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This week's Ann Coulter column-the reason we shouldn't take refugees

Posted: Sep 13, 2015

I read her column at times, but not every week. Her column this week had me reading the whole thing because of the 'not our problem' and this is why the U.S. shouldn't take in any refugeess on the fast track. It's entitled:

REFUGEES: Another one for "not our problem" file.

1.  Fazliddin Kurbanov a/k/a "Idaho Man". See: Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho). 

2. Mohanad Shareef Hammadi

3. Waad Ramadan Alwan

4. From Rwandan, Beatric Munyenhezi, show attained citizenship but is now revoked. She is still a U.S. resident in prison for the next decade and supported by the taxpayers.

i'm sure there are many, many others who came to this country as refugees and proceeded to plot against us. The article is full of sarcasm as usual, but it is an article that needs to be seen by as many people as possible. The following excerpt is only about one "refugee." Her article tells the story about the other "refugees" mentioned in her article. 


For decades, the United States has taken in far more refugees than the entire rest of the world combined. Nearly half of the refugees we take in are Muslim....

And it's worked out great!

Fazliddin Kurbanov, or "Idaho man," as he is dutifully described in the American media, was brought to the U.S. as a refugee in 2009, joining hundreds of other Uzbeks in Boise, Idaho. He came with his wife and young child, his sister and his two ailing parents....

So grateful was Kurbanov to America for rescuing his entire family from "persecution" that he spent the next few years conspiring to commit jihad against us.

As he cheerfully told his terrorist buddies back in Uzbekistan: "We are the closest ones to infidels. We have almost everything. What would you say if, with the help of God, we implement a martyrdom act? ... There are military installations right here, targets, and vehicles are available as well."

Kurbanov had plenty of time on his hands to plot terrorist attacks in the U.S. because he was being supported by you, taxpayer. As the Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho) reported: He was "struggling" to find a job -- preferably something that involved either marketing or killing all the Jews.



Thanks - for sharing NM

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I don't always read her either. In fact, I never really (sm) - Olga

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much until a year or so ago. Now she makes a heck of a lot of sense, and I do read when I get a chance. I think she is right on this one.

Ann is the only person I know of who has seen this - problem for years. Muslims are

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killing Christians on the way to Europe and once they get there.

She's been hit and miss for me lately, but see hits this one out of the ballpark.

I am so glad she illustrated an individual - case--So enlightening

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Ann Coulter is the essence of what is wrong with the conservatives in this country.

Democrats plan to use the Pope's visit to guilt trip - America into taking more Syrian

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Opening the floodgates?

This is what the Office of Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley said after the meeting with Kerry. It appears that Kerry left the door open for a much larger number of Syrians than the 10,000 being mentioned by the Administration so far.


This Pope has lost track of his mission and priorities. - He's concerned about global

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warming while Catholics and other Christians are being slaughtered.

While Europe acknowledges Christianity, the US - denies it, and now

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its destroyers have gone so far as to even claim Muslim heritage, while throwing out the God of our founding fathers. History is even being rewritten here to tear Christianity out by the roots and to lie to children.

This world is filled with evil. I try to find mental ways to escape. It's hard to watch the country, and the world really, fall apart but it's happening.

He doesn't seem to be as religious as other Pope's. - Truthhurts

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He's more like a political activist in a Pope costume.

I'm not Catholic but I always respected the Pope. This guy scares me at times with his thinking.
I seem to recall Benedict XVI did not like the liberal - direction the Catholic Church
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is taking, so they got rid of him.

Michelle Malkin has a good article on her website. - "America's REckless Refuge for Jihad&quo

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On the anniversary week of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama is rolling out the welcome mat to tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees. What could go wrong?

There’s no need to hypothesize. Our nation remains utterly incapable of screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers. Indiscriminate asylum and refugee policies rob the truly deserving of an opportunity for freedom — and threaten our national security.

It’s shameful that our leaders in Washington, sworn to uphold and defend our Constitution and our people, suffer chronic amnesia about the fatal consequences of open borders. I’ll keep reprinting my reminders. Maybe someday someone in a position of power will pay heed, throw political correctness out the window, and stop hitting the snooze button.

Have you forgotten? Boston jihadist brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev received dubious asylum status through their parents thanks to lax vetting. After entering on short-term tourist visas, their mother and father (an ethnic Chechen Muslim) won asylum and acquired U.S. citizenship. Next, younger son Dzhokhar obtained U.S. citizenship. Older son Tamerlan, whose naturalization application was pending, traveled freely between the U.S. and the jihad recruitment zone of Dagestan, Russia, a year before executing their Boston Marathon massacre. Though they had convinced the U.S. that they faced deadly persecution, the Tsarnaevs’ parents both had returned to their native land and were there when their sons perpetrated their bloody terror rampage.

Have you forgotten? Ramzi Yousef landed at New York City’s JFK airport from Pakistan and flashed an Iraqi passport without a visa to inspectors. He was briefly detained for illegal entry and fingerprinted, but was allowed to remain in the country after invoking the magic words “political asylum.” Yousef was released for lack of detention space and headed to Jersey City to plot the deadly 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Have you forgotten? Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder, entered the U.S. illegally through Canada in 1996-97. He claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis, was released on a reduced $5,000 bond posted by a man who was himself an illegal alien and then skipped his asylum hearing. In June 1997, a federal immigration judge ordered Mezer to leave on a “voluntary departure order.” Mezer ignored him. He joined the New York City bombing plot before being arrested in July 1997 after a roommate tipped off local police.

Have you forgotten? Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted in 1997 of capital murder and nine other charges stemming from his January 1993 shooting spree outside the CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., also exploited our insane asylum laxity. Despite his history as a known Pakistani militant who had participated in anti-American protests abroad, Kansi received a business visa in 1991. After arrival, he claimed political asylum based on his ethnic minority status in Pakistan. While his asylum application was pending, he obtained a driver’s license and an AK-47, murdered two CIA agents and wounded three others.

Have you forgotten? Somali national Nuradin Abdi, the al-Qaida shopping mall bomb plotter convicted in 2007, first entered the U.S. in 1995 using a false passport. He entered again illegally from Canada in 1997 and secured asylum on false grounds. Abdi then was able to fraudulently obtain a refugee travel document, which he used to fly to Ethiopia and, yes, Chechnya for jihad training.

Have you forgotten? Among the convicted Fort Dix (N.J.) jihad plotters were three ethnic Albanian illegal alien brothers, Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka, who snuck into the country through Mexico with their parents. In 1984, the father applied for asylum, but the feds ignored them for two decades. In the meantime, as America showed the Dukas’ refugee community unmatched compassion and generosity, the Muslim trio returned the favor by planning to massacre U.S. soldiers.

Have you forgotten? Are you not paying attention? The Somali refugee population in Minnesota has been a gold mine for jihadist recruiters for ISIS. America has failed miserably to assimilate waves of young Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.

Our asylum and refugee programs are routinely abused by ordinary fraudsters and Islamic terror plotters alike. Our immigration enforcement failures are compounded by deadly illegal alien sanctuary policies, a deportation abyss that allows hundreds of thousands of deportation fugitives to run loose, and the persistent lack of a tracking system to identity and kick out millions of foreign visa overstayers.

When will Washington finally make it a priority to get our own trashed house in order?


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