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Big, HUGE disagreement

Posted: May 23, 2011

A friend of my daughter has a kitten.  The friend  can't have pets where he's currently staying, so I agreed to give the kitten a home, temporarily. I love cats, and he's a really nice kitty. 

My DH is infuriated at my decision. He said if it's not gone by next weekend, he's going to kill it. We have 6 pets (3 dogs, 3 cats) of our own. It had been 8, but two died of old age recently. So it's not like we're anti-pet. But he wants to keep the diminishing pet population the way it is. He's said that once the cats are all gone, he doesn't want any more. 

We're not speaking at the moment because of it. He works a distance away, so he has a place he rents during the week, and is only here on weekends. 

Due to his new job and -existing condition BS with health insurance, he's been without his ADD meds for the past 4 months. EVERYTHING has been setting him off lately. I thought he had said goodbye during a phone call last week, so I hung up.  He called right back furious that I'd hung up on him. He said it "hurt his soul" that I hung up on him. I said repeatedly that it was a misunderstanding on my part and that I didn't hang up on him out of anger or anything. I simply thought we were done talking, and I needed to get back to work. 

He called last night after he got back to the second house and left me a voicemail. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was along the lines of saying I'd painted myself into a corner with this cat thing.  

If this is how he's acting with me, I'm wondering how he's acting at work. EVERYTHING that I or my daughter did made him mad this weekend.  She needed to replace her cell phone, but she needed him to be there in person with her so they knew we weren't trying to do some identity theft thing. We'd already tried doing it ourselves. I'm authorized to make changes, but the account's in his name and in this instance he needed to be there to authorize it. When she asked if they could go before he left to go back up north, he got angry and started listing off all the things he still needed to do. He said she was being demanding and he wasn't going to drop everything to go help 

I don't know if this is something I should stand my ground on and say the cat can stay or not. In the 5 years we've been together, this is very odd behavior on his part. He's normally very easy going, not one to fly off the handle, and if he does, he's calmed down within a few minutes. Being a pet lover, I don't want to kick it out; it would be totally against my nature to do that. 

I can't even try to reason with him. No matter what I say, how I say it, tone of voice, whatever, he sees and hears it as being hostile, to the point that I actually do start getting hostile. He says we're partners, and he wants me to support him in this. 

Finances are bad, but doing this one nice thing isn't taking anything away from us in that regard.  

I don't get it. 


re: disagreement - just mimi

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I gotta say, that all the other issues aside, I\'d be ticked off too.... You\'ve got a lot of animals, and from what I gather, children also. I\'ve only got 2, one dog and one cat in a BIG house and the fur gets on everythign and makes me insane! I vacuum, sweep, lint roller, vacuum, sweep, lint roller and take them to get groomed! I understand why your DH went off the deep end with this though. It is a big deal.

It\'s not that this \"one thing isn\'t taking anything away from us...\", it\'s what the ONE extra represents, and to him its obviously a breaking point. I\'d send the kitty back and make peace. Afterall, what\'s more important? This particular kitty is not your problem. (I\'m not cold hearted, just realistic)

Hope you all work it out and he gets the meds he needs. Hope kitty gets a good home too.

re: i actually agree with this - sm

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Send kitty home and hope it finds a good permanent home. Not your battle. Help your husband. He's the one who obviously needs support right now without meds n stuff. Focus on what's important here.

Do you have a farm? That's a lot of animals!

I'd Be Ticked With All Those Animals - JF

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If my spouse was bringing in animals left and right and I didn't like animals all over the place, I'd clearly take it as a kick in the teeth. In my brain, that spouse would have no respect for me if he/she continued to bring in animals. You're basically telling him the animals are more important than he is. Sorry, no sympathy from me.

