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So...are you weird or normal?

Posted: Sep 14, 2011

I have a good friend who told me that I have a weird life. I started thinking about it and I realized that my life has been weird since before I was born!

Let's see:

I'm not only an identical twin, but a mirror twin as well (only 25% of identical twins are mirror twins)--odds of that happening: about 1 in 1000 births

I'm left handed--about 10% of the population are left handed.

I'm a color blind woman--normally only about .4% of women are color blind , but my color blindness is even rarer because my mother was not a color blindness carrier: my identical twin sister is not color blind, but I am...during development my mutant X got activated while my normal X was deactivated. (I don't even know what the odds of that happening are.)

I developed breast cancer when I was 29 yrs old--odds are 1 in about 2000.

I got bit by a venomous snake--odds of that happening, about 1 in 36 million.

I could go on and on.

So...how about you? How weird are you?Smile


I tend to have a weird way of looking at things - SM

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but I never thought it was because I was left handed...

When you lose a parent, especially a mother, when you are a child, a part of you stops growing and developing. So I often feel like an 8 year old trapped in an adult's life. Sometimes my 17 year old is more mature than I am. I take care of my responsibilities, but I have a very child-like way of looking at situations sometimes. I guess that makes me weird.

I'm weird - I'm the first to admit it

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My kids tell me that I am, at least my dd and my youngest son...but they like my weirdness. My best friend says never met anyone like me and that's what my best friend likes best.

I like my weirdness and the ways I am different than anyone I know even...I'm grateful of it...and honestly, if normal is like what I see in a lot of people, wow, I don't want normal, and I celebrate my weird/different ways.

I'm a card-carrying weirdo, and proud of it! - NORMAL IS BORING! ;)

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If I were rich, then likely people would just say I'm "eccentric".

But when you're poor, then you're just plain old "weird".

At least being weird is one thing I'm good at.......
Weird is in the eye of the beholder.... - alias
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I wouldn't look at the things that make me, me, as being weird...they just make me, me! God made us this way for a reason...embrace the reason. If God wanted us all to be "normal" he would have made us all alike. I, for one, am glad he did not! :-)

I wouldn't consider... - Barb

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those things you mentioned to be weird. I would call them life incidents and nature. My mother was a twin. My sister and husband are left handed and my son is ambidexterous...no biggie. My son who is ambidexterous and my father are both color blind...no biggies. Cancer strikes children...probable cause is diet before birth and definite cause is diet after birth. Diet is the cause of most disease. Nothing weird about it. It's the food stupid, especially animals products (dairy and meat). My oldest son was bit on the knee by a rattlesnake when he was 6 and my youngest son was born in a porta potty. It's called living life...

I think she is very unique. - sm

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The things you mention are common, but mirror-image not so common. Also male color-blindness is common in the same family, female color blindness not so common. There are many other factors in cancer besides diet. However, we all do have unique characteristics through genetic, environmental factors and experience. Ain't life grand?

Many people are weird, unique, and different. - Would like to think I am too.

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I am not just talking about physical characteristics. For instance, I do not let anyone do my fingernails or toenails. I can not stand the thought of a massage.

After my children left home, I do not cook, I do not clean bathrooms, and I do not grocery shop. Hubby and I split up the chores. I took the laundry, vacuuming, cleaning after he cooks, and the rest of the house besides the bathrooms. I keep the cars cleaned and serviced, and I do the yard work (I do pay someone to cut the 1-1/2 acre lawn). I have everything arranged in the shed the way I want it. I straighten and sweep the garage regularly. I write all the checks for bills and keep the checkbook (he does give me $$ for his share).

Some people think we are a little weird, but it works for us. We try to never complain about how the other person does their chores as long as they get done.

The only thing that he thinks is unfair is my position, which is firm, that it is the man's job to kill bugs/spiders.

She said weird...not uncommon - Barb

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90% of most cancers are diet related. It's a fact. That leaves only 10% for chemicals, environment, etc. Yep, life is grand if we make it that way. ; )
For some reason - this reminds me.....
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The "90% of all cancers" factoid reminds me of a man who was featured prominently on the local news a few years back. He decried all of our "unnatural" ways and claimed he would live on "fresh air and sunshine" supplemented by sea gull droppings.

