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Typical Dem talking point - Dems always accuse others of

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 12:21 pm In Reply to: So strange - All the Biden supporters here

exactly what they are doing. Nice to see you are a water carrier/mouthpiece for the Democrats.

No one more snotty, hateful, violet in their rhetoric, racist than BIDEN, Schumer, Pelosi, CLINTONS, OBAMAS, Waters, Weiner, Holden, Wallace, Clyburn, Harris, Behar, Goldburg. ALL
DEMOCRATS, and list is too long to publish all.

Pretty clear you are selective and totally ignore all the protests, riots, MURDERS, RAPES, CHILD ABUSE, HUMAN TRAFFICKING that Democrats support, nurture, and approve of. Guess you gotta do whatever helps you sleep at night.

Sure are a lot of bike racks on this site -- all starting with a D


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