I saw this destroy my in-laws. The wife was a nut case about having animals, and the husband couldn't take it anymore. Guess what? Would you stick around if someone liked the dumb cats better than they liked you?I would high-tail it out of there but fast if my spouse chose animals over me.
4 of the pets are his - They didn't all come from me. n/m
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re: just mimi and OP's animals - booboo

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Well-said Just Mimi! It IS what the ONE more animal represents to him. I say it's disrespectful to your husband. The cat is not your problem, and it's not your obligation to find it a home, temporary or otherwise. Send it back and let them deal with it.

I would be mad too - Meds or no meds

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If a member of my household brought an animal home without consulting me. It doesn't matter if we had 10 pets or none.

You already knew he was on edge, stress was high, before you brought the cat home. Did you really think he was going to be all okely-dokely with that?

Get rid of the cat.

In the minority - Animal Lover

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I don't get it either. The fact that he said if it isn't gone he will kill it is totally over the top. So he doesn't want another animal. It's not the end of the world. He's not there the entire week, and I'll bet you have plenty to handle, too. I applaud you for taking in the cat. You even said it was temporary. I think at all costs he has to get back on his meds, because he doesn't sound very rational to me. Doesn't sound to me like it's the cat at all. A little kitten wouldn't make you flip out on your daughter and flip out on you over a simple misunderstanding on the phone. He is the one who is being disrespectul in my opinion. I would have a very hard time dealing with that. Good luck.

I agree - noni

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It seems the people who advised her all did so on the basis of whether or not they would want a cat. I don't think she expected to be judged by how many animals SHE chooses to have.

The real problem is her husband and whether or not off meds he's dangerous. Threatening to kill a kitten doesn't sound very normal to me, and I'd find some way to get him back on his medication. It sounds to me like he has the potential to be dangerous without it.

Anything seems to be a trigger for hubs - and now a cat is in danger

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I agree the cat needs to go for its own safety.
Need to take a closer look at Hubs. If he could - kill a kitten, he could hurt her, too.
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That's an over-reaction... - Hardly the same thing
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The "kill the kitten" is probably just a bluff.
Maybe but - Christine
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Even if it is, he's using that to control his family and get his way. That makes him potentially dangerous. Speaking for myself, I could not even speak those words. The thought of it makes me want to cry.
Get a grip - Hardly the same thing
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Animals are NOT people. They get euthanized every day. There is something radically wrong with people who torture animals but, let's face it, animals get "put down" every day for a lot of different reasons.

No animals are not people. They're BETTER than - most people. The husband has - sm
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serious issues. She should be taking a long, hard look at them.

He isn't even there all week. Why should he really care if she has a kitten?

The fact that he would demand that she get rid of it, and worse, threaten her with killing it, is a major RED FLAG. He is probably controlling and abusive in that relationship, at least mentally, but it could become physical.

Finally, his overreaction to the presence of a kitten, or any of the animals, in addition to the fact that he's living off-site during the week, and his bad treatment of his wife, makes me wonder if he's got something else going on, on the side. And now he's trying to justify his actions, or maybe even the possibility of leaving her, by making it look like somehow she is to blame. Far-fetched? Nope. I just watched this same thing (husband living in another town during the week for work) go down with my best friend. And he was cheating on her big time.
Hubby is the one who's overreacting. And even - if hes bluffing, its a terrible thing to say to he
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I agree with the meds-thing, though. If being off them is making him this mean, then I think it's important that he be on the meds, regardless of the price. Because if he doesn't get back on them, the cost to him (or both of them) could be very dear, indeed. Being off his meds is giving him the potential to do something dumb, that could ruin both their lives.

Re: Animal Lover - sm

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I don't believe that anyone who said she should take the kitten back said they didn't like animals. That isn't the "issue" at hand. The issue is that she should have not done it! There is obviously pre-exisiting tension in the home about something. Why in the world would the OP simply feel that she is above consulting with her husband about this? Why would you applaud someone on the verge of becoming a hoarder of animals? Sounds like that's what the OP and her family are becoming. 6 animals and taking in another. I've got to wonder, as an animal lover myself, about the kind of home they are living in? Is it, as someone already asked, a farm? Is it a ranch? Is it a big house with a big yard? Are the animals outdoor animals, and if so, do they have a yard conducive to good health? Do they all have shots and are they healthy?

