A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

jmho....no one who uses this website makes enough money to benefit from republican policies

Posted: Dec 16, 2011

Again, just my opinion....


jmho-no one who uses this site - Leelee

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And thanks to the goof in the White House currently, I have lost approximately $50,000, Cannot wait to see that socialist GO!!! Not soon enough.

I agree. "Goof in The White House" is putting it - mildly. Worst president of my lifetime so far.nm

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Worst Pres in my lifetime was Bush...he set this downfall in motion and it wont be corrected in my l - I think trailer parks are going to be the new neig

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No offense against trailer parks but good luck holding onto private homes with no jobs, low wages, outrageous healthcare costs...All the while those Republicans keep protecting the rich. They've been protecting those job creators now for over 10 years....Huh? Where are all the jobs?!??!? And the Dems just pretend to be against the policies of the repubs...they put up a fight and then just cave....We're in big trouble people....none of them care about us....if you don't make big bucks you don't matter.
Worst Pres is Obama hands down - LeeLee
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There are a multitude of informational sources that dispute Bush was the fault of all that is wrong. As far back as 2003/2004, he had laws on the books to reign in Fannie/Freddie....Barney Frank (D) and the DEM majority, along with Pelosi, put a stop to all legislation to reign in ANY problems with the banking industry, subprimes, Freddie/Fannie, etc. Unfortunately, unless someone makes a choice to read how the votes of Congress went and on what, they do not have correct information via the Lame Street Media, which did not make well known the efforts Bush made. No president is 100% perfect, as are none of us. Having a Marxist embracer in office (words Obama chose to describe himself in his writings), as well as how he wants the USA to be, is more than frightening. He wants to have third world countries and Europeans dictate how OUR hard-earned money will be used to "spread the wealth", including sending it overseas (again Obama's words, not mine). Why should any of us be forced to help out Greeks who retire at age 50, refuse to pay taxes, have a debt ratio of over 130% of what they take in, then have ourretirement age raised to 67 because Obama wants to "help" Greeks have a better life. What about our lives? When asked to conserve, the Greeks' answer was to riot...makes a lot of sense. If you want to verify any information regarding how dangerous Obama is....read archived documents that OBAMA wrote, archived speeches that OBAMA made and not what progressive/liberals want you to read or hear. It is quite an eye opener....and no, I am not affiliated with any party. I am a common-sense Independent that does a lot of research on all candidates. Have a good weekend.
Worst Pres is Obama hands down - LeeLee
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There are a multitude of informational sources that dispute Bush was the fault of all that is wrong. As far back as 2003/2004, he had laws on the books to reign in Fannie/Freddie....Barney Frank (D) and the DEM majority, along with Pelosi, put a stop to all legislation to reign in ANY problems with the banking industry, subprimes, Freddie/Fannie, etc. Unfortunately, unless someone makes a choice to read how the votes of Congress went and on what, they do not have correct information via the Lame Street Media, which did not make well known the efforts Bush made. No president is 100% perfect, as are none of us. Having a Marxist embracer in office (words Obama chose to describe himself in his writings), as well as how he wants the USA to be, is more than frightening. He wants to have third world countries and Europeans dictate how OUR hard-earned money will be used to "spread the wealth", including sending it overseas (again Obama's words, not mine). Why should any of us be forced to help out Greeks who retire at age 50, refuse to pay taxes, have a debt ratio of over 130% of what they take in, then have ourretirement age raised to 67 because Obama wants to "help" Greeks have a better life. What about our lives? When asked to conserve, the Greeks' answer was to riot...makes a lot of sense. If you want to verify any information regarding how dangerous Obama is....read archived documents that OBAMA wrote, archived speeches that OBAMA made and not what progressive/liberals want you to read or hear. It is quite an eye opener....and no, I am not affiliated with any party. I am a common-sense Independent that does a lot of research on all candidates. Have a good weekend.
When you tell it like it is... - wheres_my_job
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...some people just don't want to hear it. Thanks for posting - I'm not real happy with Obama - but I shudder at the thought of a "war is good for the economy" Republican getting into office.
Obama is the worst....making EVERYTHING worse!nm - Wake up
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actually, economy under Bush was very good until - Dems took control of Congress.. fact. nm
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What you wrote describes the current crowd - see message
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The worst in my lifetime was Clinton. Although I can't decide if Obama is worse. Bush didn't set the downfall. Clinton set the downfall. Jobs going overseas, etc. The outrageous healthcare costs, that's current. You are blaming Bush for things that are Clintons fault. You may think it's convenient, but as they say, you can say it a thousand times, but it does not mean it's true.

