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anyone had or knew someone

Posted: May 9, 2014

a near death experience? Would love to hear about it.  Anyone seen Heaven is Real? How did you like it?



I almost saw my grandmother pass on - It was sad, but amazing actually

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There was a point where she almost seemed to float. She was looking straight ahead saying hello to people we couldn't see, and at one point she "saw" someone, said "oh hi there!" Then started fixing her hair with her hands. Just an amazing experience. Though she passed after everyone left and she was alone I would have loved to have been with her at that moment.

That's the only closest thing I can come to.

I watched someone pass on and it was peaceful actually - ...

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My now ex-husband and I went to see his grandpa in the nursing home for a final visit as he was close to dying. While we were there, he kept trying to remove his oxygen mask and just wanted to "go". My ex's aunt told him to just go to sleep and within a few minutes, he just kept looking past us into the corner like he was seeing someone there and then just kept breathing less and less until he finally passed away. It was sad but reassuring that he was in no more pain and we were all crying but it was no big dramatic thing like on TV or in movies and he died with his eyes open and just kind of "went away." It made me feel at ease knowing that that is what happens when it's your time to go and I'm not scared of dying anymore.

As far as seeing the movie, I have not seen it or read the book, but I want to. People have told me the book is amazing but the movie is way too Hollywood-ized and the mom in the movie is kind of a B so it wasn't that great, but the book is always better right?

At a near-drowning, the drownee punched the lifeguard. - She said, "It was so peaceful...

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...why did you bring me back?"

Job hazards you wouldn't dream of.

Not really - But My Story...

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I have never witnessed anyone who I knew was seeing the Pearly Gates or anything, but I kind of watched my FIL die.

He was on the hospice floor of a hospital, and he had the death rattle. (Horrible sound, it went on for 11 hours). In the room were me, my hubby (his son, that is) and hubby's mother. I felt the need to leave the room to call the funeral home, so I said to all in the room, "I'll go call the funeral home to make arrangements for the cremation."

When I got back to Dad's room (I called him Dad), he had died.

Now, Dad was scared to death of ever being buried in a box, as he had extreme claustrophobia. To this day, I don't know if he died because he was now reassured that we weren't going to bury him, or because he just wanted to be with his only son and his wife. I'll never know.

But, I think it's interesting that after all that time with the death rattle, he was trying to stay alive for some reason. I like to think he was just reassured that we were following through with his cremation wishes, but...who knows. He and I were very close, and it was extremely sad.

My sister had this happen twice - NYMT

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She had an allergic reaction to novocaine and had to be resuscitated. This was probably 30 years ago, so I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but from what I remember, she said there was the tunnel with the white light and she was feeling very peaceful and happy, but then something was pulling her back. She didn't want to go, but a voice was telling her that her son needed her (he was two or three at the time), and she came back.

The other time I don't remember what caused it but it happened while she was driving and she had just enough time to pull over and the next thing she knew she woke up in the hospital. Both times she was told to come back for her son. She's 63 now and in great health!

Almost Crossed Over - RPH

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Yes, I did at about four years old, but I did not realize that is what it was until I was in my 40s.

I remember standing behind three doctors. There was a little girl lying peacefully on the examination table. I kept telling the doctors, "Leave her alone. Leave her alone." They ignored me and I was very angry. I hollered at them as loudly as I could begging them to "Leave her alone." I was very insulted because they just ignored me.

The next thing I recall is them being what I thought was very mean to me. I awoke to being poked with needles and I had the sensation that they were somehow raising me off the air and allowing me to fall back onto it with a lot of force. On top of everything else, my petticoat(undergarment to add flare to skirts and dresses) was itching the back of my legs and I was just miserable. I started screaming and the doctors seemed to rejoice about it. I thought they were making fun of me.

Well, my mother told a story about taking me to the hospital when I was little and that it seemed like I died in her arms. She and the other ladies in the waiting room started screaming and the doctors carted me off right away. I remember after I recovered that I began to feel a resentment towards my mother, because she was always giving me a horrible medicine that was supposed to make me better.

However, I was so young at the time that I never questioned the incident with the doctors. It was just a part of my life. One day while in my 40s I thought about the incident and finally questioned it. "Hey I was hovering in that dream and no one could hear me. I was 4 years old there was no way I could have had the height to stand directly behind them above the level of their shoulders. And I do recall hovering or floating from doctor to doctor to try to get them to "Leave her alone." This also explained why I have an extreme of doctor visits more so than the average person.

my father - m

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my dad was terminally ill. when we found out it was not really enough time to prepare. He had a massive MI during the time of his illness, recovered, but was weaker. When we had the opportunity to talk one on one, he told me that he knew he was dying during that episode and there was nothing but fear. No peaceful feeling, no light beckoning him home. He said that he was terrified knowing that his end was coming and that he knew exactly what was coming. Perhaps it was just his awareness of the massive MI, but it was not comforting at all.

He was so restless after that episode, never slept well. He passed about a month later. Not peacefully. He fought for his life against the ravages of a cancer. He was not an old man or a weak man.

Dad was a good man, so it wasn't about going to he**, he said he knew he wasn't going there, and I believe that.

I've always been burdened by dads words. I don't want to be terrified like he was.

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