I have two dogs, one cat and a large parrot and they are very well taken care of, but shots and care are an quite an expense. Food alone for the parrot is costly! 6+ animals and husband, wife, children and a husband who rents another place for work?? That's a lot of money... Just food for thought. It's not a matter of if we "love" animals or not, it's can we provide the best for them that they need, not just food and water.

Yeah, he said something stupid, but I agree with those above, who said he's reached his breaking point. He's already stressed without medications, not he's being totally disrespected by his family. Nice...

I wondered about the size of the home also - chickadee

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I have a 3 bedroom, average sized house, 2 kids and 2 dogs, medium to small yard. We have to clean the yard EVERYDAY to keep it usable to the kids. It's a lot of work just keeping up with the boys, not to mention walking, grooming, feeding, playing and keeping the dogs healthy too. SOmetimes I feel like we're bursting at the seams. I would also have to wonder about the conditions the family and animals are living in. and you're right, it's not about "loving animals", it's whether or not it was the right thing to do in this situation and clearly it was not.
To everyone above. OMG- get grip! - Shirl
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Talk about speculation. One post and you know EVERYTHING about our living environment? Really?!

1. He's not violent. He just doesn't care for cats. He tolerates them. He even likes one of ours, to a point. He wouldn't really kill it. I don't like all the dog hair that collects in the house, but I'm not going to say I'm going to kill the dog who sheds the most either.

2. We're not animal hoarders. Since when is 6 of something hoarding? I have more than 6 board games. OMG! I'M A HOARDER! PLAN AN INTERVENTION. He had 3 dogs and 2 cats when we met. I had 1 dog and 2 cats. We merged households. Yes, we started out with 8, we're now down to 6. And, no, 2 of them did not die of neglect. They were old - both 14. They didn't get to be that old because we're irresponsible animal hoarders. We have a 2-story, 2-bath, 3-bedroom house on 5 acres of land on the edge of town. The dogs have their own door. They get fed twice a day. They have tons of water available. We even have a stream running through the property. The property is also fenced. No neighbors or passersby are in "danger" from our animals. I don't plan on expanding the pet population permanently. This was an EXCEPTION, not the norm.

3. Our youngest "child" is 18. They aren't in diapers crawling across the floor. The litter boxes are in the basement. The unfinished basement that isn't used for human habitation. A pregnant woman could come over and not be in fear of getting toxoplasmosis. You can call off the CDC.

4. The person (20-year-old girl) who had been watching the kitten decided to stop over on Saturday night, unannounced, so the owner could see it, dropped it off and left. We didn't know it was going to happen. We had friends over. The dogs got all excited when they saw it. Pandemonium ensued. But I wasn't about to say, at 10:00 at night, that it had to get out. It was here all of 12 hours when DH asked if it was still here and got mad when it was. Again, he isn't even here during the week, and sometimes doesn't come down on the weekends if we can't afford to spend the $80 on gas for the round trip.

I'm guessing all of you posters who are livid that I didn't "respect" my DH's wishes kept in the "obey" part of your wedding vows too.

Now, you can continue to argue amongst yourselves all you want, but I'm done.

Youre the one who made your husband sound - like a lunatic
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A couple of paragraphs about the cat, but most of your original rant is about how nutty your "DH" has been acting since he has been off his meds.

I would guess that (most) everyone who has read your original post got to the end and thought... this is not about a stray kitten.

You lit this fire, Shirl.
Hey Shirl... - sk
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You obviously made up your mind about the kitten so why did you post? "Obey" has nothing to do with it. You painted a picture of an unreasonable, undermedicated, unstable man, asked the board for suggestions and got them!

Just because they didn't side with YOU, doesn't mean you can bash them! Bad form Shirl. Bad form! Next time you post put a stipulation at the bottom of your posting that says "please answer only if you agree with me and are going to be positive and say things I want to hear"... sheesh!

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