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Do you remember when Democrats said you could - sexually assault women

Posted: Jul 17th, 2024 - 11:36 am In Reply to: Your post perfect description of - the ComDems

if you had money? Oh wait, my bad. That was Republicans. Trump said that.

Democrats don't want to "promote pornography" to children. Republicans just want to continue to discriminate against anyone who isn't straight and white, so it must seem like that to you.

Yes, I DO hate anyone who believes it is their right to take away rights of others. I don't have to be okay with anyone who thinks it is their right to take away my daughter's medical decisions, or who thinks my gay friends should not have the same rights as others. The difference between you and I is that I will express this opinion at the voting booth. You will spew your hatred all over the internet and stoke more violence. Then you will wonder why politics has become so violent.

It's you sister. That's all on you.


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