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You are so supportive of hateful rhetoric, racism, and violence - you are apoplectic. Your support of

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 1:02 pm In Reply to: And you sound so triggered you are close to apoplectic - Your support of Trump

Democrats means YOU support all those things, including the murder of full-term infants. That is YOUR platform.

I beleive none of what you write or that you get material from several sources. Your posts are very biased, bigoted, and hypocritical, one-sided with no circumspection. But I guess you need to tell yourself whatever you have to,to sleep at night.

BTW - you are way off in your assements about who/what I support. But you never were interested in any facts or truth -- you just love to hear yourself talk and are so self-righteous and sanctimonious. I feel sorry for those around you.

Won't bother with anymore of your dribble. Your posts demonstrate you "can't fix stupid" or racism, or hate, or bigotry, or hypocrisy --interchange as appropriate regarding your posts and misinformation dictates.


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