By the way, he's dead now. Maybe he should have just stuck with the fresh air and sunshine.
Those are well known facts... - Barb
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whether you choose to believe them or not. More and more doctors are coming to realize that most disease is caused by our diets. It's getting harder and harder to ignore. Sounds like you're an Atkins fan...and we know what happened to him with his wonderful "diet."
Atkins died from a fall....sm - Duchess
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not from his diet. When will people get that one right...
Atkins died of heart disease... - Barb
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the fact that he slipped on ice is a moot point. And if you're on his diet, better start planning for your funeral. ; )

stupid???? - 1mt

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Did you seriously call the OP "stupid" because she commented she had breast cancer at a young age and thinks that is weird, among other things in her life?

No...as usual...some people misunderstand... - Barb

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Like...it's the economy stupid. Get it?? Probably not. Breast cancer is strongly linked to diet as is most cancer. In other words...it's our diet stupid. ; ) You will either get it or you won't. Don't expect me to keep explaining.
maybe you should phrase your sentences better... - alias
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as I took it that you were calling someone stupid, as well. Poor sentence structure. If you straightened that part out, you wouldn't HAVE to "keep explaining." Not our fault...yours.
There is no need to change... - Barb
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my sentence structure. It read exactly as I wanted it to. It is not my fault some people are not well read. If the shoe fits... ; )
you got that backwards... - alias
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if your sentence had read, "it's the stupid diet." it would be understood what you meant. the way you had it written was "it's the diet, stupid." so of course you are saying someone is stupid whether you meant it that way or not. but whatever...you are always right and everyone else is wrong, so whatever. either way, you should not use the word stupid, because people get things wrong all the time...or you meant it that way and are now trying to get out of it....me thinks it is the latter...
No, she got it right, you are the one who got it backwards - see message
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I first kept reading her OP over and over because nowhere did she call anyone stupid. Her sentence was gramatically correct. It's a saying. Throughout Bill Clinton's presidency the phrase was repeated over and over "it's the economy, stupid" and from there were many take-offs. Nobody ever took that as an insult. It's just a phrase/saying, not a personal insult.

Don't take things so personally. She never eluded in her message that she is always right and everyone else is wrong. That's way to childish to say any more on. So is telling her she shouldn't use the word stupid. She can use it anyways she wants, and since it is not directed towards anyone there is nothing wrong with how she used it. It's just a saying, like "ignorance is bliss" That's not calling anyone ignorant, it's just a saying like thousands more.

And to your last statement, yes, you "thinks" wrong. She didn't mean anything the way you are assuming she did. Me thinks you shouldn't accuse people of things you don't know for a fact.
And I suppose... - Barb
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you don't think you're right?? LOL
My friend had a caustic and abrasive demeanor - She changed
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The change was for the better. She actually did not know why people found her to be so abrasive. She went to a workshop that suggested she give her friends a questionnaire on how they perceived her. She was totally shocked at the answers. After she changed her way of speaking to others, they found out what a truly nice person she is. Everyone is much happier now.
sounds like a good idea...wish she would try it. - anon
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but she won't.

Re: stupid??? - sm

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Agree. It was an unnecessarily rude, poorly written post. Just because it was first used years ago as a political slogan (''It's the economy, stupid'') does not make it cute, clever, or any less rude.
Exactly! - Old part-timer
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It was meant to be insulting then and it's still insulting. It doesn't mean the reader didn't get the reference. "Barb" goes out of her way to be smug and superior. I'm wondering if that is actually her name or just a warning of what her post is going to be - a "barb".
Barb... - Barb
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has opinions just like everyone else on this board and there are many ladies on this board with bad attitudes. I, in no way, meant to call anyone stupid. I am not rude and never have been. I am also not a push over. I state my opinion and stand by it. I never said anyone had to agree with it. Lots of ladies on this board go out of their way to be hateful and rude. I'm wondering why you are so afraid to use your real name instead of old timer. My name is Barbara...Barb for short. There are lots of rude people on this board who just love to take things out of context.

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