the facelift connection to all of this either. A facelift just enhances who I already am. . doesn't change it into something entirely different.
How about "Bigfoot Jenner?" - SM
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At least then he/she could have stayed with the same initials. The photo on the cough with the ugly man leg says it all. Sorry, but if this was just to be "true" to who he felt he really was, why the splash and sensationalism? Why not just do it and go on with your life? Can you imagine the money he is making off of the photos? Personally, if it were me, I would want it played down, not up.
Cait Jenner - Mudbug
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True "Jenner Bender" LOL. This is another on my list of who gives a pile of dog poop. LOL
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