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Yawn. - Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

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Yawn. Zzzzzzzzzzzz........

I shouldn't laugh because self-deluded voters are a serious - problem--but! Link, has it occurred

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to you that people who in a 2-year campaign never thought to wonder if Senator Obama was born here (there are only 3--three!--requirements for being President) might not be competent to make political judgments at all? People who never learned to assess, never wanted to assess, the validity of their sources before choosing to believe whatever stories appealed to them?

These people are very fortunate that there are others out there to keep the ship of state from tipping right over. :)

Ridiculous conspiracy theory - anon

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Hahahaha ! ! - nm

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So now Obama is the bionic man created by the CIA? - VF

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I'm saving everyone some time. No need to read the entire piece of crap; this small clip says it all:

"While we may never know many pertinent details about these matters, blah, blah, blah..."

It even concluded with these wonderful words of advice:

"Seek the truth for yourself."


We can make him better, stronger, faster - The Six Million Dollar President

[ In Reply To ..]
If I was going to build a political candidate. I'd make him white, male, put him in a suit (not too expensive, but fine quality), I'd raise him in one of the lower 48 for believability. Make him the son of a coal miner and a housewife. Episcopalians. Most presidents have been episcopalian after all. They had 2.3 children and lived in a house with a white picket fence. He graduated top of his class, went to Yale and became a lawyer.

And now he wants your vote. He wants to make America great again, do good things, not bad things, and restore family values to whatever you think family values are. He wants clean water and air and will let the coal industry clean up the environment like they wanted to do before the opposition stopped them. He'll expand social programs, lower taxes, slash the deficit and put us on Mars by a significantly far enough date that you won't remember by that year. He thinks abortion, gay marriage and gun control are important hot button issues and when he's president, he promises that he'll let the states figure out what to do. He also thinks all Americans should have access to decent health care, education and financial assistance and will work tirelessly with lobbyists to make sure some money goes to some people who might do something about that. He'll close up the borders too and keep those dirty Canadian moochers out of your backyard. Also, Mexico's south of us, but do they have to be? One word: Moat. Some more words: Crocodile filled moat. Finally, he's strong on defense. If America's attacked, he'll fight back. Not like the other guy, who surrendered to the enemy 27 times in Vietnam despite dodging the draft.

So, this election day, won't you vote for generic middle aged, white guy for president? Or will you let [those other guys] do that [stuff] that will [mess something up] on a Biblical scale and usher in a 1000 years of darkness? Is that what you want to give your grandkids? That much darkness? Seriously? The sun just won't come up. Maybe its hiding or really sad. I don't know, but the other guy has or will have done it.

White Guy-White Guy 2012: Because we've never had a bad white president*.

*Andrew Jackson, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon do not count as they were, at best, a pasty gray color.
**Van Buren wasn't as grumpy as his portrait made him seem.
***Clinton kept his pants up for 99.9% of his presidency, still narrowly beating Kennedy.

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