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Anxious and nervous

Posted: Mar 13, 2015

I'm very anxious and nervous today for some reason and can't seem to settle myself down.  I'm shaky, I feel nauseous, I can't concentrate, I feel like I'm about to lose control.  Anybody else suffer from panic attacks that can talk and "breathe" me through this??? Embarassed


Anxious - Center Yourself

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I had a bit of panic attack phobia when my son was sent to Iraq and my doc prescribed alprazolam, of which I could only take 1/4 of a small dose tab because it otherwise would knock me out. So, one way I handle the kind of panic you are going through now is by quieting myself, saying the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) and taking some deep breaths. Believe it or not, that pulls me out of it.

Anxious - katem

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My daughters are bipolar and have anxiety attacks. The best thing to remember during a panic attack is that they don't normally last more than 20 minutes, and in most cases 1-5 minutes. If you have someone who can rub your back, try that to see if it helps lessen and break the cycle. Also, breathe in thru your nose and out through your mouth slowly and regularly. One of my daughters finds taking a warm bath helps. Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about this either, it is possible they may want to put you on anti-anxiety medication. I hope this helps, and very best of luck to you.

Do jumping jacks - Panic Lady

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I have had panic attacks for 20 years. Sometimes they are horrible and sometimes I don't have them for quite a while. During an acute episode though, your heart rate speeds up and when you are sitting in the chair, you take note of that hard, bounding rate and it freaks you out more. If you get up and do jumping jacks, which raises your heart anyway, it will compensate and it always works for me. Good luck.

Quit drinking coffee/caffeine - sm

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Even a little affects me. Also try some meditation--I think there are some website and youtubes on this. Find your "happy place" and practice this so you can do this when you need to.

Anxiety - MC

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I started taking Klonopin, as my anxiety was so severe, it was making me really weird. I could never relax and always felt as if something terrible was going to happen. I prayed, said The Lord's Prayer, prayed some more, but I suppose I've just had too much loss in my life, beginning when I was a child, and I truly needed the meds. I'd try meditation and relaxation techniques first. I tried everything to no avail. Now I'm fine and so thankful I don't have that terrible feeling anymore. I hope you get some relief soon!

Anxiety - MToo

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I also ended up going on Klonopin. I tried relaxation techniques, the Lord's Prayer, Valerian, and anything and everything. I also have had 4 losses in a short period of time and was waking up in a panic. The Klonopin was a God-send. I hope you're able to overcome the anxiety. Life is short, and there's no reason not to get relief. Just don't turn to alcohol, as it only makes it worse in the long run.

Reading a book helps me because my - mind

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then concentrates on something besides my panic attack. I read romance novels though and nothing too heavy or dramatic. Feel free to e-mail me any time you need to talk to someone who understands what you are experiencing, as your symptoms are just like mine.

How I am curing my anxiety... - sm

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It's interesting that you post this as I was coming on here just now to create a post detailing how I'm dealing with anxiety. I see many posts like yours on here and wanted to offer up what I'm doing that is helping me. I'm doing several things, so please bear with me.

Supplements: These are working for me - 5-HTP 50 mg a day (Solaray brand). I take 100 mg a day sometimes, but I think I'm good with 50 for now. I took 5-HTP for years and then stopped late last summer, thinking maybe it wasn't working for me as well and tried Zoloft - big mistake. It wasn't that the HTP wasn't working anymore - it was that my stress level had climbed to epic proportions and needed more support. Now that I'm back on it, I'm starting to feel the weight lift off my shoulders. Other supplements I take occasionally that help during periods of stress/anxiety: Pharma GABA and L-theanine (Enzymatic brand). I have taken 200 mg of L-theanine and felt the anxiety/panic just melt away. I also like Yogi Kava tea during times of tension. Again, it melts away the tension. I also recently visited a naturopathic doctor due to my crazy heavy periods/perimenopausal anxiety, and he made me up a tincture consisting of chasteberry, ashwaganda, lemon balm, and kava, which has been amazing. It's calming and I believe it must be the chasteberry, but my periods have gotten much lighter, less painful, and I am way less irritable during premenstrual times.

Lifestyle: You've heard it before, but this has helped me - I cut out caffeine and cut way back on sugar. What you put in your body will make all the difference. Sleep is of course extremely important, so make sure you're getting enough. I'm taking trazodone to help me sleep (prescribed during my high stress period and when I went off my HTP). I'm now down to only needing 25 mg at night and will probably be off that soon. I also started practicing yoga (love "Yoga with Adriene" on Youtube) and meditate daily, usually twice a day, even if only for 5-10 minutes. Helps immensely.

Books: The book "I Want to Change my Life - How to Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Addiction" by Dr. Steven Melemis has quite literally changed my life. He got me into meditating and changing my negative thought processes that were keeping me anxious and panicky.

Support: I started seeing a therapist to work with CBT in February to deal with the stressors that arose late last summer. I was in deep denial of some things that were happening in my life, and I'm finding CBT to be very useful.

Again, these are the things that have worked for me. I have spent many hours scouring the Internet and talking to my regular doctor (with no help I might add), trying to get relief, and this is what's working for me. I wish you all the best - things can and will get better!

P.S. - just as important.... - sm

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I'm also making sure to get out and be around people as much as possible instead of sitting around thinking about how anxious I am, or was, all the time. My anxiety had gotten so bad last fall that I would just sit and shake like a newborn puppy all the time - even when just trying to sit on the couch and watch a movie with my daughter. It got so out of control. I started to feel traumatized just from having the anxiety...crazy! I also like to read a lot, funny things that just take my mind off life in general. Right now I'm reading "Bridget Jones Diary," very silly, and "Seriously, I'm Kidding" by Ellen DeGeneres, also very silly. I pray regularly and go to church every Sunday, not only for worship but for the sense of positivity, community, and love that I feel at church. Again, good luck to you! <3

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