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Someone has not read Project 2025 - You are trying to take away

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 12:36 pm In Reply to: To quote you...it is you sista, all you - You are so delusional, maybe we should place

reproductive rights for women abortion, and some oral contraceptives. You do not believe that LGBTQ people should be able to get married. You believe that corporations should be able to decide whether they pay overtime. You believe libraries should only offer books that fit your moral standards. You believe in weakening the public school systems by taking funding away to support christian schools that are often unregulated. You believe in cutting funding to programs that feed poor women and children.

I must ask... is there something actually wrong with you that you can't hold a discussion about policy? I have no knowledge of Biden being accused of multiple rapes -- maybe. But even so, Trump has been too, so isn't that a wash? Is it impossible for you to actually argue policy instead of mud slinging and hateful rhetoric? Evidently it is.

See you at the polls. LOL.


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