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USA Today. Hardly conservative. - Places blame at the feet of FJB and Dems

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 12:35 pm In Reply to: ComDems at the helm of hate speech - yet they act so lilly white

**Of course, no apologies from Democrats because they nurture hypocrisy, hate/racism/inequality all day long.** Plenty more where this comes from. Those of us with a brain bigger than a pea, knows the hate comes from Dems, has for years, and the Dems are hypocrits. All you need to know.

Biden admits putting Trump in 'bull's-eye' was a mistake. It's a little late for that.
President's admission also came much too late − a week after he made the comment and two days after the attempted assassination on his Republican rival.
Nicole Russell

The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday is to blame for his horrific actions, but the violence didn't occur in a bubble. Our political environment is polarized, toxic and full of damning rhetoric.

Democrats have demonized Trump since 2016, and the harshness of their rhetoric, starting with President Joe Biden, has ramped up in recent months.

While correlation doesn't equal causation, no one should ignore the ugly rhetoric that preceded the assassination attempt on Trump and has continued in some quarters even after Saturday.

Political leaders are being hypocritical
President Joe Biden arrives in Las Vegas on July 15, 2024.
On July 8, on a phone call with donors, Biden said, "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull's-eye."

His comment was ignored before the assassination attempt. It gained widespread attention only after a gunman wounded the former president, killed an innocent bystander and seriously wounded two other people.

During Biden's interview with NBC News' Lester Holt on Monday night, the president walked back his bull's-eye comment, saying it was a "mistake." But he also didn't come close to an apology for using a violent reference about his political opponent in an already heated time in history.

Biden's admission of a "mistake" also came much too late − a week after he made the comment and two days after the attempted assassination.

Trump stood defiantly after shooting.America also needs to stand against violence.

The bull's-eye comment fits a pattern with Biden. In a July 5 post on X, Biden said that Trump "could become the dictator he promised to be." On June 28, he posted that Trump was "a genuine threat to this nation." "He's literally a threat to everything America stands for," the post concluded.

Biden is far from the only progressive who resorted to supercharged rhetoric before Saturday, and after.

In the wake of the shooting, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., posted on X, "There is no room in American democracy for political violence." Yet, a member of his staff − after the attempted murder of a former American president − posted this on social media: "I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops that wasn't me saying that."

Thompson, the ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, promptly announced that the staff member was no longer employed by his office.

Even in the entertainment world, the violent rhetoric against Trump didn't stop after Saturday. Musician Kyle Gass said "don't miss Trump next time" on stage Sunday during a Tenacious D concert. Actor Jack Black canceled the remainder of the band's concert tour because of the comment.

Musicians Jack Black and Kyle Gass of Tenacious D perform in 2017 in Los Angeles. In a statement provided to USA TODAY, the "School of Rock" actor said he was "blindsided" by Gass saying "don't miss Trump next time" on stage during their Tenacious D show on July 14, 2024. "I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form," Black said. "After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding."
Media outlets contribute to anti-Trump rhetoric
I'm a Republican who repeatedly has said that I don't think Trump was the best choice to represent the GOP. Leftists have gone much further. They have demonized Trump, painting him with the same brush as the worst people in history. Here are a few examples:

On Sunday, only a day after the attempted assassination, The Atlantic published this headline, "The Gunman and the Would-be Dictator." In the column, David Frum wrote, "Fascism feasts on violence," in a reference not about the assassination attempt but about its target.

In June, The New Republic's cover story featured a characterization of Trump's face with Hitler's infamous mustache. "Yes, That's Right: American Fascism," the headline read.

A December Washington Post headline stated, "Yes, it's okay to compare Trump to Hitler. Don't let me stop you."

Democrats are in chaos over Biden.It shows they're not ready to lead America.

In 2017, the German magazine "Stern" depicted Trump giving the Nazi salute and described how "Trump stirs hatred in America."

In 2017, the cover of another German magazine, Der Spiegel, featured a drawing of Trump with the notorious Ku Klux Klan hood and mask. "U.S. President Donald Trump is a racist and a hate preacher. It's time to stop trivializing the immense damage he is causing," the subhead read.

The cover of a March 2018 issue of The Economist showed a grenade with Trump's face etched into it. The story dubbed him a "threat to world trade."

A 2018 New York magazine cover showed a photo of Trump with his nose enlarged to look like a pig. "It's the Corruption, Stupid," the headline read.

Trump is a fascist, akin to Hitler and a pig, according to these supposedly respectable mainstream media outlets.

Outlets like The Washington Post, New Republic and New York try to influence public discourse. They are showing their readers not just what to think but how to think by distributing derogatory opinion disguised as responsible journalism.

They bear responsibility for pushing the narrative, not just that Trump's policies were awful, but that he was basically Hitler.


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