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Again you are clearly delusional - If you did ANY research at all

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 12:47 pm In Reply to: Someone has not read Project 2025 - You are trying to take away

you would know this is condemned by the majoirty or Republicans, including Pres. Trump.

But you only want to spread your disinformation and misinformation. Try actually doiong research instead of plugging into your commie-owned stations like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Yahoo, Google.

AGAIN, IN YOUR HATE AND HYPOCRISTY, I NEVER SAID I BELIEVED IN ANYTHING YOU POSTED, SO STOP SAYING "YOU". YOU ARE TOTALLY CLUELESS, which only further illustrates your hate, hypocristy, disinformation, and misinformation.

is that you FJB? Hillary maybe? Doctor Jil (hahaha)? Joy Behar? You sound like all of them wrapped into one.


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