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Accused man's mom blames Fox News for behavior

Posted: Apr 8, 2010

link below


Maybe she should blame herself?? Or blame Nancy or Harry or Barry? - They are the ones inciting violence and hate..nm

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I think she's more talking about the rallying of the - mobs

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in reaction to the actions of those you mention. Sane people supposedly can control their reactions to anything someone else does, but when unbalanced people listen to radicals, they sometimes act out unfortunately.

I know, been watching the libs do it for decades! - Dems always have violent protests!..nm

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Wonder if a particular news network was ever responsible for - inciting
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those riots, or if anyone's mother thought so.

Yes, be it Democrat, Republican, individual or group...anyone who can't control their behavior has a problem.
Always? Really? What, as recent as 40 some odd years ago? - With a few notable exceptions, the
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violence of the 60s and 70s typically arose out of police agression and escalation. This is not to say that there were not some groups advocating violence, but like now, they were on the finges and certainly did not represent the overall majority of nonvolent and peaceful protests.

Take a peek into the history books and see who was typically on the receiving end of that violence and how much of it was at the hands of the police. Then contrast it to how many violent incidents actually occurred directly against politicians and/or institutions. I remember it as though it were yesterday and experienced it first hand on more than one occasion.

Besides, there is virtually little to no comparison between then and now. Do not flatter yourself into believing that these thug movements are in any way going to bring on significant or long-lasting social change, cultural shift or captures of leadership. Their legacy will rival that of a steaming pile of cow manure and will serve as an example for generations to come on how NOT to orchestrate political dissent.

what mobs? There are no mobs - Not delusional here

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Can't make up something that's not there, unless you have a magic wand.
There's more than one definition of mob - and
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the tea party fits #2 all of the time and #1 some of the time as you know.

1 : a large or disorderly crowd; especially : one bent on riotous or destructive action
2 : the lower classes of a community : masses, rabble

If mom knew he had mental problems why didn't - Backwards Typist

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she do something about it after those first few incidents?

In reality, how can she blame Fox? Did he live at home? How does she know he watched Fox? She stated he was always drawn to radical groups. That, in itself, should have given her a clue that he was mentally ill.

As usual, these questions were not asked or answered in the interview.

Wow. How does an 83 yo elder force a 63 yo man into anything? - I suspect mom knows EXACTLY what shes talkin about

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when it comes to Fox news. You asked yourself a really good question. How can she blame Fox? BWT, you are no dummy, so why do you play dumb sometimes?

Why not try investigating the connection between hateful rhetoric, proselytistic propagana and incitement to violence? It is not as though SCORES of academic books have not been written on the subject.

Hint: You will not find the info in conservative net news sources, chat rooms, hard copy or on any form of electronic media, with the possible exception of public radio venues such as PBS and Pacifica.

He's not 63. He's 48 according to the news report. - Backwards Typist

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If I knew my sons (40 and 38) were mentally ill and hobknobbing with radical groups, you bet your bottom dollar, I would be forcing them into treatment. It is possible to do, you know.

You admit you will not find the info in chat rooms (thought that's what this is), hard copy (newspapers, books), or electronic media, but doesn't everyone here ask for sources and post those sources? (always hought that was electronic media).

You give me the choice of 2 things I cannot do. That would limit my views, now wouldn't it? Anyway, I stated before I don't own a radio.

So, if I can't rely on electronic media which includes newspapers, TV, the 'net and be able to distinguish truth from 'stretching the truth', then I'm outta luck to learn anything about this country, as would be anyone else who would follow your advice.
My mistake. Was reading about Charles Wilson who is 63 - when I posted that, and
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have been confusing them with each other ever since the two stories broke within 24 hours of each other.

The woman is 83 years old. What would you suggest she do to force him? Your sons, like hers, are grown men. Short of a formal commitment, her hands are basically tied. Besides, this line of argument is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to (once again) deflect off the culpability of Fox News as the mom suggested contributing to his mind set and actions.

As for the rest of your post, allow me to clarify. If you want to understand the relationship between proselytistic propaganda such as Fox puts out on a daily basis and the incitement to violence, the most reliable place to look for that would be in those dusty, boring, seldom referenced books emanating from academia, such as sociology, psychology, political science and anthropological literature and studies. Last time I checked, these are not exactly heated topics of conversation in any of the other venues I mentioned and you repeated.