And just who is protecting the rich? Again, how convenient of you to say the republicans, but the facts are that the democrats are protecting the rich. Who do you think wall street supports? Obama. Obama is their friend because he's keeping them rich. Oh yeah, sure, every candidate I have ever known in my adult life always has the same line talking about the "2% wealthiest". Sure they tell you a good story that they will go after those 2% because they know that is what you want to hear. The sad truth is that congress continues to be rich and getting richer. Take a look at some of the people backing Obama, Bush, and Clinton...Same people. Same rich. I keep hearing about how Warren Buffet says he should be taxed more (yes under Obama's watch), so where is his check.

I will agree with you when you say none of the care about us. Name one politician that actually cares about us (the poor getting poorer), cos Obama, Bush, and Clinton didn't.
what you wrote describes current crowd - LeeLee
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I found your post very interesting. Many people are not aware that Clinton, in his first 100 days in office, signed the law that permitted companies to send offshore and gave them tax incentives to do so. That started the ball rolling for oursourcing overseas. Also read ALL of NAFTA. Also, Clinton and Obama have very, very close ties with Soros, as well; and Hilary has openly praised Soros for his "vision". Soros is an avowed socialist (Soros' words) and has stated in several interviews/writings (all available for public review) that he wants to destroy the US, capitalism and everything America stands for. Also check out the ties Clinton/Obama have with Cloward and Piven. I also find it odd that people scream about the 1%; however, they PAY WELL OVER 40% of all taxes to the government; pretty hefty tax bill. Any time a liberal/progressive screams about "fair share", they are free to write a check in any amount and send it to the government. Have not found 1 yet that has backed up their feigned outrage with any money. And then, there is the approximately 48% that pay absolutely NO TAX WHATSOEVER. If Buffett so desparetely wants to pay more taxes, why has he spent over $250,000 (may be higher now) to fight the IRS when IRS filed a claim stating Buffett had underpaid his taxes. As I stated before, I personally help those in need with my money, time and service. I am sick of the freeloaders who abuse the entire process. There are so many people that just do not read and go only with what the Lame Street Media puts out there. You can get all the info you need regarding votes, policies, etc., from congressional archives.

LeeLee: Please tell me what you think would - change if GOP won SM

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presidency. I really do not understand this way of thinking. Most of congress is bought and sold now so what would really change for the better? For example, If you have a college-aged child and qualify for a PELL grant, I'm sure you have heard what the GOP wants to do about that now, haven't you? This is one of the ways they want to "pay" for the middle class tax cut. The middle class cut MUST be paid for, doncha' know, but the 1% tax cuts don't need to be paid for. Don't understand the reasoning; obviously, there is no reasoning. They do what they are told by the corporations or else. As for your loss of approximately $50,000, can you explain how Obama is responsible for that? I truly am interested.

