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2010 really sucks so far

Posted: Jul 3, 2010

Well, the title pretty much says it all.  What a year it's been for all I know, and I am getting worn down holding it together.  Here goes the list:

Husband, lost job, got new job in Alaska, but new employer will pay zero for relocation funds, so the family is separated for a least another year until we can sell the house, sell the household goods, and save money for the move.  Add 2 unhappy-about-moving teens to that!

My freeloader sister wants to move in with me; I say NO.  She blames me for her health problems. Cut off contact with her.

My oldest son (21) finds out his fiance is pregnant by another man; he breaks it off with her; sinks into a deep depression; he is getting better; then he fractures his ankle badly in a motorcycle accident; and now is even more depressed. At least he's working though and moved back in so I can monitor his foot/emotions.

Now mother-in-law is hysterical. Found out my bum of a BIL and SIL have literally stolen thousands of dollars from my MIL. Long, long story. We all saw it coming, but MIL would not listen.  It's worse than I thought. Her IRA/savings everything is gone. She only has her SSN. She is 75.  Imagine having to press charges against your own daughter for embezzlement. I called my huband in Alaska, but he basically wants to just wash his hands of the whole thing.  Last April, we bailed out his mother and save her house from foreclosure because my a**hole relatives were taking MIL's money and not paying the bills.  So now, my husband says, Not one more dime to anybody.  His mother will be on the street.  But GUESS who will probably end up taking of her????  Yep. Me.  Her son's in Alaska, her daughter is a crook, and I'm the one who feels the burden.  My MIL is really a sweet lady who absolutely refused to believe that her own family was stealing her money.

So anyway...I feel very burdened right now.  Since husband is gone, I have no friends or relatives really to turn to for support for myself other than my kids, and I hate to complain to them.  There are good things..health is good, my MT work is steady, husband's job in Alaska is good.  But I feel that I am the one holding it all together with little to prop me up lately than some really strong cups of coffee.  So, had to turn to internet strangers for a pity party.  Thanks for listening.   


Silver lining? - s/m

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Is MIL all there? In some ways, with everything going on, it might be nice having her there. With the eldest to nurse and the unruly teens, if MIL can help with the cooking, it might be a little bit of the load off you. And at least you won't have to worry about her because you know she's being taken care of, plus it will give you somebody to talk to.

You do have a lot on your plate right now. It's a horrible market to have to try and sell your house, but giving yourself a year is a great idea as far giving yourself plenty of time to do the little things getting it sale ready, like painting, little fixes, etc. Don't forget to warn your kids to steer clear of Bristol!!

Oh my gosh Mrs. Misery, I'm so sorry :-( - Hayseed

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I have absolutely no sage advice, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for what you are going through and the HUGE burden you are carrying.

Take care of yourself and please keep us posted.

Lordy, what a mess! - Triscuit

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Hang in there, m'dear, things will get better. Alaska is beautiful, and moving there should be something to look forward to. At least you have a job you can take with you wherever you go.

Your MIL is the victim of elder abuse by her daughter. and should be reported to your state's Dept of Social Services. There is also a National Council on Elder Abuse who might help (google them).

My brother removed my mother from her retirement condo and moved her in with him a distance away. He's in his 50s, has always been a bum, and now quit his job and is living on my mom's savings and pension.

My heart felt best wishes go to you in this ordeal you are facing - anonymoose

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I don't know what it is, but this year does suck for sure. You sure have a lot on your plate right now and I wish you all the best and hope things work out the best for you.

I'm with the poster above who suggested having your MIL come and stay with you. That is if you are both compatible with each other. I think that would be a good move and you could both give each other the emotional support it looks like you both need.

What rotten, low down, skum for kids she has doing that to her. How dare they! I really have a huge problem with people who take things that is not theirs to take, but to do that to your own mother? I hope somehow they go to jail for what they did.

Alaska...what a wonderful opportunity for your family. I am so envious. I'd move there in a heart beat if I could. Keep your chin up...I'm sure your house will sell. I would tell your kids that sometimes people have to make sacrifices, and with the way the country is right now, Alaska is where you have to go. When they are adults and on their own they can make their own decisions, but they should give it a try because they may find they love it there.

I do agree with you that 2010 really does suck so far for me too, but my misery is for a different post. Just know that I'll be wishing you all the best.

2010 - Mrs. Misery

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Hello, Thank you very much for the good wishes. Guess I just needed a pat on the back. I honestly have few people that I can confide in. I\'m the one who is supposed to be the rock right now, but I\'m feeling worn down by the tides of misfortune.

It is hard to convey all the stories in the a post. I appreciate your thoughts on my MIL. I did neglect to say that the money involved was a family business. Basically, the BIL and SIL took over the business about 9 years ago so my MIL could retire. They siphoned funds off. Not sure where this will all end, but husband and I have already discussed bring MIL to live with us and recover what we can for her.

Anyway, thanks again for your kind thoughts. I was feeling pretty low last night and just needing to \"talk\". Thanks.

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