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isn't it ironic...again

Posted: Mar 21, 2010

Now pallone says seniors will get help with paying for their prescriptions meds.  that is a good thing.  same breath he said 32 million more people will be able to see physicians for routine visits.  Wow, seniors can get help paying for their meds.  they just won't be able to get an appt to see a doctor to prescribe those meds cuz 32 million people will be waiting for those appts


Do you have any idea how silly this sounds? - The sky is not falling and

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health care as we know it is not coming to an end. It's not Armageddon. The practice of medicine has been around for a very long time and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Unless you can cite some kind of reliable source, why not give all this gloom and doom a rest, at least for a couple hours? You think you can mmanage that?

then explain to me - xo

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how do we absorb 32,000,000 more patients without sacrificing quality? can't be done. common sense logic.

Sorry, but there is no logic in that statement. - As many of your cohorts

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have pointed out, not that much will change, at least initially-so why all of the panic?? I will tell you why. Because the right wing has invested a lot of time and money to make you afraid and to try and manipulate you into this frenzy you guys are experiencing.

Also, the issue has never actually be health care and I doubt quality will be affected at all other than maybe a few less people will be going to the ER's so they are spending less time in the waiting room there. The issue is PAYING for the health care. Besides, the insurance companies are perfectly happy to have those 32,000,000 new members.

Gradual phased entry into health care system over 5 years - of new patients AND new MDs...

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with a considerably large chunk of those patients being healthy and younger. Generous provisions for well care and preventative medicine. Elimination of waste and fraud, duplication and triplication of diagnostic studies, especially over referrals and cross referrals. Incentives that are quality rather than quantity oriented.

Guess what? There's always the plossibility of immigration playing (gasp) a POSITIVE role in this scheme with the provision of long-term temporary approval of work visas for MDs from other countries. I think I already heard such rumblings coming out of Schumer and Grassley last week.

Of course, by your logic, out of fear of the unknown, we could always just let those 32,000,000 remain uninsured, right? How in the world can you square that idea with allegedly preserving quality? Quality only for those Americans who can maintain affordability for the duration of the double-digit premiums increases we would be slated to experience in the absence of reform? Oh yeah, makes perfect sense. NOT.

Add in that 1/3 of the doctors are going to retire rather than participate.... - Anon

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I swear, some people on this board are literally brain dead.
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What is wrong with these people? Seriously time to get out of this country. I AM NOT A PUPPET. Where to go? I will figure it out, sooooo bummmed. THIS SUX.
Not a puppet? - Wrongo!
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You're spewing the fear mongering that you've absorbed from a misguided party...sounds like a puppet to me.
You are not alone - so many people feel the same way you do - anon
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It's just a very sad time in our country to see this happening. The same people we elected some years ago who said they would work for us have turned their backs on us. They have chosen instead to take bribes and vote on something the country has said no to. Money and favors are more important to them rather than working for the people and voting the way the people of the country want them to and have made perfectly clear. They just close their doors and ignore the will of the people. The arrogance of the top leader is just too embarrassing, speaking as though he knows what is best for us and that Americans cannot think for ourselves and make our own decisions on issues that will affect our lives. Especially since he is in a class that he has no idea what it is like for us. You vote for someone hoping they will make good on their campaign promises, just to find out they are no better than all the other lying politicians who are/were in office.

I have lived in other countries throughout my life spending over 16 years in Europe. They are such beautiful countries, but when you watch what is happening to those country it seems there really is no place to go.

I think all Americans lose in this vote. The only ones who benefit are the politician (especially the ones who got the sweetheart deals for changing their vote to yes). But then again do they really benefit. Come fall they will see just what their vote has done for them. They will know what it is like to be fired. But then again they don't have to worry as they are all set for their future with their nice pension and 5 star health insurance. They won't be suffering, that's for sure.

They know what this means. They know they will tax the middle income as it is the only way they will get the money to pay for this. For them to come out and keep toting nobody under 250, er 200, er whatever it is now....well all I have to say is remember Bill Clinton. Someone I voted for and supported 100%, who said he would not tax the middle income. He promised us. Then he turned around and slapped the largest tax hike in American history on the middle income. Politicians - they just cannot be trusted. But everyone knows what this means. We're all smart enough. We listen to the economists and doctors and lawyers and treasurers, and other people who know exactly what this means. I heard this weekend that they will pass this but then after it is signed they will change things in it to whatever they want. It's the way it's always been done. Just the way politics works.

Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with these people. Some say they have sold their soul. I guess some don't care about their future in politics. Used to have a lot of respect for Kucinich until he too went against what the people want. Just is a very sad state that the positions our politicians are holding are supposed to be respectable and they are supposed to be working for us. Unfortunately they have disgraced the office they hold.

The only thing I have hope for is November. A change in party in congress will be a good thing for America. As they say "Time will heal all wounds". At least I hope so.

P.S. - No you are not a puppet. Yes a lot of people are bummed, but I will still hold out hope.

Kucinich got a sweet deal for his wife's nonprofit foundation.... - Anon
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Michelle Obama is now going to be aligned with her organization.

So he didn't sell out for a ride on AF1. Come on, the man has SOME principals.

He did it to make mama happy. Now maybe he'll get some. Have you seen her? She's like 30 years younger than him, not to mention a foot taller!

Ah yes, it's good to be king.

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