politics - LeeLee

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My loss of income was a DIRECT result of Obamacare. Due to the institution of his socialist, "spread the wealth" mentality, I have seen my income steadily drop, beginning with the month he took office. Charity begins at home and I give quite a bit of my time and income to those in need. I completely resent being "forced" to provide for those that refuse to provide for themselves. If someone CHOOSES not to work, carry insurance, better their lives, it is not my responsibility to do it for them. If you want to know what Obama is truly about, read the things the Lame Street Media will not publish. Watch Obama's videos prior to taking office and research his association with Soros. I also have a copy of the health care law passed and I am reading through every page. It is TRULY FRIGHTENING what is included/buried in that law. As an Independent, I am not wedded to any party ideology and rely on my common sense, which a great deal of voters do not. I live by a very basic philosophy--I will help anyone in need that I am able to; however, I refuse to take more interest in someone's life than they do. I have worked very, very hard for my education, job opportunities, home, etc., as most of us here have. I have NEVER had a handout from the government or abused any government service--yet I routinely see it happening around me. I only need to go to the ER. The greatest percentage of patients that claim they cannot "afford" health care have the latest cell phone, IPODs, gold jewelry, diamonds, receive welfare, unemployed, food stamps,and drive away in a late model car. I have never voted a party line and never will. There are good and bad people in any group. I do have to laugh at those that continually comment about the "rich Repubs"...that tells me that they have not reviewed the wealth of the congress members.....the majority of the wealthy are Dems. Whose interest do you think they protect....certainly not mine. As for change....that occurs when INFORMED votes go to the polls, without fraudulent votes involved, illegal aliens voting and honoring the legal process....I am all for term limits and directly tying ALL congress pays to balancing the budget, forcing them to live under the laws they pass and having them use the health care bill which they forced on us. ALL congress members are exempt from Obama's socialized medicine for life. Hope this answers some of your questions....have a good weekend!

That's okay,...I certainly don't benefit from democrate policies - - BTW - They ALSO do not care about you EITHER!!!!!!

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I'm pretty near the poor line here, but never has any democratic policies ever helped me, my family or friends. We were all talking over Thanksgiving and we all agree on one thing. Low income and middle income do much better under republicans (at least everyone we know). Particularly I stopped listening to the news lately because nobody is compromising with the other side. I'm afraid that we are going to get stuck with another four years of the same thing and that is very depressing. But then when I look at the republican candidates I don't see anyone I care for either. Just hard to know what to do. I guess whoever the "powers to be" wants in is who will get in, so guess it doesn't really matter.

All I know it really chaps my hide when someone comes on here and proclaims to speak for everyone (i.e. no one who uses this website benefits from this or that political party). If you benefit under the democrats good for you, but it looks like a lot of people on this site do not.

Low income and middle income do much better - under republicans SM

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at least those you know. How do they do better exactly? It's getting pretty scary out here !!!

Yes it is - BTW - They ALSO do not care about you EITHER!!!!!

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The conversation we had we all agreed that all our friends, family and everyone we know (for me that is 6 states, my BIL has relatives in 3 other states, etc, etc, etc). I'd list all the states but that's not the issue. The issue is we were all talking and nobody has known anyone who is middle and low income who does well when democrats are in office. My BIL's grandfather (who has now passed away) was well off and he did better under democrats.

I definitely agree with you on your last statement. It's getting pretty scary out here, and it's getting more scary every day.

Here's to hoping good things happen this next election and we finally get some people in who know how to get the economy back and 1/2 of my family members finally get jobs.
Vote Republican and they'll certainly have minimum wage - jobs available!!!!
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Good luck getting ahead.

You are 100 percent correct - wheres_my_job

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Problem with the Democrats, instead of being true to their base, they cave and cave and cave to far right wing Republicans. Thanks a lot Obama - but I'm sure not gonna vote to put a "let's invade Iran now that we're out of Iraq" Republican into office. NO WAY.

Baloney! Obama got his STIMUBUST bill through. - and pubs dont WANT war. nm

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No one WANTS war, except maybe Tony Stark. n/m - anon

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LOL! The Republicans can't wait to start another war. - nm

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Such a ridiculous statement....unwarranted. - You simply hate Republicans.nm
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Such an overdramatic statement... typical - PlayTheVictimResponse
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No one said anything about hating anyone. Geez.

The middle class do not benefit from either - party. The congress SM

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are bought and sold, which has gotten much worse since Citizens United.

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