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"I don't need you", said the Imperialistic President to the Congress -
Posted: Aug 29, 2013
I'll just pass gun laws without you.
Obama after Sandy Hook: - "I can't do it alone."
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“I can’t do it alone. I need your help. If we’re going to succeed, it’s going to take a sustained effort from mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, law enforcement and responsible gun owners, organizing, speaking up, calling their members of Congress as many times as it takes, standing up and saying enough on behalf of all our kids. That’s how change happens.”
It is my fervent hope that he takes pen to paper to pass as many executive orders as he possibly can to address this issue. The sooner, the better.
Liar. He's proving he CAN do it alone - - whatever he wants. King Bozo.
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My Favorite King. Where's that MO making kids eat food that tastes - like vomit post?
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And most Americans agree with that. Too bad the House is still bent - on making the POTUS
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a 1-term president. Yes, I am giving them credit for not only being obstructionist but out of touch and unintelligent and delusional.
I appreciate the president for taking things into his own hands for the benefit of American citizens.
Everyone knows why he's doing this. Spin can only make Cons dizzier than they are and make Congress look as useless as they are.
When someone is failing at the job, then YES - they need to be only 1 term
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Unless you have Lo-Fo's electing him to a second. - Not what you meant, is it.
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how charming of you - sm
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I'm still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what she was talking about. LOL.
Then all the Reps in the House need to go by your - definition nm
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Obo is supposed to be the leader - IOW, find a way - to work with them. He doesn't bother.
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He can't do it alone. That's how the founding fathers set it up. - Reps are also leaders
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Members of Congress are charged with representing their respective constituents. They are not doing that by continuing to do absolutely nothing. This translates into miserable failing and they do deserve, per your definition, no more than one term.
Of course he can - and does. Ever hear of - Executive Order?
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Which speaks volumes for how incompetent and useless the House - has been.
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And I suppose he is the first POTUS to ever sign an Executive Order?
...which speaks volumes about how egotistical and - tyrannical the president is.
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And all the others who signed EOs? Tyranical is quite an extreme characterization for all - who have signed EOs
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Again, all presidents sign EOs. No president has ever had to deal with the brick wall this President has.
Of course, they've all signed EOs. This one (sm) - me
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makes EOs for bills that Congress won't pass. IOW, he bypasses. Tsk tsk - President is not supposed to make laws.
Won't pass? They won't even bring them to floor for discussion. Congress is - failing, not POTUS.nm
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I love to play google, but - what are you talking about?
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the only reference I can come up with is a June 2011 article in The Blaze. So...did you want to discuss something?
President Obama is an excellent President - Chavera
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And very, very intelligent. He also has a right to use executive orders. Look up how many times in the past Presidents have used them. He is trying to do what he can to curb the gun violence in our country without the DO-NOTHING CONGRESS, who are only capable of obstruction and naming post offices.
Excellent? That made me LOL. Excellent at what? - ..and his gun laws are purely symbolic
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just like anything else he does. Intelligent? --then why does he never truly think things through before making decisions... like thinking a little deeper... ie.. Obamacare the disaster. I did not think there was a worse president than Carter, but Obama now takes the top spot.
Excellent at dividing the country. He IS - excellent at that ! nm
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"stick your head in gravy" comes to mind - -- =^^= --
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