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Ironic, isn't it?

Posted: Oct 14, 2012

Obama Owns Shares of Sensata, Personally Benefits by Outsourcing of Jobs to China http://www.soopermexican.com/2012/10/14/obama-owns-shares-of-sensata-personally-benefits-by-outsourcing-jobs-to-china/;

Oh, yes. But Romney's been with Bain since 1984. - Some people apparently like a cad. NM

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See the above post by Liberty ... - SK1

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Link below.

I did. Propaganda site. Try the Reuters article. - It's strictly business. Literally. NM

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Thing is, Backwards, we all read. To convince, don't post lies, post truth - about why this is good for America. If you can.NM
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Links provided in article... - SK1
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Not sure why Backwards was mentioned in this thread.... She/he didn't post it, I did. At any rate, links for sourcing information is provided in the original article sited.
Ah, SK1- NM had a grudge against me from day 1 - backwards typist
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I don't even waste my time opening posts from NM because most of the time, they're one liners with nothing substantive in them. Always a 'nm', nothing to discuss.

Why would you open a post with nm? You do know - it means no message? nm
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What's backwards? The first site or the second? - backwards typist
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Or do you think you are replying to me instead of who you did reply to? I stated it before and will say it again...

There, got it now?

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