In a nutshell, NO, the mom is not to blame. He's a grown man who has been influenced by radical groups, much the same as many of our fellow posters, with a mind of his own. That is not an illegal offense punishable by imprisonment or house arrest by an 83 year old mother, at lesat not yet anyway. In these early phases of the unfolding of this story, it may serve us all well to simply let it tell itself....and mom's observation is certainly an excellent place to start.

I for one find her explanation very plausible and when I heard it I was reminded of courses I took in college that examined the nature of mob mentality. His membership as a part of the Fox audience certainly would point toward the distinct possibility that he is aligned with republican, conservative and/or tpot political mentality, just like Wilson. Given the nature of his offense, his politics are quite pertinent to the national dialog, don't you agree?

Face it. The pubs are really not having a very good week

She's just another nutcase in a country full of them - anon

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People need to take responsibilities for their own actions. It's always too easy to blame someone else.

When you watch the news, do you also worship at the alter - of Fox? God forbid

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anyone speak the truth about the purveyor or lies and deceit. Ever hear that "mother knows best?" The lady is right on.

After reading into this, I agree that she is a NUTCASE!.nm - Please

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Who? Me who posted the message or - the nutcase lady who blames
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everyone but herself.
Unbelievalbe the length some folks will go to when in denial. - You guys cant even figure out
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who you are slamming and who to slam next. Why not try talking about the subject of the thread instead? Fox sucks bigtime and it is entirely plausible that their so-called fair and balancwed reporting of late is inciting its audience fringes to violence. No suprises, really.
The mother clearly just sees what is so obvious - to the rest of us-Faux is
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all about stirring up the masses, and increasing ratings no matter what happens, who gets hurt, or who dies.
Nope, really have to disagree on that - sm
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You obviously don't watch the Fox network. No where do any of the people on Fox incite violence. You seemed to be confused with MessNBC home of the racebaiters, hatemongers and fearmongers ala Schultz, Olbermann, and Matthews, and the rest of the pukes. Why do you think their ratings are so low, people are tired of hearing the same disgusting things every day that comes out of their mouths.
Please refer to the post directly above yours. - This is not about ratings, dear....
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The previous poster says it better than I could...short, sweet, to the point and oh so true.
Did you read the my whole post - obviously not
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Yes it's is unbelievable - the lengths you go - the nutcase lady who blames
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A quote from the news site:

"He has a history of mental problems" So how far back does she want to blame everyone else.

She blames Fox for getting her son worked up. I listed to her. She is what we say in the west "one fry short of a happy meal". You can tell she doesn't like Fox, so instead of taking responsibility she thinks the "Fox did it" routine will fly. Oh pullease. Sounds like the "bad burrito defense".

The kid is a nut case. This goes way far back before Fox.

In 2004 he was convicted of Criminal Threats. Failure to pay Cal Train fare so threatened the conductors life. Ordered to undergo mandatory health counseling. He also has a lawsuit pending from a church as he continues to engage in a campaign of harassment against the people at the church. In 1992 he has two convictions of Welfare fraud and petty theft. Fox's fault. I'm sure you probably think so. Hey those earthquakes in southern cal. They must be Fox's fault also. The Fox channel was launched well past the time this guy had his mental breakdowns. Fox was launched in 1996. This guy was well past being a mental nut case long before the station ever came about. Sorry...nice try.

But hey, maybe you can blame the rash of recent earthquakes on Fox.

The guy is a total whack case and so is his mother. She visited him in jail and he acted as though nothing is going on.

The facts are this:

There is nothing to prove that Fox had anything to do with this. People will always find someone else to blame for their own mental incapacities. Drug addicts and alcoholics do it all the time. He has a long history of mental problems.

So what exactly is it that Fox said that made this guy do this. Who, what and when?

What I have come to realize over the past few days of reading these posts is that Fox is really a threat to those who don't want the truth to get out. The truth is nobody on Fox ever has incited violence. Nobody. Do you have any quotes from anyone on Fox that was inciting violence?

I'll stand by my statement. The mother is a nutcase lady one fry short of a happy meal. It's unbelievable you actually believe her.
You obviously don't know much - about
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human nature.

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