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Who thinks it is OK for someone on the no-fly list
Posted: Dec 27, 2015

I wouldn't imagine anyone would. - PatriotMT
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Unless it's some nefarious person with a desire to destroy the American way and instill terror.
Republicans, right wingers, the NRA. - craziness (NM)
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Gee, a post that contributes nothing but vile snark. How surprising. - anon
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Nope, just answering the OP's question. - craziness
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What about my answer isn't true?
You have a lovely evening.
So, you are stating that you know what ALL righties think? - anon
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A bit arrogant, don't you think? To make such a blanket statement is on the ignorant side. You have a lovely evening, as well! :D
No, never said that. You're projecting. - craziness
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Simply answering, right off the top of my head, who thinks it is okay for someone on the no-fly list to buy a gun. Do you dispute this? What do you think?
Your post projects "craziness". Perhaps if you dropped the snark - and educated
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yourself on the facts of the post, then you could actually participate and make an intelligent contribution to the discussion.
What "craziness" refers to in my post... - craziness
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...is that some think allowing people on the no-fly list to purchase guns is okay. I think that is pure craziness. No snark here, just voicing my opinion. Why are you being so rude to me?
May I please see a reference where the NRA has - taken such a position?
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You made the assertion, so we can assume that you're able to support it.
Thank you.
NRA defends allowing people on the no-fly list to buy guns. - see link
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Here you go.
Obviously you didn't watch your own video. - See if you can spot the flaw.
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Despite the headline that CBS gave this piece, the NRA did NOT "defend allowing people on the no-fly list to buy guns." The NRA opposed a specific piece of badly-written legislation. You obviously zoomed right by the fact that 35% of the people on the no-fly list should not be on it, and you've apparently missed the numerous reports of the most astonishing errors in which journalists and others were put on the list and COULD NOT GET OFF IT.
Bone up.
So because up to 35% might be.... - sm
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wrongfully on the no-fly list everyone on the list should be able to buy guns? If you cannot fly, you should not be able to buy guns, period. I'll bet you think we should keep refugees out of the US because one in 10,000 MIGHT be a terrorist.
Stick to the subject, and please stop telling me or - guessing what I do or do not think.
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This is a very adolescent form of argumentation.
What I think (on the actual topic) is that with a million or two lawyers in this country we should be able to craft a better law. What actually happened in this case was that there was such an opportunity but it wasn't quite sly enough for liberals.
Agree the NRA supports and - Right supports NRA
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Emotionality describes this as crazy for lack of any reasonableness other than buying into NRA fear-mongering aka 2nd amendment rights or investment in gun manufacturing interests.
This is a position frequently accepted by or purported by right thus right "wingers" crazy.
Thats an intelligent answer - sm
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I am a republican, right winger, NRA member, gun carrying American citizen and I think people that are on the no fly list for VALID (which is not always the case and that is the problem) reasons should absolutely not be allowed to buy a weapon. However, the list is managed by a corrupt gvt, and that is the problem. http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2015/09/09/8-ways-can-end-up-on-no-fly-list/
Probably all the right wingers on this site. Not surprising. - nm
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My goodness such double standards! - anon
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I'm a right-winger and believe no guns for anyone on a no fly list. You do know what stereotyping is, don't you? Would you state that all right-wingers are pro guns, racist, blah blah, then turn around and cry and whine if someone stated that all lefties are brainless followers? I won't assume you would simply because I tend to take people as individuals and not just paint them all with one brush. That is the moral thing to do, you know.
It's been a slow few days. - SM
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The leftist trolls have come out. And the stupidity of the original post proves how hungry they are.
Good for you, right winger! - sm
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I wish other right wingers thought the same as you!
What proof do you have that they don't? - R U trolling?
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Can one really be that narrow minded?
Sounds like you hit the nail on the head... - a "narrow minded" troll.
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Says it all...LOL
It would be wonderful if people wouldn't speak for - other people on this site.
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You're really not entitled, you know. Confine yourself to speaking for yourself, especially since you obviously know so very, very little about what others think.
Perfectly stated - Have yet to see any Liberal on this board
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accurately describe what I think as a conservative independent or even come close.
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