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President has eased restrictions on asylum seekers.

Posted: Feb 7, 2014

This means it will be easier for terrorists to get into the US through the guise of "seeking asylum." The president is attempting this unilaterally with his mighty pen.

As we've all noted recently, a lot of us have stopped putting in links because the liberals don't like them.

This subject all over google. As someone pointed out recently, we are MTs. We know how to research. Aside from the research, this is one scary thought!!!!


Come one, come al, to this once (sm) - Abby

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great country. Ties with terrorists? No problem. Don't have a job? Don't want to work? No problem. We've got an entitlement program for you and food stamps to boot. The pen is mightier than the sword, especially for this guy.

seeking asylum is not a come one, come all invitation - sm

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Easing restrictions on asylum does not make it easier for terrorists (or anyone else) to come to the U.S.

An individual has to be IN the U.S. to file for asylum.

Read the articles. They say restrictions eased in relation - to terror groups.

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Though I hesitate to post a link, you can always go to your favorite news source, or try this:

Read the Federal Register - sm
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All the articles refer to "loose connections or incidental ties to terror." There is no talk of easing restrictions related to terror groups.

The conditions under which an alien is eligible for asylum are very well delineated in the Federal Register, as are the definitions of what constitutes material support.
Awesome. I was just about to post the same - link
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It looks like the machine is spinning and twisting at every opportunity. Lying to its base because, for some reason, most of them believe it without investigation.

This link was right in the Fox report. The only thing anyone had to do was click on it and read to understand that the machine is lying.
It's pretty even-handed stuff without the inflammatory headlines, imo - nm
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Might as well be. Why does he do these things? - I'll wait for your answer.

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asylum law goes back to WW2 - sm
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It's not a new thing. The easing of restrictions enables individuals to be eligible for asylum even if they happened to serve a terrorist a cup of tea. Kind of like not being put in jail just because you fixed Al Capone's flat tire or served him eggs and bacon.
perfect - analogy
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This seems like something that might help clear out some red tape too. As in smaller government.

Some of those far-out things I've heard... - sm

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...are starting to make sense, sadly. There have been those who say he has a mission to destroy America. Up until now, some of his actions have been subtle; then a little more bold to make you think, well maybe; then in your face actions. I think I may have to change my thought process here. But...here's what's even more disturbing. John Kerry and Jeh Johnson are on board with this. How can the libs defend this? What is the purpose?

I really need an intelligent democrat to explain this to me. - NPC

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I mean this with all sincerity because I truly do not get it.

I'll check back at the end of the day. I hope someone replies, - because I don't either.

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There are dislikes to this post. What does that mean? - nm

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my take on it - sm

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The poster asked for an "intelligent democrat" to explain the original post, but the original post is wildly inaccurate, particularly with respect to the notion that this will make it easier for terrorists to get into the US. It's kind of hard to explain something that doesn't make sense in the first place.
Thank you for your take. - sm
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I'm not convinced yet that the original post was "wildly inaccurate," but will definitely do some research after work. (I'm glad you didn't say there were no intelligent democrats.)
you're welcome : ) - sm
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The link above to the Federal Register is pretty comprehensive and details the criteria for seeking asylum.

It means they weren't given a talking point and can't. - Simple

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you have to be physically IN the U.S. to file for asylum - sm

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Filing for asylum does not enable someone to immigrate to or arrive in the U.S. illegally.

Why for people with ties to terrorism? - Read articles.

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Fox News
Washington Free Beacon
Google this: "easing restrictions on asylum"

Yes. Why indeed. - nm

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"tangential connections to terror groups" - sm/link

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DHS provided a series of examples of individuals who would have been ineligible for asylum or refugee status before the new exemptions, including business owners who unwittingly provided service to members of a terror group, aid workers who assisted members of a terror group during the aftermath of a natural disaster or civil conflict and people who had to pay a toll or tax to a terror group to pass through opposition-occupied territory.

β€œFor instance, an owner of a restaurant who serves food to any paying customer, even though he knows some of them are members of an opposition group; or a mother or father who β€” as any parent would β€” fed and clothed their young adult child, even when they knew their child is part of a resistance movement,” the DHS spokeswoman said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/02/terror-asylum-restrictions-obama-administration-103181.html#ixzz2sewQVspa
Why does this sound so - familiar?
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Oh yeah, the old "pal-ing around with terrorists" meme, when he was doing nothing of the sort.

Same old right wing talking points, same old xenophobia.

Guilty before proven innocent, make them into the "other."

You must be in the U.S. to apply for asylum BUT - Truthhurts

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if you're not in the country, you apply for REFUGEE status to the embassy in the home country.

This has been an ongoing laws for years. There is a quota for refugees for each country. If the quotas aren't filled, no problem. They would probably get the refugee status and come here so they could apply for asylum. Those in war-torn countries get priority.

The problem with asylum and having to be in this country first is those that are already here illegally could overwhelm the system with asylum requests (even if they know they don't qualify) and the checks and balances could be compromised, which could lead to unsavory individuals like terrorists slipping through the cracks.

if they are here illegally, they are illegal - sm

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If they don't meet asylum criteria, asylum will not be granted.
Right, but it doesn't stop them from applying - Truthhurts
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There have been reports of illegals trying to get asylum and using persecution in their country for the reason they are in this country illegally and if they are sent back, they face death.






Chose any one of the above articles or do a search yourself. Despite the way to claim refugee and then asylum status legally, the borders are being flooded with illegals. Believe what you want but there's a right way and a wrong way and the system is getting overwhelmed the wrong way.

Okay, I've done my research, but I still have a question. - NPC

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If there is nothing nefarious about this headline, why does the president have to get this through unilaterally without the support of the Senate or House? That raises suspicions in my mind.

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